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“Teoría y problemas de acústica”. Seto, William W. MacGraw-Hill (Serie Schaum), Mexiko, 1973

“Acústica Práctica”. Savioli, Carlos Umberto. Librerias y Editorial Alsina, 1992)

“The science of sound”. Rossing, Thomas D. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass. (Eta abar.), 1989

“The physics of sound”. Berg, Richard E. / Stork, David G. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1995

“Fundamentals of Acoustics”. Kinsler, Lawrence E./ Frey, Austin R./  Coppenns, Alan B./ Sanders, James V. John Wiley & Sons, New York (Eta abar), 2000

“Master Handbook of Acoustics”. Everest, F. Alton. McGraw-Hill/TAB Electronics, 4th edition 2000

“El Universo Mecánico (serie)”. Videocasete. Arait Multimedia, Madril.

Fenómenos ondulatorios (El proyecto Newton propone el aprendizaje interactivo de la Física para la Enseñanza Secundaria):

Acústica Básica y sonido:

“Ingeniería Acústica” - Con 1 CD. Recuero López, Manuel. Paraninfo, 2000

“Introducción a la Acústica”. Savioli, Carlos Umberto. Edizioa: e-book (formatua: Acrobat Reader, PDF) Libreria Editorial Alsina, 2003

Acoustics & Vibrations WWW Virtual Library:

Acoustics and Vibration Animations:






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“Los sonidos de la música”. Pierce, John R. Prensa Científica, Bartzelona, 1985

“Fundamentos físicos de la música”. De Diego, A.M. / Merino, M. ICE Universidad de Valladolid, 1988

“Acústica musical”. Agulló, Joaquim (comp.). Prensa Científica (Libros de Investigación y Ciencia), Bartzelona, 1989

“Acústica físico-musical”. Calvo Manzano Ruiz, Antonio. Real Musical, Madril, 1993

“The acoustical foundations of music”. Backus, John. W.W. Norton, New York (Eta abar.), 1977

“Music, Physics and engineering”. Olson, Harry F. Dover, Kanada, 1967

“Physics and the sound of music”. Rigden, John S. John Wiley & Sons, New York (Eta abar), 1985

“Musical acoustics: selected reprints”. Rossing, Thomas D. (de.). American Association of Physics Teachers, College Park, Maryland, 1988

“Measured tones: the interplay of physics and music”. Johnston, Ian H. Institute of Physics, Bristol, 1989

“Fundamentals of musical acoustics”. Benade, Arthur H. Dover, New York, 1990

“The physics of musical instruments”. Fletcher, Neville H. / Rossing, Thomas D. Springer-Verlag, New York (Eta abar) 1991

“The Musicians's guide to Acoustics”. Campbell, Murray and Greated, Clive. Oxford University Press, 2001

“Acoustics of bar percussion instruments”. Moore, James Loyal. UMI, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1971

“The physics of the violin”. Cremer, Lothar. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1984

“Horns, strings, and harmony”. Benade, Arthur H.. Dover, New York, 1992

F. J. Sánchez-González, Txistulari, 182, 19-23 (1995).

Mos, Área de Música (ESO) y materia de Historia de la Música (Bachillerato):

Musical Acoustics:

Basque Arts & Culture website:

A website about the Txistu:

BogaBoga, Le portail Internet du Pays Basque - Euskadi - Basque Country - Web Portal:

“Los instrumentos de música”. Videocasete. Radiodiffusion Télevision Belge de la Comunauté FranÇaise, Belgika.

“Howstuffworks, How Electric Guitars Work”:





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“Diseño acústico de espacios arquitectónicos”. Carrión, A.. Ediciones UPC, Bartzelona, 1998

“Acústica arquitectónica aplicada”. Recuero López, Manuel. Paraninfo, Madril, 2000

“ABC de la Acústica Arquitectónica”. Arau, Higini. CEAC, 1999 

“Acoustics and the performance of music”. Meyer, Jurgen. Verlag das Musikinstrument, Frankfurt am Main, 1978 

“Architectural Acoustics”. Egan, M. David. McGraw Hill, New York (etc.), 1988

“Architectural Acoustics”. Ando, Yoichi. Spinger, New York, 1998

“Room  Acoustics”. Kuttruff, Heinrich. Routledge mot E F & N Spon; 4th edition, 2000

“Architectural Acoustics Design Guide”. Cowan, James P. (Editorea), Acentech. McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000

“Basic Home Studio Design”. White, Paul (Editorea). Sanctuary Press, 2000

“Architectural Acoustics”. Brooks, Christopher N. McFarland & Company, 2002

“Concert Halls and Opera Houses: Music, Acoustics, and Architecture”. Beranek, Leo. Springer Verlag, 2nd edition 2003

“How to Build A Small Budget Recording Studio From Scratch: With 12 Tested Designs”. Shea, Mike. McGraw-Hill/TAB Electronics, 3rd edition 2002





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“Informática y electrónica musical”. Núñez, Adolfo. Paraninfo S. A., Madril, 1992

“Sonido profesional”. Tribaldos, Clemente. Paraninfo S. A., Madril, 1999

“Music, Physics and Engineering”. Olson, Harry F.. Dover Publications, Inc, 1967 

“Acoustic and Auditory Phonetics”. Johnson, Keith. Blackwell, 1997

Denoisings (links to a variety of material related to the article Time-frequency analysis of musical instruments.):

“Howstuffworks, How Amplifiers Work”:

“Howstuffworks, How Cds Work”:

“Howstuffworks, How MP3 Players Work”:

“Howstuffworks, How Speakers Work”:

“Howstuffworks, How Tape Recorders Work”:

“Electroacústica, Prof Calogero Bruscianelli”:





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“Manual de acústica, ruido y vibraciones”. Flores, P., GYC, 1990

“Manual de medidas acústicas y control de ruido”. Harris, Cyril M., McGraw Hill, Madril (etc.), 1998

“Ingeniería Acústica”. Recuero, Manuel. Paraninfo, Madril, 1999 

“Handbook of Acoustical Measurements and Noise Control”. Harris, Cyril M., McGraw Hill Text; 3rd edition June 1991. Versión en español: “Manual de medidas acústicas y control de ruido”. Harris, Cyril M.. McGraw Hill, July 1999

“Noise and Vibration Control Engineering: Principles and Applications”. Beranek, Leo L./ Vér, István L.. John Wiley&Sons, New York (etc.), 1992, Centre d'information et de documentation sur le bruit:

La web del ruido:





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“Music, Sound and Sensation”. Winckel, Fritz. Dover, New York, 1967

“An introduction to the psychology of hearing”. Moore, Brian C. J: Academic Press, London (Eta abar.), 1989

“Musical perceptions”. Aiello, Rita (coed.) / Sloboda, John A. (koed.). Oxford University Press, New York (Eta abar), 1994

“Signal, Sound and Sensation”. Hartmann, William W.. Spinger, New York, 1998

“El oído y la Audición”. Videocasete. Ancora Audiovisuales, Bartzelona.

“Five Senses. Lesson 3: Hearing”:

“Seeing, Hearing and Smelling the World”:

“The EAR Foundation - Interactive Anatomy of the Ear”:

“Howstuffworks, How Hearing Works”:

“Neuroscience for Kids - Hearing Experiments”:




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