
De Grupo de Inteligencia Computacional (GIC)
La versión para imprimir ya no se admite y puede contener errores de representación. Actualiza los marcadores del navegador y utiliza en su lugar la función de impresión predeterminada del navegador.

Knowledge Engineering, Visualization and Interaction in Computer Aided Design and other Industrial Applications

A workshop organized jointly by Vicomtech (Jorge Posada) and the Grupo de Inteligencia Computacional (Manuel Graña) announcement

This is the updated agenda :

10.00-10.10 Opening - Dr. Jorge Posada (VICOMTech)
  • Introduction, objectives, goblal profile of speakers, logistics
10.10-10.30 Prof. Edward Szczerbiki
10.30-10.50 Dr. Robert James Howlett
  • “Smart Sustainability: The link between intelligent systems and sustainability “ abstract slides
11.10-11.30 Prof. Manuel Graña
  • Interactive Multimedia Tabletops pdf
11.30-11.45 ------ Coffee
11.45-12.05 Prof. Anne Hákkanson
  • "Using User-Centred Knowledge Model (t-UCK) as a Modelling Support" slides
12.05-12.25 Dr. Raffaele de Amicis
  • (Topic not confirmed) Semantics & GIS for Engineering
12.25-12.45 Dr. André Stork
  • Focus K 3D : Comprehension and use of knowledge intensive 3D media: Case CAD/CAE and Virtual Product Modelling
This talk will focus on the Europen Initiative, the Coordination Action “Focus K 3D”, which fosters the comprehension and 
use of knowledge intensive 3D media with a special emphasis on the activities of the working group on CAD/CAE and 
Virtual Product Modelling
12.45-13.05 Dr. Jorge Posada
  • “Semantics and Graphics in the Product Lifecycle Management “ slides
13.05-13.30 Open Discussion
13.30-14.30 ------Lunch