
Markara orientatutako marketina

Markara orientatutako marketina Brand-driven marketing

Badirudi marketin-kudeaketaren ikuspegi garrantzitsuenek ez diotela Branding edo markagintzari merezi duen tokia ematen marketinaren kudeaketa-prozesuan. Izan ere, literaturari jarraiki, aipatutako ikuspegietan oinarritutako modeloek markagintzaren garrantzia edota haren oinarrizko kontzeptuak ez dituzte behar bezala jasotzen. Badirudi, beraz, marketinaren diziplinak ez duela behar adinako marka-orientazioa.

Ikerketa-lerro hau bi ardatzetan oinarritzen da:

  • Marketin diziplinaren marka-orientazioaren neurketa.
  • Marka-orientazio handiagoko marketin diziplinaren premia, funtsezko bi galdera erantzuteko asmoz: Zergatik eta nola.

The main marketing management approaches do not give branding seemingly the place it deserves in the management process. In fact, the literature suggests that the models representing those approaches underestimate branding or they don´t capture properly the core branding concepts. It seems that the marketing management discipline is not sufficiently brand oriented.

This research line focuses on two axes:

  • The measurement of the brand orientation of the marketing discipline.
  • The need for a brand-driven marketing management discipline with the aim of answering two basic questions: why and how.
Ikertzaileak Research staff
  • Jose Juan Beristain (Ikertzaile nagusia)
    U.E.ko irakasle titularra
    Finantza Ekonomia II Saila
    Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU)
  • Jose Juan Beristain (Principal investigator)
    Associate Marketing Professor
    Departament of Financial Economics II
    University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
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