Mikel Gartziarena

Mikel Gartziarena

(Department of Language and Literature Didactics)

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Mikel Gartziarena has a degree in Primary Education (UPV/EHU), a postgraduate degree from the School of Writers (UNED) and a European Master in Multilingualism and Education (UPV/EHU). After several years as a Primary School teacher, he completed the international thesis entitled “Primary School teachers' beliefs about multilingualism and methodologies in The South Basque Country”. Mikel is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Language and Literature Didactics and a lecturer in the degrees of Primary and Pre-primary Education at the Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology in Donostia (UPV/EHU, Gipuzkoa Campus).

As for publications, Mikel has published in Basque, Spanish and English, being the following four the most recent and of greater impact: 1) Creencias del futuro profesorado: multilingüismo y la enseñanza de lenguas (Educación XX1); 2) Teachers’ beliefs on multilingualism in the Basque Country: Basque at the core of multilingual education (System); 3) Is Basque a difficult language to learn for students? Teachers’ beliefs on the complexity to learn the curricular languages in the Basque Country (International Journal of Multilingualism); 4) In-service teachers’ multilingual language teaching and learning approaches: insights from the Basque Country (Language and Education).

For more details: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0614-6129