
De Grupo de Inteligencia Computacional (GIC)
La versión para imprimir ya no se admite y puede contener errores de representación. Actualiza los marcadores del navegador y utiliza en su lugar la función de impresión predeterminada del navegador.

bib de revistas hasta 2009

submitidos sin decision

Manuel Graña and Miguel A. Veganzones
Endmember induction by Lattice Associative Memories and Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (submited) draft
Miguel A. Veganzones and Manuel Graña
A spectral/spatial CBIR system for hyperspectral images.
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (submitted) draft


Ion Marques, Manuel Graña
Face recognition with Lattice Independent Component Analysis and Extreme Learning Machines:
Soft Computing (aceptado con revisions)
JCR (2010) 1.512
editorial New trends and applications on hybrid artificial intelligence systems
Neurocomputing (in press)
Emilio Corchado, Manuel Graña, Michal Wozniak, (eds.) [1]
JCR (2010) 1.429
Maite Termenón, Manuel Graña
A two stage sequential ensemble applied to the classification of Alzheimer's Disease based on MRI features
Neural Processing Letters (accepted)
JCR (2010) 1.088
Ivan Macia; Manuel Graña; Josu Maiora; Celine Paloc; Mariano de Blas
Detection of Type II Endoleaks in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms After Endovascular Repair
Computers in Biology and Medicine 41(10): 871-880 [2]
ISI Impact JCR (2009) 1.269 (2010) 1.112
M. Graña, M. Termenon, A. Savio, A. Gonzalez-Pinto, J. Echeveste, J. M. Pérez, A. Besga
Computer Aided Diagnosis system for Alzheimer Disease using brain Diffusion Tensor Imaging features selected by Pearson’s correlation
Neuroscience letters, on line
Indice de impacto JCR (2010) 2.055
Manuel Graña, Ivan Villaverde, Jose Manuel Lopez-Guede, Borja Fernandez-Gauna
Lattice Independent Component Analysis for Appearance Based Mobile Robot Localization
Neural Computing and applications, (accepted)
Indice de impacto JCR (2009) 0.812 (2010) 0.563

Manuel Graña, Borja Fernandez-Gauna, Jose Manuel Lopez-Guede
Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Component Robotic Systems: guidelines for future research
Paladyn . Journal of Behavioral Robotics. [3] (in press) draft

A. Moujahid, A. d' Anjou, F. J. Torrealdea, and F. Torrealdea
Energy and information in Hodgkin-Huxley neurons
Phys. Rev. E 83, 031912 (2011)
Impact Factor: 2.400
A. Moujahid, A. d' Anjou, F. J. Torrealdea, and F. Torrealdea
Efficient synchronization of structurally adaptive coupled Hindmarsh-Rose neurons
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals: the interdisciplinary journal of Nonlinear Science, and Nonequilibrium and Complex Phenomena, DOI:10.1016/j.chaos.2011.07.005 (2011)
Impact Factor: 1.72
Alexandre Savio; Maria T Garcia-Sebastian; Darya Chyzhyk; Carmen Hernandez; Manuel Graña; Andone Sistiaga; Adolfo Lopez de Munain; Jorge Villanua
Neurocognitive disorder detection based on Feature Vectors extracted from VBM analysis of structural MRI
Computers in Biology and Medicine 41 (2011), pp. 600-610 DOI
ISI Impact JCR (2009) 1.269 (2010) 1.112

Andoni Beristain, Manuel Graña, Ana I. Gonzalez
A Pruning Algorithm for Stable Voronoi Skeletons
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision (in press)
JCR (2009) 1.437 (2010) 1.244
Z. Echegoyen, J.M. Lopez-Guede, B. Fernandez-Gauna and M. Graña
Visual Servoing of Legged Robots
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision (in press)
JCR (2009) 1.437 (2010) 1.244
Peter Sussner, Estevão L.Esmi, IvanVillaverde, ManuelGraña
The Kosko Subsethood FAM: Mathematical Background, Properties, and Some Experimental Results in Computer Vision
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision (in press)
JCR (2009) 1.437 (2010) 1.244
Darya Chyzhyk, Manuel Graña, Alexandre Savio, Josu Maiora
Hybrid Dendritic Computing with Kernel-LICA applied to Alzheimer’s Disease detection in MRI
Neurocomputing (in press) DOI
: ISI JCR (2006) 0.860, (2007) 0.865, (2008) 1.234 (2009) 1.440 (2010) 1.429
Manuel Grana; Emilio Corchado; Michal Wozniak
Special issue: HAIS 2010
Logic Journal of IGPL 2011; doi: 10.1093/jigpal/jzr001 [4]
Indice de impacto JCR(2009) 0.320 (2010) 0.458
Blanca Cases, Israel Rebollo, Manuel Graña
A Spatial-social-logical model explaining human behavior in emergency situations
Logic Journal of the IGPL (in press)
Indice de impacto JCR(2009) 0.320 (2010) 0.458
Josune Gallego, Carmen Hernandez, Manuel Graña
A Morphological Cellular Automata based on Morphological Independence
Logic Journal of the IGPL (in press)
Indice de impacto JCR(2009) 0.320 (2010) 0.458
Borja Fernandez-Gauna, Jose Manuel Lopez Guede, Ekaitz Zulueta, Zelmar Echegoyen, Manuel Graña
Basic Results and Experiments on Robotic Multi-Agent System for Hose Deployment and Transportation
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJAI) [5] 6(S11):183-202
Ivan Macia, Manuel Graña; Celine Paloc,
Knowledge Management in Image-based Analysis of Blood Vessel Structures
Knowledge and Information Systems (in press) [6]
JCR Impact factor (2009) 2.211 (2010) 2.000
Ramón Moreno, Manuel Graña, Alicia d’Anjou
Illumination Source Chromaticity Estimation Based on Spherical Coordinates in RGB
Electronics letters, (2011) 47(1):28–30 DOI
An implementation can be found in Illumination Source Chromaticity Estimation (ISC)
ISI JCR (2009) 0.970
Manuel Graña, Darya Chyzhyk, Maite García-Sebastián, Carmen Hernández
Lattice Independent Component Analysis for functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging DRAFT
Information Sciences 181 (2011), pp. 1910-1928
Impact factor JCR (2008): 3.095 (2009) 3.291
Javier Vaquero, Carlos Toro, Manuel Graña
Preserving Virtual Engineering Knowledge thorough the Product Life Cycle
Cybernetics & Systems 42 (2): 124-138.
ISSN: 0196-9722 (Print), 1087-6553 (Online), Taylor and Francis publishers (2011)
ISI JCR (2009) 0.780 (2010) 0.662
draft of the paper
G. García, J. Maiora A. Tapia, M. De Blas
Evaluation of Texture for Classification of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
After Endovascular Repair
Aceptado en Journal of Digital Imaging (ISI JCR 0.96)
Ivan Villaverde, Manuel Graña
Neuro-Evolutionary mobile robot egomotion estimation with a 3D ToF camera
Neural Computing and applications 20(3): 345-354, DOI
ISI JCR (2008) 0.767 (2009) 0.812 (2010) 0.563


Miguel Angel Veganzones, Leonia Nunes, Domingos Lopes, Carmen Hernández and Manuel Graña
Implementation of an user-friendly interface of the Forest-BGC model for regional/global-scale researches
SILVA LUSITANA, Año XVIII, December 2010.
Instituto Nacional de Investigaçao Agraria (Eds.); Portugal.
ISSN 0870-6352.

Borja Fernandez-Gauna, Jose Manuel Lopez-Guede, Ekaitz Zulueta, Manuel Graña
Learning hose transport control with Q-learning
Neural Network World 20(7):913-923 [7]
ISI JCR 2009: 0.475 (2010) 0.511
Alexandre Savio, Juliette Charpentier, Maite Termenón, Ann K. Shinn, Manuel Graña
Neural classifiers for schizophrenia diagnostic support on diffusion imaging data
Neural Network World 20(7):935-949 [8]
ISI JCR 2009: 0.475 (2010) 0.511
E. Irigoyen, M. Larrea, J. Valera, V. Gómez, F. Artaza
A Neuro‐Genetic Control Scheme application for industrial R^3 workspaces
Neural Network World 20(7):811-824 [9]
ISI JCR 2009: 0.475 (2010) 0.511
Maiora, J., Garcia, G., Tapia, A., Macia, I., Legarreta, J.H., Paloc, C., De Blas, M. & Grana, M.
Thrombus Change Detection After Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery
Springer-Verlag, 2010, Vol. 5 (Suppl 1), pp. S15
Iñigo Barandiaran, Celine Paloc, Manuel Graña
Real-time Optical Markerless Tracking for Augmented Reality Applications
J Real-Time Image Processing 5(2):129-138 [10], doi [11]
Impact factor JCR (2010): 0.962
Z. Echegoyen, I. Villaverde, R. Moreno, M. Graña, A. d’Anjou
Linked Multi-Component Mobile Robots: modeling, simulation and control
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 58(12) : 1292-1305
Impact Factor (2008): 1.214 (2009) 1.361 (2010) 1.313
DOI [12]
Ramón Moreno, Manuel Graña, Ekaitz Zulueta
An RGB Color Gradient following Color Constancy Preservation
Electronics Letters 46(13): 908--910
ISI JCR (2009) 0.970 (2010) 1.001

Richard J Duro; Manuel Graña Romay; Javier de Lope Asiain,
On the Potential Contributions of Hybrid Intelligent Approaches to Multicomponent Robotic System Development draft
Information Sciences 180 (14):2635-2648
DOI [13]
Impact factor JCR (2008): 3.095 (2009) 3.291 (2010) 2.833
Andoni Beristain, Manuel Graña
A pruning algorithm for Voronoi Skeletons
Electronics Letters 46(1):39-41
ISI JCR (2008) 1.140 (2009) 0.970 (2010) 1.001
Manuel Graña, Alexandre M. Savio, Maite García-Sebastián, Elsa Fernández.
A Lattice Computing approach for On-line fMRI analysis,
Image and Vision Computing 28(7):1155-1161, July 2010,
ISI JCR (2008) 1.496 (2009) 1.474 (2010) 1.525


Francisco J. Torrealdea, Cecilia Sarasola, Alicia d’Anjou, Abdelmalik Moujahid, N. Vélez de Mendizábal
Energy efficiency of information transmission by electrically coupled neurons
Biosystems, Volume 97, Issue 1, July 2009, Pages 60-71
Impact factor: 1.646
Francisco J. Torrealdea, Cecilia Sarasola, Alicia d’Anjou
Energy consumption and information transmission in model neurons
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Volume 40, Issue 1, 15 April 2009, Pages 60-68
Impact factor: 3.025 (2009) 3.315
Maite García-Sebastián, Ana Isabel González, Manuel Graña
An Adaptive Field Rule for Non-parametric MRI Intensity Inhomogeneity Estimation Algorithm [14]
Neurocomputing 72 (2009) 3556–3569
DOI: doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2008.12.034
ISI JCR (2006) 0.860, (2007) 0.865, (2008) 1.234 (2009) 1.440
JCR (2008) 1.234
Abdelmalik Moujahid, Blanca Cases, F.J. Olasagasti
Consensus dynamics in a dolphin social network
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol-442,2 (ISSN 1613-0073)
Blanca Cases, F.Javier Olasagasti, Abdelmalik Moujahid, Alicia D'Anjou
Swarm Intelligence: una aplicación a la toma de decisiones colectivas
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol-442,6 (ISSN 1613-0073)
Andoni Beristain, Manuel Graña.
Emotion Recognition Based on the Analysis of Facial Expressions.
New Mathematics and Natural Computation (NMNC), 5(2) pp.513-534 (world scientific press [15])
Manuel Graña, Ivan Villaverde, José Orlando Maldonado, Carmen Henandez
Two Lattice Computing approaches for the unsupervised segmentation of Hyperspectral Images
Neurocomputing, 72(2009):2111–2120
ISI JCR (2006) 0.860, (2007) 0.865, (2008) 1.234 (2009) 1.440
DOI 10.1016/j.neucom.2008.06.026
Manuel Graña
Special issue on the Lattice Computing and Natural Computing track from JCIS 2007
Neurocomputing 72:2065–2066
ISI JCR (2006) 0.860, (2007) 0.865, (2008) 1.234 (2009) 1.440
Maite García-Sebastián, Carmen Hernandez, Alicia d'Anjou
Robustness of an Adaptive MRI Segmentation Algorithm Parametric Intensity Inhomogeneity Modeling [16]
Neurocomputing 72 (2009) 2146-2152. BibTeX
ISI JCR (2006) 0.860, (2007) 0.865, (2008) 1.234 (2009) 1.440
DOI 10.1016/j.neucom.2008.07.014


Pablo González-Nalda and Blanca Cases
Topos: Spiking neural networks for temporal pattern recognition in complex real sounds
Neurocomputing, (2008) 71(4-6) :721-732
JCR 2008 1.234 JCR 2009 1.440
Ivan Villaverde, Zelmar Echegoyen, Manuel Graña
Neuro-Evolutive system for ego-motion estimation with a 3D camera
Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 10(1):59-70
ISSN 1321-2133
Israel Rebollo, Manuel Graña
Aplicaciones de RFID
Novatica,195:42-46, sept. 2008,
Jose Orlando Maldonado, Manuel Graña
Recycled paper visual indexing for quality control
Expert Systems with Applications, 45(4) pp 8807–8815
ISI JCR 2007 1.177- 2008 2.596
Sanin, C., Toro, C., Vaquero, J., Szczerbicki, E. Posada, J.
Implementing Decisional DNA in Industrial Maintenance by a knowledge SOUPA Extension
Systems Science, Vol. 33 No. 2:61-68
ISSN: 0137-1223, Wroclaw, Poland 2008.
Toro, C ,Sanin, C. / Szczerbicki, E. / Posada, J.
Reflexive Ontologies: Enhancing Ontologies with self-contained queries
Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal, 39: 1–19
ISSN: 0196-9722 print, 1087-6553 online, USA 2008.
ISI JCR 2006 0.964
Eloy Irigoyen, Miguel Pinzolas
Numerical bounds to assure initial local stability of NARX multilayer perceptrons and radial basis functions
Neurocomputing, 72; 539-547
ISSN: 0925-2312
ISI JCR 2008 1.745


Maite Garcia-Sebastián, Elsa Fernandez, M. Graña, Francisco J. Torrealdea
A parametric gradient descent MRI intensity inhomogeneity correction algorithm (pdf [17])
Pattern Recognition Letters 28(13):1657-1666
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR (2001, 2005, 2006, 2007) 0.552, 1.138 0.952 0.853
Ivan Villaverde, Alicia d'Anjou, M. Graña
Morphological Neural Networks and Vision Based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering 14(4):355-363
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR 2005 0.444, JCR 2006 0.236, JCR 2007 0.113, JCR 2008 0.617
Toro, C. / Posada, J / Oyarzun, J / Falcón, J
Supporting the CAD Structural Design Process with knowledge based tools,
Journal of Cybernetics and systems,
ISBN 1087-6553 (electronic) 0196-9722 (paper), Taylor and Francis publishers, 2007.
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR 2005 0.681, JCR 2006 0.964, JCR 2007 0.655
Sanin, C. / Szczerbicki, E. / Toro, C.
An OWL Ontology of Set of Experience Knowledge Structure
Journal of Universal Computer Science , Volume 13, number 2, pages 209-223, 2007
Entropy Analysis for Stochastic System Control


F.J. Torrealdea, A. d'Anjou, Manuel Graña, C. Sarasola
Energy aspects of the synchronization of model neurons
Physical Review E 74:011905
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR 2006 2.438
Toro, C. Posada, J Wundrak, S Stork, A
Improving Virtual Reality Applications in CAD through Semantics,
The International Journal of Virtual Reality, 2006, volume 5, Number 4, pages 39-46
Posada, J. / Wundrak, S. / Toro, C. / Stork, A.
Using Ontologies and STEP standards for the semantic simplification of CAD models in different engineering domains
Journal of Applied Ontology, Volume 1, Number 3-4/2006, pp. 263-279


Gurutze Arzamendi, Alicia d'Anjou, Manuel Graña, José R. Leiza, José M. Asua
Model reduction in emulsion polymerization using hybrid first principles/artificial neural networks models 2a Long Chain Branching Kinetics
Macromolecular Theory and Simulations 14:125-132
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR 2005 1.544
C. Sarasola, A. d'Anjou, F.J. Torrealdea, Manuel Graña
Minimization of the energy flow in the synchronization of nonindentical chaotic systems
Physical Review E 72:026223
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR 2005 2.418
C. Sarasola, , A. d'Anjou, F. J. Torrealdea and A. Moujahid
Energy-like functions for some dissipative chaotic systems.
Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 15(8), 2507-2521
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR 2005 0.845
A. d'Anjou, C. Sarasola, , F. J. Torrealdea.
On the characterization of different synchronization stages by energy considerations.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 23, 238–251
Blanca Cases and Manuel Alfonseca
Towards a proof of the decidability of the momentary stagnation of the growth function of D0L systems
Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 341, Issues 1-3, 5 September 2005, Pages 247-262
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR 2005 0.743
Posada, J. / Wundrak, S. / Toro, C. / Stork, A.
Using Ontologies and STEP standards for the semantic simplification of CAD models in different engineering domains
Journal of Applied Ontology, Volume 1, Number 3-4/2006, pp. 263-279


M. Graña, J. Gallego, C. Hernandez
A Single Individual Evolutionary Strategy for Endmember Search in Hyperspectral Images.
Information Sciences, Int. J 161(3-4):181-197
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR (2001,2003, 2005) 0.264, 0.447, 0.723
B. Raducanu, Manuel Graña, F.X. Albizuri, A. d'Anjou
A Probabilistic Hit-and-Miss Tranform for Face Localization
Pattern Análisis and Applications 7:117-127
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR 2004 0.803
Elsa Fernandez, Manuel Graña, Jesús Ruiz-Cabello
On a Gradient Based Evolution Strategie For Parametric Illumination Correction
Electronics Letters 40(9):531-532
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR 2004 0.968
Cecilia Sarasola, Francisco J. Torrealdea, Alicia d'Anjou, A. Moujahid, Manuel Graña
Energy balance in feedback synchronization of chaotic systems
Physical review E 69-011606
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR 2004 2.352


F. Xabier Albizuri, Manuel Graña, Bogdan Raducanu
Statistical transmission delay guarantee for nonreal-time traffic multiplexed with real-time traffic
Computer Communications 26 (2003) 1365–1375
Indicadores de calidad, JCR (2005) 0.556 (2009) 0.933
M. Graña, P. Sussner, G.X. Ritter
Innovative Applications of Associative Morphological Memories
Mathware & Soft Computing 10(3):155-168
journal web page
A. d'Anjou, F. J. Torrealdea, J.R. Leiza, J.M. Asua, G. Arzamendi
Model reduction in emulsion polymerization using Hybrid First-Principles/Artificial Neural Networks models
Macromolecular Theory and Simulation 12:42-56
indicadores de calidad, JCR (2005) 1.544 (2006) 1.073 (2007) 1.792 (2008) 1.912 (2009) 1.683
C. Sarasola, F.J. Torrealdea, A. d'Anjou, A. Moujahid and M. Graña
Feedback synchronization of chaotic systems
Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 13(1):177-191
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR 2003 1.014
B. Raducanu, M. Graña, F.X. Albizuri
Morphological Scale Spaces and Associative Morphological Memories: Results on Robustness and Practical Applications
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 9(2):113-131
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR (2003, 2005) 0.617,2.197
C. Sarasola, F.J. Torrealdea, A. d’Anjou, A. Moujahid, M. Graña,
Nonzero error synchronization of chaotic systems via dynamic coupling
Physica D 177(1-4):39-49
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR 2002,2003:1.144,1.014
R. Perez de Alejo, J. Ruiz-Cabello, M. Cortijo, I. Rodriguez, I. Echave, J. Regadera, J. Arrazola, P. Avilés, P. Barreiro, D. Gargallo, M. Graña
Computer- Assisted Enhanced Volumetric Segmentation Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data Using a Mixture of Artificial Neural Networks
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 21:901-912
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR 2003 1.420
FACING 11(2): 41--47


C. Sarasola, F.J. Torrealdea, A. d'Anjou, M. Graña
Cost of synchronizing different chaotic systems
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 58:309-327
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR (2001,2005): 0.253,0.554
Jesús Ruiz-Cabello, Javier Regadera, Carmen Santisteban, Manuel Graña, Rigoberto Pérez de Alejo, Imanol Echave, Pablo Avilés, Ignacio Rodriguez, Inmaculada Santos, Domingo Gargallo, Manuel Cortijo
Monitoring actute inflammatory processes in the mouse muscle by MR imaging and spectroscopy: a comparision with pathological results
NMR in Biomedicine 15:204-214
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR (2002,2005) 2.160, 2.469


B. Raducanu, M. Graña, F.X. Albizuri, A. D'Anjou
Face localization based on the morphological multiscale fingerprints
Pattern Recognition Letters 22:359-371
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR (2001, 2005) 0.552, 1.138
A.I. Gonzalez, M. Graña, J. Ruiz-Cabello, A. d'Anjou
Experimental results of an Evolution-based Adaptation Strategy for VQ Image Filtering pdf
Information Sciences, Int. J. 133 (3-4):249-266
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR (2001,2003, 2005) 0.264, 0.447, 0.723
M.C. Hernandez, F.X Albizuri, A. d'Anjou, M. Graña, F.J. Torrealdea
Efficient solution of MAX-SAT and SAT via higher order Boltzmann Machines
Investigacion Operacional 22(1):67-78
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares):
Editorial y Lugar de publicación: Dept. Matematica Aplicada, Fac. Matematica y Computación, Universidad de la Habana
Israel Rebollo, Manuel Graña y Carmen Hernández
Investigacion Operacional 22(2):184-192
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares):
Editorial y Lugar de publicación: Dept. Matematica Aplicada, Fac. Matematica y Computación, Universidad de la Habana
A. d'Anjou,C. Sarasola, F.J. Torrealdea, R. Orduna, M. Graña
Parameter adaptive identical synchronization disclosing Lorenz chaotic mask
Physical Review E E63-046213
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR Science Edition Impact Factor 2.202, (JCR 2002 2.397)
S. O. Anchorena, B. Cases
Modeling Chaotic Series by Simple Eco-Grammar Systems with Reproduction, Death and Maturation of Agents.
Grammars, vol. 6 num. 3, pp. 155-168 (2003)


A.I. Gonzalez, M. Graña, F.X. Albizuri, A. D'Anjou, F.J. Torrealdea
A Near Real-Time Evolution-based Adaptation Strategy for Dynamic Color Quantization of Image Sequences pdf
Information Sciences, Int. J. 122:161-183
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR (2003, 2005) 0.447, 0.723
J. Ruiz Cabello, I Rodriguez, P. Avilés, M. Graña, I. Echave, J. Regadera, D. Gargallo, M. Cortijo
Magnetic resonance imaging to monitor the biology of inflammation
European Biophysics Journal 29(4-5):363
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR (2001,2005) 1.917,1.811
ISSN: 0175-7571
I Rodriguez, M. Graña, I. Echave, P. Barreiro, M. Cortijo, J. Ruiz Cabello
MR image processing using neural networks and vector quantization
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine (MAGMA) 11 (supl. 1):143
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR 2003 1.836
F.X. Albizuri, A.I. Gonzalez, M. Graña, A. D'Anjou
Neural learning for distributions on categorical datapdf
Neurocomputing 34:1-9
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR (2001, 2005) 0.534, 0.790


J.A. Lozano, P. Larrañaga, M. Graña, F.X. ALbizuri
Genetic Algorithms: bridging the convergence gap
Theoretical Computer Science 229:11-22
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR 2005 0.743
A.I. Gonzalez, M. Graña, M. Cottrell
Basic competitive neural networks as adaptive mechanisms for non-stationary color quantization pdf
Neural Computing and Applications 8: 347-367
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR 2005 0.403


A. I. Gonzalez, M. Graña
Una estrategia evolutiva para clustering no estacionario
Inteligencia Artificial, Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial, 2(5): 68-73
A. I. Gonzalez, M. Graña, A. D'Anjou, F.X. Albizuri, F.J Torrealdea
A comparison of experimental results with a Evolution Strategy and Competitive Neural Networks for near real-time Color Quantization of image sequences pdf
Applied Intelligence 8 (1): 43-51
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR Science Edition Impact Factor 0.9


M. Graña, A. D´Anjou, F.J. Torrealdea
User expectations for the intelligent blackboard pdf
Displays 17 (3-4): 143-146
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR Science Edition Impact Factor: 0.947, JCR 2007 1.179
A. I. Gonzalez, M. Graña, A. D´Anjou, F.X. Albizuri, M. Cottrell
A sensitivity analysis of the Self Organizing Map as an Adaptive One-pass Non-stationary Clustering algorithm: the case of Color Quantization of image sequences pdf
Neural Processing Letters 6: 77-89
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR Science Edition Impact Factor 0.701
F.X. Albizuri, A. D'Anjou, M. Graña, P. Larrañaga
Structure of the high-order Boltzmann Machine from Independence Maps
IEEE trans. Neural Networks 8 (6): 1351-1358
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR Science Edition Impact Factor 2.205
M. Graña, A. D'Anjou , F.X. Albizuri, M. Hernandez, F. J. Torrealdea, A.I. Gonzalez
Experiments of fast learning with High Order Boltzmann Machines pdf
Applied Intelligence 7 (4): 287-303
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR 2005 Science Edition Impact Factor 0.569


F.X. Albizuri, A. D'Anjou , M. Graña,J.A. Lozano
Convergence properties of High-Order Boltzmann Machines
Neural Networks 9(9): 1561-1567
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): JCR Science Edition Impact Factor 1.665
M. Graña, A. D'Anjou , F.X. Albizuri, J.A. Lozano, P. Larrañaga, Y. Yurramendi, M. Hernandez, J.L. Jimenez, F. J. Torrealdea, M. Poza, A.I. Gonzalez
Experimentos de aprendizaje con Máquinas de Boltzmann de alto orden draft
Informática y Automática 29(4): 42-57


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An analysis of the GLVQ algorithm pdf
IEEE Transactions on Neural Netwoks 6 (4): 1012-1016
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The high order Boltzmann machine: learned distribution and topology
IEEE Transactions. on Neural Networks 6 (3): 767-770
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Competitive stochastic neural networks for vector quantization of images pdf
Neurocomputing 7: 187-195
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Alicia D'Anjou - Manuel Graña - Fco. Javier Torrealdea - Mª Carmen Hernández
Solving satisfiability via Boltzmann machines pdf
IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 15:514-521
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Alicia D'Anjou - Manuel Graña - Fco. Javier Torrealdea - Mª Carmen Hernández
Máquinas de Boltzmann para la resolución del problema de la satisfacibilidad en el cálculo proposicional
Revista Española de Informática y Automática 24: 40-49


Luis M. Alonso - Manuel Graña
Formal techniques and concurrent systems
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Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares): ISI JCR (2008) 2.646


Manuel Graña - Fco. Javier Torrealdea
Hierarchically structured Systems scan scan compressed
European Journal of Operational Research 25:20-26

Indicadores de calidad ISI JCR: (2008) 1.627,

Fco. Javier Torrealdea - Manuel Graña - Fernando Ferreres
A comparison between stochastic and deterministic simulation
Advances in Modelling and Simulation (AMSE press) 5:15-32
Indicadores de calidad (Índice de Impacto o similares):
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Una versión de GPSS
Revista Española de Informática y Automática 19:45-59
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Fco. Javier Torrealdea - Manuel Graña
Some ideas for a history dynamics model.
Dynamica 10: 103-106 [19]
Originalmente editada por el Bradford System Dynamics group fue posteriormente asumida por la System Dynamics Society y convertida en la actual The International Journal of System Dynamics, manteniendo los fondos bibliograficos asociados a Dynamica.
la publicación en la conferencia de System Dynamics que dió lugar al artículo