Líneas de Investigación

Current Research Topics


Scientific area 1: ECONOMICS
Scientific area 2: STATISTICS
Scientific area 3: MATHEMATICS
1st Research Topic: Spectral analysis of spatial and multidimensional smoothing models: Estimation, testing and multidimensional signal extraction.
UNESCO Code: 120909, 120808, 530202
2nd Research Topic: Advances in semiparametric estimation of econometric models with microeconometric and time series data with strong dependence.
UNESCO Code: 120911, 530205, 530202,120906
3rd Research Topic: Methodology for the evaluation of Intelligent Territories in the Knowledge Society.
UNESCO Code: 530602, 30704, 630706, 530202, 530205
4th Research Topic: Pseudo-panels, goodness-of-fit testing and quality-of-life studies with respect to health.
UNESCO Code: 520601, 120903, 120913, 240401