Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Oier.echaniz»

De Grupo de Inteligencia Computacional (GIC)
(No se muestran 39 ediciones intermedias de 2 usuarios)
Línea 1: Línea 1:
[[File:Oier2.jpg|thumb|frame|350px|Myself, right now]]
|name        =
|bodystyle    =
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|abovestyle = background:#cfc;
|subheaderstyle =
|title        = My info
|above        = Oier Echaniz
|subheader    = PhD Student/Researcher/PDI
|subheader2  =
|imagestyle  =
|captionstyle =
|  image      = [[File:Oier2.jpg|350px|alt=Myself, right now]]
|caption      =  Myself, Right now
|headerstyle  = background:#ccf;
|labelstyle  = background:#ddf;
|datastyle    =
|header1 = Personal Data
| label1 =
|  data1 =
|header2 =
| label2 = E-mail
|  data2 = oier.echaniz@ehu.eus
|header3 =
| label3 = Twitter
|  data3 = [https://twitter.com/oiertwo oiertwo]
|header4 =
| label4 = LinkedIn
|  data4 = [https://es.linkedin.com/in/oier-echaniz-93887a38 Oier Echaniz]
|header5 =
| label5 = Tlfn
|  data5 = (+34) 943.01.80.47
|header6 = Address
| label6 =
|  data6 =
|header7 =
| label7 =
|  data7 = :Computational Intelligence Group
:Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
:Computer Science Faculty - '''Lab. 307'''
:University Of The Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
:Paseo Manuel Lardizabal 1 - CP: 20018 Donostia/San Sebastián (GUIPUZCOA) - Spain
|belowstyle = background:#ddf;
|below      =

== Oier Echaniz Beneitez ==
== Oier Echaniz Beneitez ==
Línea 9: Línea 60:
"Solving a problem in a hundred years is, practically speaking, the same as not solving it at all." - Steven Pinker
"Solving a problem in a hundred years is, practically speaking, the same as not solving it at all." - Steven Pinker
<h3>Personal Data</h3>
* <b>E-mail: </b>oier.echaniz@ehu.es
* <b>Address:</b>
:Computational Intelligence Group
:Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
:Computer Science Faculty - Lab. 307
:University Of The Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
:Paseo Manuel Lardizabal 1 - CP: 20018 Donostia/San Sebastián (GUIPUZCOA) - Spain
* <b>Tfno.:</b> (+34) 943.01.80.47
* <b>Linkedin :</b> [https://es.linkedin.com/in/oier-echaniz-93887a38 Oier Echaniz]
* <b>Twitter :</b> [https://twitter.com/oiertwo oiertwo]

Línea 33: Línea 68:
* [http://www.kisa.ehu.es/ Masters Degree in Computational Engineering and Intelligent Systems] (2012/2013) - Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU).
* [http://www.kisa.ehu.es/ Masters Degree in Computational Engineering and Intelligent Systems] (2012/2013) - Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU).
* Currently:  
* Currently:  
: PhD Student in the [http://www.ehu.es/ccwintco/ Computational Intelligence Group] of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Department - Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU).
: Researcher (PDI) at the [http://www.ehu.es/ccwintco/ Computational Intelligence Group] of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Department - Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU).

Línea 43: Línea 78:
* June/2011 - March/2012 - Research assistant at '''Tecnalia Research and Innovation'''  
* June/2011 - March/2012 - Research assistant at '''Tecnalia Research and Innovation'''  
:Data mining and optimization algorithms used to predict errors in a aeronautic production.
:Data mining and optimization algorithms used to predict errors in a aeronautic production.
* January/2013 - December/2015 - CTO/Founder at '''Asmatu Intelligent Solutions'''
:Optimization and machine learning for industry

Línea 50: Línea 88:
* [http://www.pyss.org Python San Sebastian Society] - Chair (since 2014)
* [http://www.pyss.org Python San Sebastian Society] - Chair (since 2014)
* [http://www.europython-society.org/members EuroPython Society] - Board member (since 2015)
* [http://www.europython-society.org/members EuroPython Society]  
** Member (since 2015).
** Board of directors (2015-2017)
** Media WG member (2017 - now)
* [http://pyss.org/euskopython/ EuskoPython Society] - Chair (since 2014)
* [http://pyss.org/euskopython/ EuskoPython Society] - Chair (since 2014)
* European Network for the Study of Cholangiocarcinoma ([http://www.enscca.org ENS-CCA]) - supporting member
* European Network for the Study of Cholangiocarcinoma ([http://www.enscca.org ENS-CCA]) - supporting member
Línea 80: Línea 121:

<div style="border:1px solid #CCC; background-color: #FCFCFC; padding: .5em; font-size: 85%; margin: 1em auto 1 em 0; width: 80%">
Marta Fernandez-Mercado, Erika Larrea, Izaskun Ceberio, Ibai Goicoechea, '''Oier Etxaniz''', Julien Buratti, Yufei Luo, Marcos Arauzo-Bravo,Markus Landthaler, Charles H. Lawrie1
: 22nd Congress of the European Hematology Association (E-POSTER)
<div style="border:1px solid #CCC; background-color: #FCFCFC; padding: .5em; font-size: 85%; margin: 1em auto 1 em 0; width: 80%">
Manuel Grana, '''Oier Echaniz''', Beatriz Rodriguez-Vigil and Idoia Labayen.
: Automated segmentation of visceral adiposity in MRI in obese children
: CORES 2017
<div style="border:1px solid #CCC; background-color: #FCFCFC; padding: .5em; font-size: 85%; margin: 1em auto 1 em 0; width: 80%">
'''Oier Echaniz''', Manuel Graña
: Ongoing work on deep learning for lung cancer prediction"
: IWINAC 2017

Línea 85: Línea 148:

<div style="border:1px solid #CCC; background-color: #FCFCFC; padding: .5em; font-size: 85%; margin: 1em auto 1 em 0; width: 80%">
Manuel Graña, '''Oier Echaniz'''
Manuel Graña, '''Oier Echaniz'''
: Views on Electronic Health Record
: Views on Electronic Health Record
: Inmed 2016
: Inmed 2016

Línea 93: Línea 158:

<div style="border:1px solid #CCC; background-color: #FCFCFC; padding: .5em; font-size: 85%; margin: 1em auto 1 em 0; width: 80%">
Medrano M, Maiz E, Maldonado-Martín S, Arenaza L, Rodríguez-Vigil B, Ortega FB, Ruiz JR, Larrarte E, Díez I, Sarasúa A, Tobalina I, Barrenechea L, Pérez-Asenjo J, Kannengiesser S, Manhães-Savio A, '''Echaniz O''', Labayen I
Medrano M, Maiz E, Maldonado-Martín S, Arenaza L, Rodríguez-Vigil B, Ortega FB, Ruiz JR, Larrarte E, Díez I, Sarasúa A, Tobalina I, Barrenechea L, Pérez-Asenjo J, Kannengiesser S, Manhães-Savio A, '''Echaniz O''', Labayen I
: The effect of a multidisciplinary intervention program on hepatic adiposity in overweight-obese children: protocol of the EFIGRO study  
: The effect of a multidisciplinary intervention program on hepatic adiposity in overweight-obese children: protocol of the EFIGRO study  
: Contemporary Clinical Trials  
: Contemporary Clinical Trials  
: DOI: 10.1016/j.cct.2015.09.017  
: DOI: 10.1016/j.cct.2015.09.017  

<div style="border:1px solid #CCC; background-color: #FCFCFC; padding: .5em; font-size: 85%; margin: 1em auto 1 em 0; width: 80%">
'''Oier Echaniz''', Borja Ayerdi, Alexandre Savio, Manuel Graña
'''Oier Echaniz''', Borja Ayerdi, Alexandre Savio, Manuel Graña
: An Ad-Hoc Image Segmentation of Subcutaneous and Visceral Adipose Tissue from Abdomino-Pelvic Magnetic Resonance Images
: An Ad-Hoc Image Segmentation of Subcutaneous and Visceral Adipose Tissue from Abdomino-Pelvic Magnetic Resonance Images
: Inmed 2015
: Inmed 2015

<div style="border:1px solid #CCC; background-color: #FCFCFC; padding: .5em; font-size: 85%; margin: 1em auto 1 em 0; width: 80%">
Borja Ayerdi, '''Oier Echaniz''', Alexandre Savio, Manuel Graña
Borja Ayerdi, '''Oier Echaniz''', Alexandre Savio, Manuel Graña
: Automated Segmentation of Subcutaneous and Visceral Adipose Tissues from MRI
: Automated Segmentation of Subcutaneous and Visceral Adipose Tissues from MRI
: Inmed 20115
: Inmed 2015
<div style="border:1px solid #CCC; background-color: #FCFCFC; padding: .5em; font-size: 85%; margin: 1em auto 1 em 0; width: 80%">
Alexandre Savio, '''Oier Echaniz''', Manuel Graña
: Comparando Cerebros con la Morfometría Basada en Voxel Clave: P
: Semana del cerebro, San Sebastián, 9/03/2015 (POSTER)
== Editorships ==
<div style="border:1px solid #CCC; background-color: #FCFCFC; padding: .5em; font-size: 85%; margin: 1em auto 1 em 0; width: 80%">
Editors: Graña, M., López-Guede, J.M., '''Etxaniz, O.''', Herrero, Á., Sáez, J.A., Quintián, H., Corchado, E. (Eds.)
: International Joint Conference SOCO’18-CISIS’18-ICEUTE’18
: ISBN 978-3-319-94120-2 [https://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319941196 link]


<div style="border:1px solid #CCC; background-color: #FCFCFC; padding: .5em; font-size: 85%; margin: 1em auto 1 em 0; width: 80%">
Editors: Graña, M., López-Guede, J.M., '''Etxaniz, O.''', Herrero, Á., Sáez, J.A., Quintián, H., Corchado, E. (Eds.)
: International Joint Conference SOCO’16-CISIS’16-ICEUTE’16
: ISBN 978-3-319-94120-2 [https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783319473635 link]

== Recognitions ==
== Recognitions ==
<div style="border:1px solid #CCC; background-color: #FCFCFC; padding: .5em; font-size: 85%; margin: 1em auto 1 em 0; width: 80%">
'''Medalla al merito ciudadano:'''
ASPANOGI, San Sebastian, 2017
: As part of Aspanogi volunteering team.
: [http://www.eitb.eus/es/noticias/sociedad/detalle/4586845/donostia-dara-20-enero-2017-medallas-al-merito-ciudadano/ link]

Línea 116: Línea 225:

<div style="border:1px solid #CCC; background-color: #FCFCFC; padding: .5em; font-size: 85%; margin: 1em auto 1 em 0; width: 80%">
'''Acknowledgement at:''' <br>
'''Acknowledgement at:''' <br>
Jesus M Banales et al.
Jesus M Banales et al.
Línea 122: Línea 232:
: doi:10.1038/nrgastro.2016.51
: doi:10.1038/nrgastro.2016.51
: [http://www.nature.com/nrgastro/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nrgastro.2016.51.html#acknowledgments link]
: [http://www.nature.com/nrgastro/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nrgastro.2016.51.html#acknowledgments link]

== Projects ==
*Entreprenari Saria 2012
<div style="border:1px solid #CCC; background-color: #FCFCFC; padding: .5em; font-size: 85%; margin: 1em auto 1 em 0; width: 80%">
'''Entreprenari saria 2012:''' <br>
Best end of grade project with business projections.

== Activities ==
== Activities ==
Línea 137: Línea 250:
* Instructor of Software Carpentry Workshop at Lund University 2016 ([https://alexsavio.github.io/2016-05-25-lunduni/ LundSWC])
* Instructor of Software Carpentry Workshop at Lund University 2016 ([https://alexsavio.github.io/2016-05-25-lunduni/ LundSWC])
* Speaker and worshop instructor of European Maker Week Gasteiz 2016 ([http://events.europeanmakerweek.eu/events/view/127 makerday])
* Speaker and workshop instructor of European Maker Week Gasteiz 2016 ([http://events.europeanmakerweek.eu/events/view/127 makerday])

* Local organizing committee and Co-Chair of organizing committee of ICEUTE 2018 ([http://www.ehu.eus/ccwintco/iceute2018/ ICEUTE 2018])
* Local organizing committee and Co-Chair of organizing committee of SOCO 2018 ([http://www.ehu.eus/ccwintco/iceute2018/ SOCO 2018])
* Local organizing committee and Co-Chair of organizing committee of CISIS 2018 ([http://www.ehu.eus/ccwintco/iceute2018/ CISIS 2018])
* Organizing committee member of HacKCancer Datathon 2018 ([http://www.hackcancer.eu Hackcancer])
* Local organizing committee member of Python San Sebastian 2017 ([http://pyss17.pyss.org Pyss17])
* Organizing committee as Board Member of Europython 2017 ([https://ep2017.europython.eu Europython 2017])
* Local organizing committee member of Python San Sebastian 2016 ([http://pyss16.pyss.org Pyss16])
* Local organizing committee member of Python San Sebastian 2016 ([http://pyss16.pyss.org Pyss16])
* Local organizing committee member of ICEUTE 2016 ([http://www.ehu.eus/ccwintco/iceute2016/ ICEUTE 2016])
* Local organizing committee member of ICEUTE 2016 ([http://www.ehu.eus/ccwintco/iceute2016/ ICEUTE 2016])
Línea 147: Línea 269:
* Local organizing committee and helper of Software Carpentry Workshop CFM-EHU 2016
* Local organizing committee and helper of Software Carpentry Workshop CFM-EHU 2016
* Local organizing committee member of the I International Monothematic Congress in Cholangiocarcinoma ([http://conf2016.enscca.org MCCCA])
* Local organizing committee member of the I International Monothematic Congress in Cholangiocarcinoma ([http://conf2016.enscca.org MCCCA])
* Local organizing committee member of Python San Sebastian 2015 ([http://pyss15.pyss.org Pyss15])
* Local organizing committee member of Python San Sebastian 2015 ([http://pyss15.pyss.org Pyss15])
* Local organizing committee (Host) and helper of Software Carpentry Workshop CFM-EHU 2015  
* Local organizing committee (Host) and helper of Software Carpentry Workshop CFM-EHU 2015  
Línea 155: Línea 278:

<h3> Attendee </h3>
<h3> Attendee </h3>
* Inmed 2016 - Tenerife, Spain
Attended conferences as participant
* IWINAC 2017 - La Coruña, Galicia, Spain
* CORES 2017 - Polanica-Zdroj, Poland
* Inmed 2016 - Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
* PyconSette - Florence, Italy
* PyconSette - Florence, Italy
* Inmed 2015 - Tokyo, Japan
* Inmed 2015 - Tokyo, Japan
Línea 164: Línea 290:

== Interesting Links and Projects ==

* [http://wiki.slicer.org/slicerWiki/index.php/Documentation/Nightly/Extensions/SlicerProstate SlicerProstate] - OS library for prostate imaging (Using Slicer) [https://github.com/SlicerProstate/SlicerProstate github]
# [[Usuario:Oier.echaniz/interes|Interesting links and projects]]
* [http://qiicr.org/ QIIRC] - Quantitative image informatics for cancer research
# [[Usuario:Oier.echaniz/media|Media appearances]]
* [http://www.birving.com/about.html birving] - Personal website of Benjamin Irving (medical Image researcher)

== Research Areas ==
== Research Areas ==

Revisión del 17:03 13 jun 2018

Error de Lua: no se puede crear el proceso: proc_open(/users/ccwintco/public_html/extensions/Scribunto/engines/LuaStandalone/binaries/lua5_1_5_linux_64_generic/lua.log): Failed to open stream: Permission denied

Oier Echaniz Beneitez

Radiofrequency Image

"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better." - Samuel Beckett
"Solving a problem in a hundred years is, practically speaking, the same as not solving it at all." - Steven Pinker


Researcher (PDI) at the Computational Intelligence Group of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Department - Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU).

Work Experience

  • June/2011 - March/2012 - Research assistant at Tecnalia Research and Innovation
Data mining and optimization algorithms used to predict errors in a aeronautic production.
  • January/2013 - December/2015 - CTO/Founder at Asmatu Intelligent Solutions
Optimization and machine learning for industry

Organizations and volunteering


  • Vampyr: a Python module to analize statistically blood samples.





Marta Fernandez-Mercado, Erika Larrea, Izaskun Ceberio, Ibai Goicoechea, Oier Etxaniz, Julien Buratti, Yufei Luo, Marcos Arauzo-Bravo,Markus Landthaler, Charles H. Lawrie1

22nd Congress of the European Hematology Association (E-POSTER)

Manuel Grana, Oier Echaniz, Beatriz Rodriguez-Vigil and Idoia Labayen.

Automated segmentation of visceral adiposity in MRI in obese children
CORES 2017

Oier Echaniz, Manuel Graña

Ongoing work on deep learning for lung cancer prediction"


Manuel Graña, Oier Echaniz

Views on Electronic Health Record
Inmed 2016


Medrano M, Maiz E, Maldonado-Martín S, Arenaza L, Rodríguez-Vigil B, Ortega FB, Ruiz JR, Larrarte E, Díez I, Sarasúa A, Tobalina I, Barrenechea L, Pérez-Asenjo J, Kannengiesser S, Manhães-Savio A, Echaniz O, Labayen I

The effect of a multidisciplinary intervention program on hepatic adiposity in overweight-obese children: protocol of the EFIGRO study
Contemporary Clinical Trials
DOI: 10.1016/j.cct.2015.09.017

Oier Echaniz, Borja Ayerdi, Alexandre Savio, Manuel Graña

An Ad-Hoc Image Segmentation of Subcutaneous and Visceral Adipose Tissue from Abdomino-Pelvic Magnetic Resonance Images
Inmed 2015

Borja Ayerdi, Oier Echaniz, Alexandre Savio, Manuel Graña

Automated Segmentation of Subcutaneous and Visceral Adipose Tissues from MRI
Inmed 2015

Alexandre Savio, Oier Echaniz, Manuel Graña

Comparando Cerebros con la Morfometría Basada en Voxel Clave: P
Semana del cerebro, San Sebastián, 9/03/2015 (POSTER)



Editors: Graña, M., López-Guede, J.M., Etxaniz, O., Herrero, Á., Sáez, J.A., Quintián, H., Corchado, E. (Eds.)

International Joint Conference SOCO’18-CISIS’18-ICEUTE’18
ISBN 978-3-319-94120-2 link




Editors: Graña, M., López-Guede, J.M., Etxaniz, O., Herrero, Á., Sáez, J.A., Quintián, H., Corchado, E. (Eds.)

International Joint Conference SOCO’16-CISIS’16-ICEUTE’16
ISBN 978-3-319-94120-2 link



Medalla al merito ciudadano: ASPANOGI, San Sebastian, 2017

As part of Aspanogi volunteering team.


Acknowledgement at:
Jesus M Banales et al.

Expert consensus document: Cholangiocarcinoma: current knowledge and future perspectives consensus statement from the European Network for the Study of Cholangiocarcinoma (ENS-CCA)
Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology


Entreprenari saria 2012:
Best end of grade project with business projections.


Borja & I, Wroclaw, 2015

(x) future events, find me in this activities!


  • Instructor of Software Carpentry Workshop at Lund University 2016 (LundSWC)
  • Speaker and workshop instructor of European Maker Week Gasteiz 2016 (makerday)



  • Local organizing committee and Co-Chair of organizing committee of ICEUTE 2018 (ICEUTE 2018)
  • Local organizing committee and Co-Chair of organizing committee of SOCO 2018 (SOCO 2018)
  • Local organizing committee and Co-Chair of organizing committee of CISIS 2018 (CISIS 2018)
  • Organizing committee member of HacKCancer Datathon 2018 (Hackcancer)


  • Local organizing committee member of Python San Sebastian 2017 (Pyss17)
  • Organizing committee as Board Member of Europython 2017 (Europython 2017)


  • Local organizing committee member of Python San Sebastian 2016 (Pyss16)
  • Local organizing committee member of ICEUTE 2016 (ICEUTE 2016)
  • Local organizing committee member of SOCO 2016 (SOCO 2016)
  • Local organizing committee member of CISIS 2016 (CISIS 2016)
  • Local organizing committee member of Europython 2016 (Europython 2016)
  • Local organizing committee and helper of Software Carpentry Workshop CFM-EHU 2016
  • Local organizing committee member of the I International Monothematic Congress in Cholangiocarcinoma (MCCCA)


  • Local organizing committee member of Python San Sebastian 2015 (Pyss15)
  • Local organizing committee (Host) and helper of Software Carpentry Workshop CFM-EHU 2015
  • Local organizing committee member of Europython 2015 (Europython 2015)
  • Local organizing committee member of Python San Sebastian 2014 (Pyss14)


Attended conferences as participant

  • IWINAC 2017 - La Coruña, Galicia, Spain
  • CORES 2017 - Polanica-Zdroj, Poland
  • Inmed 2016 - Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
  • PyconSette - Florence, Italy
  • Inmed 2015 - Tokyo, Japan
  • CORES 2015 - Wroclaw, Poland
  • Big Data meets Machine Learning 2015 - Wroclaw, Poland
  • EuroPython 2014 - Berlin, Germany


  1. Interesting links and projects
  2. Media appearances

Research Areas

  • Pattern recognition applied to medical images
  • Medical image processing

Pending Tasks

  • Save the world

Leisure Time

"We are here on Earth to fart around, and don't let anybody tell you different." - Kurt Vonnegut

  • Ordago movie Codirector (Canceled)