Rates and registration

To formalize the registration, the FORM OF INSCRIPTION

The fees can be checked in the following table:

Presencial assistance with presentation of senior cases and innovative teaching experiences
  • Admission to all sessions
  • Materials and information
  • Lunch in a Faculty of Economics and Business
  • Guided tour of Bilbao
  • Presentation of one or more cases
  • Professor fee: 15 €
Presencial assistance with presentation of practical cases
  • Admission to all sessions
  • Materials and information
  • Lunch in a Faculty of Economics and Business
  • Guided tour of Bilbao
  • Presentation of one or more cases
  • Professor fee: free of charge
  • Student fee: 15 €
Virtual assistance without presentation of practical cases
  • Admission to all sessions
  • Materials and information
  • Lunch in a Faculty of Economics and Business
  • Guided tour of Bilbao
  • Professor fee: 10 €
  • Student fee: 10 €
Virtual exhibition of senior cases
  • Presentation of one or more cases
  • Professor fee: 10 €
Virtual exhibition of practical cases
  • Presentation of one or more cases
  • Professor fee: free of charge
  • Student fee: 10 €

NOTE: the professors staff and students of the host institution (University of the Basque Country, UPV / EHU) must register in the face-to-face mode

People who present case studies must pay before December 10th. People who do not have case studies can register until December 16th.

Payment must be made using the available payment gateway. The payment gateway itself allows you to generate and download the invoice corresponding to the payment for the registration to the Congress.

The proof of the bank transfer must be sent to aimpn2021@ehu.eus indicating in the subject "Proof of registration of the Congress AIMPN2021" and in the body of the message "Registration AIMPN2021-Name and Surname of the Registered Person".

Instrucciones de pago

El pago deberá realizarse antes de cumplimentar el formulario de inscripción, utilizando la pasarela de pago.

El profesorado que únicamente presente Casos Prácticos, dado que no existe cuota de inscripción en esta modalidad, no deberá realizar este paso.

La propia pasarela de pago permite generar y descargar la factura correspondiente al pago por la inscripción al Congreso.