Natural Resources and Environmental Economics

Fisheries Management. The objective of this research line is to characterize optimal policies in the exploitation of the fisheries resources.  Most of the fisheries economic studies are based on biomass models (surplus approach). This kind of model, pioneered by Gordon (1954) and Schaefer (1954), considers that a benevolent regulator maximizes profits taking the fish stock as a biomass that evolves over time.  The aim of this research line is twofold. Firstly, the optimal exploitation is analyzed considering the age-structured behind the biological dynamics of fish populations. Secondly, optimal management is addressed in a context where heterogeneous vessels take individual decisions about whether or not to participate in the exploitation of the fishery.

Researcher:  María José Gutiérrez

Recent Papers related to this line of research:

Da Rocha, J.M., J. García-Cutrín, M.J. Gutiérrez and J. Touza (2016), “Reconciling Yield Stability with International Fisheries Agencies Precautionary Preferences: The Role of non Constant Discount Factors in Age Structured Models”, AERNA Newsletter 5.

Da Rocha, J.M., J. García-Cutrín and M.J. Gutiérrez (2016), “Recent advances on optimal fisheries harvesting”, Fisheries Research 173(3), 282-293.

García, D., R. Prellezo, P. Sampedro, J. Castro, S. Cerviño, J.M. Da Rocha, J. García-Cutrin and M.J. Gutiérrez (2016, forthcoming), “Bio-economic Multistocks Reference Points as a Tool to Overcome the Drawbacks of Landing Obligations”, ICES Journal of Marine Science.

Pita, A., J. Casey, S.J. Hawkins, M.R. Villarreal, M.J. Gutiérrez, H. Cabral, H. Carocci, P. Abaunza, S. Pascual and P. Presa (2016), “Reconciling Yield Stability with International Fisheries Agencies Precautionary Preferences: The Role of non Constant Discount Factors in Age Structured Models”, Fisheries Research 173(3), 185-193.

Da Rocha J.M., M.J. Gutiérrez and S. Villasante (2014), “Economic Effects of Global Warming and Stock Growth Uncertainty: the European sardine Fishery”, Regional Environmental Change 14, 195-205.

Da Rocha J.M., M.J. Gutiérrez and L.T. Antelo (2013), “Selectivity, pulse fishing and endogenous lifespan in Beverton-Holt models”Environmental Resource Economics  54(1), 139-154

Da Rocha J.M., M.J. Gutiérrez, S. Cerviño and L.T. Antelo (2012), "The Implementation of Maximum Sustanaible Yield Policy in the European Commun Fisheries Policy. Pulses in Structured Ages Models", Ocean Coastal Management 70, 48-53.

Da Rocha J.M. and M.J. Gutiérrez (2012), “Endogenous Fisheries Management in a Stochastic Model: Why do Fisheries Agencies use TACs along with Fishing Periods?”, Environmental Resource Economics 53, 25-59.

Da Rocha J.M., M.J. Gutiérrez and L.T.  Antelo (2012), “Pulse vs. Optimal Stationary Fishing: The Northern Stock of hake”, Fisheries Research 121-122, 51-62.

Da Rocha J.M., Gutiérrez, M.J., Cerviño, S., (2012), “Reference points based on dynamic optimisation: a versatile algorithm for mixed fishery management with bio-economic age-structured models”, ICES Journal of Marine Science 69(4), 660-669.

Da Rocha J.M., M.J. Gutiérrez, S. Cerviño and L.T. Antelo, (2011), “Gestión de pesquerías: Críticas y alternativas”, Matematicalia 7(3), 1-11. ISSN 1699-770.

Da Rocha J.M. and M.J. Gutiérrez, (2011). “Lessons from the northern hake long-term management plan: Could the economic assessment have accepted it?”, ICES Journal of Marine Science 68(9), 1937-1941.

Da Rocha J.M., S. Cerviño and M.J. Gutiérrez, (2010). “An Endogenous Bio-economic Optimization Algorithm to Evaluate Recovery Plans: an Application to Southern Hake”, ICES Journal of Marine Science 67(9), 1957-1962.