

The Department of Polymers and Advanced Materials (PMAS) is the fusion of the former Department of Polymer Science and Technology and Materials Physics Department (DFM).

The origins of the Department of Polymer Science and Technology are mixed with those of the creation of the Faculty of Chemistry located in the Ibaeta campus in San Sebastian. From 1975 and under the direction of Prof. Gonzalo Martin Guzmán various embryonic research lines were generated in the field of Basic and Applied Polymer Science. Along the years these embryonic research has been consolidated into Research groups that today constitute the framework of the Department approved in 1987. In addition to these groups, there is a well-known one devoted to Theoretical Chemistry. Since 1999, some members of the Department have been participating in the Institute of Polymeric Materials (POLYMAT), a UPV/EHU Institute, with the aim of providing services related to plastics, polymers and macromolecules to the to outline area .

The Materials Physics Department was created in year 1987. It is in charge of the teaching of Physics and Mathematics in the Faculty of Chemistry of the Basque Country University in San Sebastian. The Materials Physics Department leads the scientific research in this field and has promoted the creation of new research center and infrastructures in the surrounding. In this context the Materials Physics Department leads the  postgraduate programs: "Master in Nanoscience" and the PhD Program on "Physics of nanostructures and advanced materials".

Department's regulation: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Gobernu Kontseiluarena ERABAKIA, 2011ko abenduaren 22koa

