
Contenido de XSL

Operación y control de redes eléctricas

Datos generales de la materia


Descripción y contextualización de la asignatura

Power systems are large and complex electrical networks. In any power system, generations are located at few selected points and loads are distributed throughout the network. In between generations and loads, there exist transmission and distribution systems. In the power system, the system load keeps changing from time to time as shown by the daily demand curve.

Properly designed power system should have the following characteristics: It must supply power, practically everywhere the customer demands. It must supply power to the customers at all times. It must be able to supply the ever changing load demand at all time. The power supplied should be of good quality. The power supplied should be economical. It must satisfy necessary safety requirements. It must cause minimum environmental impact.

To meet these characteristics, the electrical system must be adequately operated and controlled. So, the main goal of the system operator is to maintain the system in a normal secure state as the operating conditions vary during the daily operation. Además, a power system control is required to maintain a continuous balance between power generation and load demand. Load Frequency Controller and Automatic Voltage Regulator play an important role in maintaining constant frequency and voltage in order to ensure the reliability of electric power.

With the implementation of new technologies and the installation of distributed generation, electrical systems are evolving to SmartGrids. But this evolution must be done while the network continues to function and meets with all the characteristics.

This course establishes the foundations for the operation and control of the conventional electrical system, its most important concepts and critical factors, to understand how intelligent systems should be operated and GD systems controlled.

In the event that the sanitary conditions prevent the realization of a teaching activity and / or face-to-face evaluation, a non-face-to-face modality will be activated of which the students will be informed promptly


NombreInstituciónCategoríaDoctor/aPerfil docenteÁreaEmail
ZUBIA OLASKOAGA, ITZIARUniversidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko UnibertsitateaProfesorado AgregadoDoctoraBilingüeIngeniería Elé


Que los estudiantes tengan conocimiento actualizado sobre las técnicas y metodologías de trabajo avanzadas relacionadas con el ámbito de las Smartgrids y la Generación Distribuida, en particular desde el punto de vista de su control.20.0 %
Desarrollar estrategias de operación y de gestión, incluyendo técnicas avanzadas, para la regulación a nivel de red de las Smartgrids.30.0 %
Valorar y contrastar el comportamiento de Smartgrids y Microrredes obtenido en simulación con distintas estrategias de operación y gestión, y justificar los resultados conseguidos.20.0 %
Aplicar herramientas informáticas y de telecomunicaciones como soporte para el control en Smartgrids y Generación Distribuida.10.0 %
Analizar proyectos de I+D+i de Universidades, Centros Tecnológicos y Empresas en el ámbito de las Smartgrids y la Generación Distribuida.5.0 %
Que los estudiantes estén capacitados para comunicarse sobre trabajos realizados en colaboración en equipos multidisciplinares y multilingües nacionales e internacionales formados por profesionales e investigadores que trabajen en el ámbito de las Smartgrids.5.0 %
Que los estudiantes estén capacitados para comprender y analizar documentos técnicos, normas y artículos científicos en la temática del Máster, así como para aplicarlos en el desarrollo de trabajos e investigaciones relacionados con el ámbito de las Smartgrids.10.0 %

Tipos de docencia

TipoHoras presencialesHoras no presencialesHoras totales
P. de Aula61218
P. Ordenador8816

Actividades formativas

DenominaciónHorasPorcentaje de presencialidad
Clases expositivas14.0100 %
Ejercicios25.030 %
Estudio sistematizado21.00 %
Resolución de casos prácticos15.050 %

Sistemas de evaluación

DenominaciónPonderación mínimaPonderación máxima
Examen escrito30.0 % 70.0 %
Preguntas a desarrollar5.0 % 20.0 %
Trabajos Prácticos10.0 % 40.0 %

Convocatoria ordinaria: orientaciones y renuncia

The evaluation modalities that are taken into account of the subject are:

- class attendance,

- conducting simulation practices in pairs/groups,

- writing individual reports

- taking a final exam.

The percentage value assigned to each evaluation instrument is as follows

- Attendance 10%

- Laboratory reports 30%

- Final Exam 60% (20% Theoretical questions, 40% Problems)

To carry out the corresponding weightings of the various evaluable sections it is necessary to obtain a minimum grade of 4/10 in each type of independently evaluated activity: Attendance, Reports, Theory and Exam Problems.

To pass the course it is required that the final grade is equal to or greater than 5.

Convocatoria extraordinaria: orientaciones y renuncia

The evaluation modalities that are taken into account of the subject are:

- class attendance,

- conducting simulation practices in pairs/groups,

- writing individual reports

- taking a final exam.

The percentage value assigned to each evaluation instrument is as follows

- Attendance 10%

- Laboratory reports 30%

- Final Exam 60% (20% Theoretical questions, 40% Problems)

To carry out the corresponding weightings of the various evaluable sections it is necessary to obtain a minimum grade of 4/10 in each type of independently evaluated activity: Attendance, Reports, Theory and Exam Problems.

The relative weight of each activity will be applied in both the ordinary and the extraordinary examination.

The notes of Attendance and Report Writing will be maintained in the the ordinary and the extraordinary examination.

The exam notes will be those of each call.

To pass the course it is required that the final grade is equal to or greater than 5.


UNIT 1: Introduction to Grid operation and control

UNIT 2: Grid Codes in Grid operation and control

UNIT 3: Power Flow Analysis

UNIT 4: Power System Control: Voltage Control and Frequency Control

UNIT 5: Introduction to Distributed Generation and SmartGrid Operation


Materiales de uso obligatorio

Documentation of the subject's web page. Accessible at:

Bibliografía básica

P. Kundur Power system stability and control, Electric Power Research Institute, 1994.

R. H. Miller and J. H. Malinowski, Power system operation, Mc Graw Hill, 1994.

P. S. R. Murty. Operation and Control in Power Systems, 2nd Ed. CRC Press, 2011.

M.H.J. Bollen, F. Hassan, Integration of distributed generation in the power system. Ed. IEEE Press Series on Power Engineering. Wiley. Hoboken: 2011.

A. J. Wood and B. F. Wollenberg, Power Generation, Operation and Control, John Wiley & Sons, 1996

A. Gomez-Exposito, J. Conejo,C. Canizares Electric Energy Systems: Analysis and Operation, CRC Press, 2009

Procedimientos de operación: Red Eléctrica de España REE,

Operation handbook, Union for the co-ordination of transmission of electricity

UCTE, disponible en status.asp

Bibliografía de profundización

S. Sivanagaraju, G. Sreenivasan, Power System Operation and Control, Pearson Education, 2010

S. Vadari, M. Vadari. Electric System Operations: Evolving to the Modern Grid. Artech House, Norwood, 2013

L. Wang, Modeling and Control of Sustainable Power Systems: Towards Smarter and Greener Electric Grids. Springer, 2012

D.M. Tagare. Reactive Power Management. McGraw-Hill Education, 2004

H. Bevrani,T. Hiyama. Intelligent Automatic Generation Control. CRC Press, 2011


Energy Conversion and Management

Renewable Energy


IET Renewable Power Generation

IEEE Energy Conversion


Contenido de XSL

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