
De Grupo de Inteligencia Computacional (GIC)
La versión para imprimir ya no se admite y puede contener errores de representación. Actualiza los marcadores del navegador y utiliza en su lugar la función de impresión predeterminada del navegador.
Borja Ayerdi photo

Borja Ayerdi Vilches

Personal Data

  • E-mail:
  • Address:
Computational Intelligence Group
Computer Science Faculty - Lab. 307
University Of The Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
Paseo Manuel Lardizabal 1 - CP: 20018 Donostia/San Sebastián (GUIPUZCOA) - Spain
  • Tfno.: (+34) 943.01.80.47


PhD Student in the Computational Intelligence Group of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Department - Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU).

Research Areas

  • Medical Image segmentation and registration.
  • Machine Learning application to medical image processing.
  • Extreme Learning Machines.
  • Hyperspectral imaging.
  • Social Networks.
  • Big data.
  • Active learning.
  • Hybrid classification ensembles.

Working experience



  • Computer Vision (UPV/EHU 2014/2015)
  • Machine Learning and Neural Networks (UPV/EHU 2013/2014)


  • Vitoria-Gasteiz 2009 - (Intensive Programme) Network Security and 4n6


Research projects participation

  • Proyecto: Aprendizaje cooperativo inter e intragrupal en el submodulo de escructura y arquitectura de computadores.
    • Entidad adjudicataria: UPV/EHU, Proyecto de Innovación Educativa 6719.
    • Investigador principal: Jose Manuel Lopez Guede.
    • Fechas: 2014 – 2015.

  • Proyecto: Técnicas de inteligencia computacional en el proceso de imagen hiperespectral y aplicaciones.
    • Entidad adjudicataria: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación del Gobierno Español, TIN2011-28753-C02-02.
    • Investigador principal: Prof. Alicia d'Anjou.
    • Fechas: 2011 – 2013.


Submitted without decision

  • Borja Ayerdi, Manuel Grana
"Adaptive Hybrid Extreme Rotation Forest"
Neural Processing Letters

  • Pawel Ksieniewicz, Dariusz Jankowski, Borja Ayerdi, Konrad Jackowski, Michal Wozniak and Manuel Graña
"A Novel Hyperspectral Segmentation Algorithm - Concept and Evaluation"
Logic Journal of the IGPL

  • Borja Ayerdi, Bartosz Krawczyk, Manuel Grana and Michal Wozniak
"Combining One-Class Classifiers for Hyperspectral Image Segmentation"
Fundamenta Informaticae


  • Borja Ayerdi, Ion Marqués and Manuel Grana
"Spatially regularized semisupervised Ensembles of Extreme Learning Machines for hyperspectral image segmentation"
JCR 2012 - 1.634 (T1, Q2 CSAI) / [5-Year Impact Factor: 1.811]

  • Borja Ayerdi, Manuel Grana
"Hybrid Extreme Rotation Forest"
Neural Networks
JCR 2012 - 1.927 (Q1 CSAI) / [5-Year Impact Factor: 2.501]


  • Borja Ayerdi, Ion Marqués and Manuel Grana
"Spectral-spatial semi-supervised hyperspectral image segmentation using Ensembles of Extreme Learning Machines"
ELM 2013, Beijing, October 15-17, 2013.

  • J. Maiora , G. García , B. Ayerdi , M. Graña , M. De Blas
"Active Learning enhanced with Expert Knowledge for Computed Tomography Image Segmentation"
InMed 2013, Greece, 17-19 July, 2013.

  • Borja Ayerdi, Josu Maiora, Manuel Graña
"Aplications of Hybrid Extreme Rotation Forests for Image Segmentation"
Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems

  • Borja Ayerdi, Josu Maiora, Manuel Graña
"Enhancing Active Learning Computed Tomography Image Segmentation with Domain Knowledge"
HAIS 2013, Salamanca, 11-13 September, 2013.

  • Borja Ayerdi, Alexandre Savio, Manuel Graña
"Meta-ensembles of classifiers for Alzheimer's disease detection using independent ROI features"
J.M. Ferrandez et al. (Eds.): IWINAC 2013, Part II, LNCS 7931, pp. 122--130. Springer, Heidelberg (2013)

  • Borja Ayerdi, Manuel Graña
"On Spatial Regularization for Semisupervised Hyperspectral Image Segmentation Using Hybrid Extreme Rotation Forest"
WHISPERS 2013, Gainesville, USA, 25-28 June, 2013.

  • Darya Chyzhyk, Borja Ayerdi, Josu Maiora
"Active Learning with Bootstrapped Dendritic Classifier applied to medical image segmentation"
Pattern Recognition Letters
JCR 2012 - 1.266 (T1, Q2 CSAI) / [5-Year Impact Factor: 1.529]

  • Josu Maiora, Borja Ayerdi, Manuel Graña
"Random Forest Active Learning for Computed Tomography Angiography Image Segmentation"
JCR 2012 - 1.634 (T1, Q2 CSAI) / [5-Year Impact Factor: 1.811]


  • Borja Ayerdi Vilches, Manuel Graña
"Hybrid Extreme Rotation Forest".
ELM 2012, Singapore, 11-13 December, 2012.

  • Borja Ayerdi, Josu Maiora, Manuel Graña
"Active learning of Hybrid Extreme Rotation Forests for CTA image segmentation".
Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS), 2012 12th International Conference on (pp. 543-548). IEEE.


  • Ekaitz Zulueta Guerrero, Naiara Telleria Garay, Jose Manuel Lopez-Guede, Borja Ayerdi Vilches, Eider Egilegor Iragorri, David Lecumberri Castaños, Ana Belén de la Hoz Rastrollo and Carlos Pertusa Peña
"Prediction of Bladder Cancer Recurrences Using Artificial Neural Networks"
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010, Volume 6076, Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, Pages 492-499.


  • PyData 2014, Berlin ,25-27 July 2014.
  • Europython 2014, Berlin ,21-27 July 2014.
  • ELM 2013, Beijing, October 15-17, 2013.
  • HAIS 2013, Salamanca, 11-13 September, 2013.
  • WHISPERS 2013, Gainesville, USA, 25-28 June, 2013.
  • IWINAC 2013, Mallorca, 10-14 June, 2013.
  • FIA 2013, Dublin, 8-10 May, 2013.
  • ELM 2012, Singapore, 11-13 December 2012.
  • HIS 2012, Pune (India), 04-07 December 2012.


  • KES 2012
  • Pattern Recognition Letters
  • Neurocomputing
  • IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTARS)
  • Pattern Analysis and Applications
  • InMed 2014


  • Local organizing committee member of the KES International Conference on Innovation in Medicine and Healthcare - (INMED 2014) 7, 8 & 9 July 2014, San Sebastian, Spain.
  • Local organizing committee member of the 16th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems – (KES 2012) 10, 11 & 12 September 2012, San Sebastian, Spain.


  • Alexandre Savio, Borja Ayerdi y Manuel Graña: XIII Premio Manuel Laborde Werlinden, 2013 [1][2][3][4][5]
  • Alexandre Savio, Borja Ayerdi y Manuel Graña: XXIV Premio Toribio Echevarria, 2014 [6][7] [8]

Semana de la ciencia

  • XI Semana de la Ciencia 2011 (Diario Vasco)
  • XII Semana de la Ciencia 2012



General Datasets

Hyperspectral Datasets

Medical Datasets

Target journals

