
Procesos Catalíticos y Valorización de Residuos

Grupo de Investigacion

El grupo PROCAT-VARES trabaja en la propuesta, progreso e innovación de procesos de interés energético y medioambiental. El objetivo es desarrollar, con un nivel puntero internacional, líneas de investigación en Ingeniería de la Reacción Química que sean de máxima actualidad y que estén enfocadas al desarrollo sostenible. El desarrollo de esta actividad supone la formación de investigadoras/es y tecnólogas/os, la transmisión de conocimientos a la comunidad científico -tecnológica internacional en forma de publicaciones y la colaboración con el sector industrial, en temas que conjugan el interés académico, tecnológico, social e industrial.

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  • Twitter: @cpwv_ehugroup


[New paper] Modelling and simulation of subsurface horizontal flow constructed wetlands (Open Access)

As a consequence of the poor implantation of sanitation systems, more than 80% of the wastewater from human activity is dumped, which poses a threat to public health and generates water stress. In contrast, its depuration and reuse for irrigation improves the efficiency of the water management cycle and reduces the use of fresh water. In the context of grey water purification in rural areas of Europe, constructed wetlands are the preferred option. Furthermore, in developing countries, they are particularly attractive as an alternative to conventional purification systems. The design of such facilities tends to avoid the complexity of the interactions between solids, pollutants, microorganisms, and plants. In this work, a more rigorous mathematical model is proposed, which considers the mass balances of the substrate and the microorganisms, in addition to the degradation kinetics typical of biotechnological processes, the life cycles of microorganisms, and their horizontal and vertical transport processes. This model was tuned based on the responses of already installed systems located in Zapote (Costa Rica) and San Salvador (El Salvador). The model foresees start-up times close to three months, in addition to depuration efficiencies reaching above 90%, which corresponds with previously reported values. The developed simulation tool is also employed to study the response of the model to various disturbances, such as punctual stops or seasonal variations in the incoming flow.
