ICONIP 2008 Special Session

De Grupo de Inteligencia Computacional (GIC)
Revisión del 10:05 14 oct 2008 de Ivan.villaverde (discusión | contribs.) (→‎Important Dates)
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ICONIP 2008 - 15th International Conference on Neural Information Processing of the Asia-Pacific Neural Network Assembly

ICONIP 2008 Special Session: Neural Information Processing in Cooperative Multi-Robot Systems

Session Organizers

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Multi-robot systems are emerging as a new frontier in Robotics research, posing new challenges and offering new solutions to old problems. Multi-robot systems are usually employed to solve tasks that are impossible, or very difficult, for just one robot. They are also used to solve, in a more efficiently way, tasks that can be realized by isolated robots. Finally, multi-robots systems may provide a means to introduce redundancy in critical or dangerous tasks, where the possibility of losing a robot is high, or in situations where information is fragmented or incomplete. Multi-robot systems may be considered a particular case of multi-agent systems, so they are collections of interacting and cooperating autonomous agents, in this case with physical embodiment that impose restrictions on what they can do and how they interact with the environment.

The aim of this special session is to present state of the art papers on multi-robot systems that make use of Artificial Neural Networks and other biological inspired techniques like Evolutionary Algorithms, which address current problems in this research area from a biological inspired point of view.

Topics of Interest

  • Heterogeneous and modular robot architectures.
  • Heterogeneous multi-robot team coordination.
  • Cooperation hierarchies.
  • Cooperative multi-robot exploration.
  • Inter-robot communications.
  • Reactive distributed behavioural teams.
  • Perception based control: visual servoing and SLAM.
  • Self-organizing robot teams.
  • Multi-agent strategies for multi-robot systems.

Paper Submision

General stream conference papers of maximum 8 pages each should be submitted on-line following the Springer LNCS format. Papers for the special sessions and for the Workshops are submitted in same way as ordinary papers in the targeted session. Papers will be published after a presentation at the conference by the LNCS Springer series. Selected and extended papers will be published in special issues of journals after the conference.

When your paper is ready,please visit the paper submission site.

Important Dates

  • Deadline for papers submission --> 31 August 2008 --- 15th September --- Late submission: 20th October
  • Notification of papers acceptancee --> End of September 2008
  • Early author registration --> 20th October 2008
  • ICONIP 2008 Conference & Workshops --> 25-28 November 2008

Program Comitee

  • José A. Becerra, Integrated Group for Engineering Research, Universidade da Coruña
  • Francisco Bellas, Integrated Group for Engineering Research, Universidade da Coruña
  • Alicia d'Anjou, Computational Intelligence Group, Universidad del País Vasco
  • Richard Duro, Integrated Group for Engineering Research, Universidade da Coruña
  • Zelmar Echegoyen, I.S.A.R. Komat S.L.
  • Manuel Graña, Computational Intelligence Group, Universidad del País Vasco
  • Javier de Lope, Perception for Computers and Robots, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • José Manuel López-Guede, Computational Intelligence Group, Universidad del País Vasco
  • Darío Maravall Gómez-Allende, Perception for Computers and Robots, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Ángel Pasqual del Pobil, Robotic Intelligence Laboratory, Jaume I University
  • Iván Villaverde, Computational Intelligence Group, Universidad del País Vasco
  • Ekaitz Zulueta, Computational Intelligence Group, Universidad del País Vasco