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February 6, 2001 

In the Mysterious Microscopic World, Noise Begets Silence


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  • Physicists have a history of finding natural laws that fit elegantly into the language of mathematics but that become seeming paradoxes when expressed with ordinary words. Now, along with particles that behave as waves and vice versa, they have a new paradox to entertain them: noise that makes certain systems in nature quieter.

    In a paper titled "Noise Suppression by Noise," which was published yesterday in the journal Physical Review Letters, two physicists have found that the noise, or random fluctuations, generated by particular types of microscopic systems can actually be quieted when more noise is added from the outside.

    The practical consequence of the work may be to show that some systems in nature, like biological cells, may already be using the effect to operate more efficiently and smoothly, since noise of various types is abundant in natural environments. The work could also someday help scientists understand certain types of advanced circuitry in which noise, or static, is unavoidable.

    The finding's immediate effect, however, will be to pull back the veil a little further on the strange workings of the microscopic world.

    In everyday experience, said Dr. Jose M. G. Vilar of the molecular biology department at Princeton, who is the paper's lead author, "We put more noise in and we get more noise out."

    But the systems he studied with his colleague in the research, Prof. Miguel Rubí, of the department of fundamental physics at the University of Barcelona in Spain, have what mathematicians call "nonlinear" behavior, scrambling that direct relation. Some of those systems, Dr. Vilar and Dr. Rubí found, reverse ordinary intuition.

    "You put noise in the system and it displays less noise," Dr. Vilar said.

    Prof. Charles Doering, of the mathematics department of the University of Michigan, said the findings added to a growing recognition that noise in many biological and physical systems could actually make them more sensitive and efficient, rather than being only a source of confusion.

    "The bottom line is that noise can be extremely beneficial," Professor Doering said. "It can act as a lubricant to make things work better and smoother."

    The first collision of mathematics and ordinary language comes in defining the "noise" considered in the research. The noise in question mostly involves random fluctuations in the flow of particles and electrical current in microscopic systems like cell membranes and advanced circuitry.

    Physicists call those fluctuations noise because, like static in a stereo system, they add to some steady signal and confuse it. In a cell, the noise may consist of fluctuations in the flow of particles through so- called ion channels in a membrane, while in advanced circuit elements called quantum dots it consists of jumps and dips in an otherwise steady and predictable current.

    Each of those systems produces its own intrinsic or internal noise. Ion channels, for example, open and close to regulate the flow of electrically charged atoms called ions, and because the process is not perfectly regular, the steady flow is complicated by noise. The work by Dr. Vilar and Dr. Rubí shows that, strangely enough, any additional noise - caused, say, by the jostling of other molecules or by externally applied electrical fields - can actually quiet the flow of ions, making it smoother and more regular.

    Although the findings are largely theoretical, they could have practical consequences, since systems like the ion channel often operate in configurations that produce large amounts of internal noise - exactly the situation in which the new calculations say external noise could quiet the flow. Similar conclusions may hold for quantum circuits and other related systems.

    Dr. Vilar said that the effect could allow those systems to operate more smoothly in configurations with just the right amount of average or steady flow, but also with lots of internal noise. Adding external noise would not change the average value but would quiet the fluctuations.

    "You have a system which in some places displays a lot of noise, but you like those places," Dr. Vilar said. "And other places which don't display much noise, but you don't like those places."

    By adding external noise, he said, "basically, you get the best of both parts."

    "You get the noise of one and the average of the other," he added.

    As always with the verbal "paradoxes" of physics, the hard part is explaining in common language how and why the phenomenon works.

    It helps to visualize how an ion channel or a quantum dot operates normally. Because nature is grainy on the microscopic level, with everything made up of particles and lumps of charge, both systems operate like a door that lets people through. Since the door cannot open partly and let "half a person" through, the flow rate depends only on how frequently the door is opened to let whole people through.

    That means flow in the ion channel, for instance, can be regulated from zero to intermediate values to some maximum depending on whether the "door" is always closed, open as often as closed or always open. Not surprisingly, the intrinsic noise, or random fluctuations in the flow, occur for those intermediate values, where slight variations in the door's behavior have the most effect. Constantly closed or open doors permit no variation.

    But it is exactly in those intermediate regimes that the channel is likely to operate most often as it adjusts to the needs of the cell (as, for example, when neuron cells take on or expel charge as part of their electrical firing). An external jitter of some kind can in a sense knock the system away from its noisiest point of operation without affecting the average flow, the calculations showed. In a sense, the door becomes pinned against a doorjamb briefly enough to still the intrinsic noise and not affect the passage of the people.

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