
PC-01: Introduction to Computational Thinking. Educational Technology in Primary and Secondary Education.

Xabier Basogain, M.A. Olabe, J.C. Olabe
Komunikazioa kongresuan:
XVIII Simposio Internacional de Informática Educativa -
Argitaratze hiria edo/eta Argitaletxea:
Salamanca, Spain.
Hasierako orria - Amaierako orria:
191 - 195
978-84-9012-630-1 (PDF)


This article describes the design and implementation of the course Introduction to Computational Thinking (PC-01) for primary and secondary education. The course introduces the "concepts" and core "processes" of Computational Thinking using a visual programming environment. The design of the course PC-01 includes a set of multimedia content, learning tools and technologies that help teachers and students in the teaching-learning process. These tools allow the teacher the successful delivery of the course content as well as the individual/collective monitoring of students' progress in the course. Students have access to their progress throughout the course and participate in creative and collaborative tasks. This course also serves to introduce transversely educational technologies to many students of primary and secondary education. The technological environment integrates the online teaching resources and the methodological tools of the course. The course uses Scratch 2.0 as the programming environment and Moodle as the learning platform. At present the course is being implemented in public schools in the Dominican Republic.

Keywords— Computational Thinking; Learning Technologies; Scratch; Moodle Learning Platform.

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