
We welcome submissions of abstracts for a 20-minute paper presentation or poster presentation on any of the following topics or research lines:

  1. Use of parallel corpora for research on contrastive linguistics, (descriptive) translation studies, machine translation, foreign language teaching-learning, terminology and/or lexicography.
  2. Tools for the creation, annotation and exploitation of parallel corpora.
  3. Bilingual and multilingual parallel corpora of Spanish and other languages.
  4. Creation and application of parallel corpora featuring (at least one of) Spain’s co-official languages.
  5. Corpus-based specialized translation of so-called under-resourced, narrow domains (Skadina et al. 2010).
  6. Corpus applications for the development of tools, such as dictionaries, machine translation software, among others, in the realm of digital humanities.

Abstracts for paper presentations should specify the title of the paper, refer to the aim of the study, the methodology followed and the results found. Papers of "work in progress" should refer to at least preliminary results. In the case that there are not results, please send a proposal for a poster.  Presenters will have 20 minutes to deliver their talk, followed by a 10-minute Q&A session.

Abstracts for poster presentations should also specify the title of the study and include a shorter summary of about 250 words, excluding references.