

HGH (Hedabideak, Gizartea eta Hezkuntza-Media, Society & Education) is an officially accepted research group (ref.GIU 11/04& GIU 14/09) in the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).

It was set up in 2003 by a number of professors and researchers of the UPV/EHU. This is a multidisciplinary group because we firmly believe this to be the most effective way to answer the questions currently being raised by society and particularly the Media.

At this moment,  Associate Professor of the Department of Journalism, Carmen Peñafiel Saiz is head of the group.  HGH is currently working on three inter-related lines of research: the future of journalism, news quality and the Media in minority languages. Other lines of research that the group is working on or has worked on punctually are: the Media and conflict, specialised journalism, Press Offices and Media Literacy. All these lines of research are evidently topical and there is a clear indication that they will continue to be so throughout the coming years.

The massive spread of new technologies has brought about drastic changes in the media worldwide. Up to now, there has been very little rigorous analysis of the influence that this technological change has meant for news quality, and its relationship to the future of journalism. That is, precisely, our aim: to certify the quality of the news in European reference media, framing it within the codes of the future. At the same time, the group will develop parallel research applied to the most important media published in the Basque language. HGH is connected to some European groups with similar lines of research.