
Contenido de XSL

Control del conjunto convertidor del lado de máquina-generador

Datos generales de la materia


Descripción y contextualización de la asignatura

In this course the concepts of vector control applied to the control of three types of machines applied to wind generators will be shown.

Thus, the models of the induction machines (squirrel cage and DFIG) and the synchronous machine will be shown.

In addition to the models of the machines, the model of the wind turbine and the mechanical system affecting the control system will be shown.

Finally, the control of these machines as wind generators will be carried out starting from the models previously mentioned and adjusting the controllers for a correct operation.

The systems will be implemented using Matlab/Simulink.

In the event that the sanitary conditions prevent the realization of a teaching activity and / or face-to-face evaluation, a non-face-to-face modality will be activated of which the students will be informed promptly.


NombreInstituciónCategoríaDoctor/aPerfil docenteÁreaEmail
CORTAJARENA ECHEVERRIA, JOSE ANTONIOUniversidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko UnibertsitateaProfesorado Titular De UniversidadDoctorNo bilingüeTecnología Electró


Que los estudiantes tengan conocimiento actualizado sobre las técnicas y metodologías de trabajo avanzadas relacionadas con el ámbito de las Smartgrids y la Generación Distribuida, en particular desde el punto de vista de su control.10.0 %
Establecer modelos dinámicos de los distintos componentes de las Smartgrids, en particular diferentes unidades de Generación Distribuida.25.0 %
Diseñar leyes de control a nivel local de diferentes componentes de Smartgrids, en particular unidades de Generación Distribuida.25.0 %
Evaluar y validar modelos y controladores de distintos componentes de las Smartgrids, mediante simulaciones y ensayos experimentales, empleando distintas herramientas informáticas y prototipos.20.0 %
Que los estudiantes estén capacitados para comunicarse sobre trabajos realizados en colaboración en equipos multidisciplinares y multilingües nacionales e internacionales formados por profesionales e investigadores que trabajen en el ámbito de las Smartgrids.10.0 %
Que los estudiantes estén capacitados para comprender y analizar documentos técnicos, normas y artículos científicos en la temática del Máster, así como para aplicarlos en el desarrollo de trabajos e investigaciones relacionados con el ámbito de las Smartgrids.10.0 %

Tipos de docencia

TipoHoras presencialesHoras no presencialesHoras totales
P. de Aula57.512.5
P. Laboratorio404
P. Ordenador142741

Actividades formativas

DenominaciónHorasPorcentaje de presencialidad
Clases expositivas22.0100 %
Ejercicios12.540 %
Estudio sistematizado33.00 %
Resolución de casos prácticos41.034 %
Talleres de aplicación4.0100 %

Sistemas de evaluación

DenominaciónPonderación mínimaPonderación máxima
Examen Oral10.0 % 30.0 %
Examen escrito40.0 % 60.0 %
Trabajos Prácticos20.0 % 40.0 %

Convocatoria ordinaria: orientaciones y renuncia


The professor will assign a project to the student that will be developed in the laboratory. The elaboration process and the results will be used to evaluate the subject.

An exam will be conducted and averaged with the project. It will be mandatory to get a 4 in the exam to make the average.


According to article 8 of the Regulations, regulating the assessment of students in the official degrees, the students shall have the right to be evaluated by means of the FINAL EVALUATION SYSTEM, independently of the fact that has or has not participated in the CONTINUOUS EVALUATION SYSTEM. In order to do so, students must present the following information written to the teacher in charge of the subject the renunciation of the CONTINUOUS EVALUATION within a period of 9 weeks from the beginning of the term. In this case, the student will be assessed with a single final exam, which will include a practical part, which will comprise 100% of the grade. Final grade= 0.85*EX+0.15*PL. In order to pass you must obtain at least 5 points out of 10 in both the written test (EX) and the practical test(PL).


According to article 12 of the Regulations, regulating the assessment of students in the official degrees, in the case of CONTINUOUS EVALUATION, the student may renounce the call for proposals within a period which, as a minimum, will be up to one month before the end of the teaching period of the corresponding subject. This waiver must be submitted in writing to the teacher responsible for the subject. In the case of FINAL EVALUATION, a no presentation to the official examination will result in the automatic waiver of the corresponding call. Renunciation of the call will result in the qualification of not presented.

Convocatoria extraordinaria: orientaciones y renuncia

The criteria to pass each activity as the weighting of the grade will be the same as in the ordinary call.


A no presentation to the official examination will result in the automatic waiver of the corresponding call. Renunciation of the call will result in the qualification of not presented.



Topic 1. Vector transformations

Topic 2. Aerodynamic and MPPT model

Topic 3. Space vector modulation

Topic 4. Wind turbine system configurations

Topic 5. Model of the asynchronous machine

Topic 6. Permanent magnet synchronous machine

Topic 7. Double fed induction generator

Topic 8. PID Tuning


Materiales de uso obligatorio

Documentación de la página web de la asignatura. Accesible en:

Bibliografía básica

A. Tapia, G. Tapia, J. X. Ostolaza, and J.R. Sáenz, Modeling and control of a wind turbine driven doubly fed induction generator, IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 194,204, Jun. 2003.

P. Vas, Sensorless Vector and Direct Torque Control. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1998.

G. Tapia, A. Tapia, and J. X. Ostolaza, Two alternative modeling approaches for the evaluation of wind farm active and reactive power performances, IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 909¿920, Dec. 2006.

G. Tapia, G. Santamaría, M. Telleria, and A. Susperregui, Methodology for smooth connection of doubly fed induction generators to the grid, IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 959,971, Dec. 2009.

S. Li, T. A. Haskew, and L. Xu, Conventional and novel control designs for direct driven PMSG wind turbines, Electric Power Syst. Res., vol. 80, no. 3, pp. 328¿338, Mar. 2010.

Bibliografía de profundización

R. Peña, J. C. Clare, and G. M. Asher, Doubly fed induction generator using back-to-back PWM converters and its application to variable-speed wind-energy generation, IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl., vol. 143, no. 3, pp. 231-241, May 1996.

G. Abad, J. López, M. A. Rodríguez, L. Marroyo, and G. Iwanski, Doubly Fed Induction Machine: Modeling and Control for Wind Energy Generation. Hoboken, NJ: IEEE Press, 2011.

G. Tapia, Parke Eolikoek Sare Elektrikoarekin Trukaturiko Potentzia Erreaktiboaren Optimizaziorako Kontrol Estrategien Diseinu eta Garapena. Bilbo: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2004.

M. Chinchilla, S. Arnaltes, and J. Burgos, Control of permanent-magnet generators applied to variable-speed wind-energy systems connected to the grid, IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 130-135, Mar. 2006.

H.-W. Kim, S.-S. Kim, and H.-S. Ko, Modeling and control of PMSG-based variable-speed wind turbine, Electr. Power Syst. Res., vol. 80, no. 1, pp. 46-52, Jan. 2010.

D. Hansen and G. Michalke, Modelling and control of variable-speed multi-pole permanent magnet synchronous generator wind turbine, Wind Energy, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 537-554, 2008.


IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

IET Renewable Power Generation

IET Electric Power Applications

IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics

IEEE Transactions on Power Systems

Electric Power Systems Research

Energy Conversion and Management

Wind Energy

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