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Chapter XIV. Extraordinary PhD Awards

Regulations Governing the Management of Doctoral Studies

Article 48. Extraordinary PhD Prizes.

  1. Each academic year, the university shall award an Extraordinary PhD Prize for every 10 PhD theses defended or fraction thereof in each of the following fields: Science, Engineering and Architecture, Health Sciences, Social and Legal Sciences and Arts and Humanities.
  2. The call for submissions to the UPV/EHU’s Postgraduate Commission shall be made public to the departments and institutes of the UPV/EHU and shall be sent by e-mail to all newly conferred PhDs who defended their thesis in the year established in the call and whose thesis examination committee so agreed by secret vote.
  3. In order to be eligible for said prize, the PhDs must apply to the UPV/EHU’s Postgraduate Commission, enclosing documentation accrediting their claimed merits, within the period determined thereby for each academic year. All of the following requirements must be fulfilled:
    1. The PhD thesis must have been defended within the academic year established in the call.
    2. The examination committee adjudicating the thesis must have so agreed, and unanimously awarded a ‘Cum Laude’ distinction.
    3. The student must have had at least one publication accepted in a journal of international prestige or have filed at least one patent as a result of his/her thesis. In the area of Arts and Humanities and Social and Legal Sciences, this publication may take the form of a book or chapter thereof, bearing the Academic Publication Quality Stamp [Sello de Calidad en Edición Académica] or have been included in the Scholarly Publishers Indicators in Humanities and Social Sciences.
  4. For each of the fields listed in Point 1 above, the UPV/EHU’s Postgraduate Commission shall appoint panels comprising three faculty members of the university with PhDs, belonging to different areas. The supervisors of the candidate PhD theses shall not be eligible to sit on said panels.
  5. Said panels shall analyse the applications received, requesting any further information that may be required from the candidates for the prize or from external arbitrators, and shall submit the corresponding recommendations to the UPV/EHU’s Postgraduate Commission. The panels may choose to award no prize.
  6. The UPV/EHU’s Postgraduate Commission, having examined the proposals for awarding the Extraordinary Doctoral Awards made by the aforementioned panels, shall approve the awarding thereof.