In a resolution passed on 20 October 2022, the Governing Council of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) made minor changes to the regulations governing university-specific courses to bring them into line with the requirements of Royal Decree 822/2021 of 28 September on the organisation of university courses and the procedures for assuring their quality.

These basic national regulations provide the first basic rules covering lifelong learning courses at universities and give structure to this significant educational space, in which universities demonstrate their commitment to society. The regulations leave broad margins for flexibility but provide a minimally consistent structure for such courses. They also introduce the culture of quality assessment into the relevant qualifications.

More recently, the new Public General Act [Ley Orgánica] 2/2023 of 22 March on the University System introduced further changes in regard to university-specific courses, albeit along similar lines to those set out in Royal Decree 822/2021.

The objectives of the UPV/EHU Strategic Plan for 2022-2025 include “Promoting university-specific and lifelong learning courses of accredited high standards in response to demand from society, increasing the offering of online courses and that of courses in Basque”. On that basis, the 2nd UPV/EHU Strategic Plan for Postgraduate Studies seeks to respond to demand from its surroundings in general by developing the strategic lines set out in the general UPV/EHU Strategic Plan in regard to postgraduate studies and setting goals for lifelong learning courses. Those goals include reinforcing and extending the range of lifelong learning courses on offer in response to demand from society; designing and implementing the UPV/EHU's online education model; improving and optimising quality processes in lifelong learning; increasing the number of courses offered in Basque; strengthening links with businesses, public institutions and social entities; smoothing out and simplifying management procedures; and acknowledging the importance of lifelong learning and further extending it at universities and in society.

All this means that there is a need to develop a new model of university-specific studies that can help attain these goals, strengthen quality in the future under the framework of the internal quality assurance systems in place at the University's various centres and simplify management procedures. The current regulations established the foundation for regulating such courses in the future and these new regulations seek to consolidate the progress made.

Under articles 88.b) and 90.b) respectively of the Articles of Association of the University, the Undergraduate Studies Committee and the Postgraduate Studies Committee have the authority to submit proposals to the Governing Council for the approval of regulations to structure and manage the courses in their respective areas.

Thus, at the proposal of the Undergraduate Studies Committee meeting of 4 October and the Postgraduate Studies Committee of 2 October, the Governing Council resolved to amend the relevant regulations on the following terms:



Article 1.- Purpose & Scope of Application.

1. These provisions are to regulate the university-specific courses offered by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), and more specifically to set the types of course and the requirements for them, along with the procedures for their approval and organisation.

2. The scope of application of these regulations extends to UPV/EHU-specific courses including lifelong learning and other courses offered to working persons throughout their careers.

In-house training courses for UPV/EHU staff including training for technical, management, clerical and service staff (PTGAS) and for teaching and research staff (PDI) from the UPV/EHU are not considered as university-specific courses for the purposes of these regulations.

Article 2.- Purpose of UPV/EHU-Specific Courses.

The purpose of university-specific courses is as follows:

1.  To offer courses not included in official syllabuses.

2.  To supplement the education of higher level, graduate and/or postgraduate qualification holders by offering them the possibility of furthering their professional, scientific, technical and artistic career development.

3.  To meet demands in new areas of research which are potentially applicable in the field of employment, thus establishing cooperation covenants with institutions, bodies, organisations and businesses.

4.  To retrain specialists and help them to adapt to new needs and demands on the part of society and businesses.

5. UPV/EHU-specific qualifications do not serve to access PhD courses and, with some exceptions, nor do they entitle their holders to practise regulated occupations. Information on such qualifications must not be misleading in this regard.

Article 3.- Access and Admission to UPV/EHU-specific Courses.

1. Without prejudice to any specific requirements and criteria set for each UPV/EHU-specific course, students must comply with the provisions of these regulations and those set out in Annex I hereto.

2. Students who hold non-Spanish qualifications may access UPV/EHU-specific qualifications that require prior qualifications with no need first to have their qualifications officially recognised.

3. Proposals for the provision of courses must set out the conditions for admission.

Article 4.- Organisation of & Responsibility for UPV/EHU-specific Courses.

UPV/EHU-specific courses may be organised in the following ways:

1. In general, UPV/EHU-specific courses will be organised by the university itself.

2. The UPV/EHU may organise university-specific courses jointly with other domestic or foreign universities or with public authorities via cooperation covenants with a view to orienting their contents towards the specific needs and characteristics of certain groups.

3. The UPV/EHU may organise university-specific courses jointly with other universities, institutions, entities or organisations, be they domestic or foreign, public or private, which are recognised as having authority in education or research. This may be done through cooperation covenants that regulate the obligations of each party and the procedures for the academic and financial management of the courses.

4. The UPV/EHU may provide university-specific courses at the request of a company or institution for lifelong learning for its employees. Such courses may be organised by the UPV/EHU on an exclusive basis or in cooperation with the requesting entity, in which case the provisions of subsection 2 above will apply.

5. Teaching centres and research institutes attached to the UPV/EHU and its own in-house research centres may provide university-specific courses as envisaged in the covenant for attachment or for the setting up of the centre or institute, and in the provisions of the specific covenants signed by the UPV/EHU and the relevant entity to set the terms for the provision and management of courses.

Article 5.- Management of UPV/EHU-Specific Courses.

1. UPV/EHU-specific courses must be managed as set out in these regulations and in such procedures and timetables as may be drawn up for each academic year by the office of the Vice Rector in charge of UPV/EHU-specific courses.

2. Management tasks will be handled in general by the technical, management, clerical and service (PTGAS) staff of the body charged with organising and managing the qualification, or by the UPV/EHU-specific Qualifications Unit insofar as its development so permits. When the management of UPV/EHU-specific courses is commissioned specifically, it may be carried out by other in-house bodies of the University (UPV/EHU foundations, etc.).

Personnel may also be hired via the Administrative Management Department of the University, which will handle their selection and the drawing up of the relevant contracts. Hiring costs will be met from the funding endowments for the relevant UPV/EHU-specific qualifications.



Article 6.- Modular Structure & ECTS Credit System.

1. As a general rule, the various UPV/EHU-specific courses are independent one from another and each of them leads to its own qualification and/or certificate of accreditation.

UPV/EHU-specific courses are to be structured preferably in modules, so that those modules can be offered as specific, independent courses. This modular structure is to be encouraged particularly in courses leading to Master's Qualifications in Lifelong Learning and University Specialisation Diplomas.

This modular structure also enables each student to take the course module by module, leading to the phased obtaining of various diplomas and certificates culminating in a qualification of a higher academic level and longer duration provided that the entry requirements for each course are met. In such cases, students may be required to complete additional activities set by the Academic Director in order to obtain the long-duration qualification or diploma.

The modular internal design of courses must be explained on the syllabus in the academic report for the academic year, along with the requirements for entry on the course and for the obtaining of each phased certificate and/or diploma or qualification.

The completion of the various modules required to obtain a longer-duration qualification with a higher academic rank is dependent on the relevant courses actually being taught in each academic year. Formal enrolment and the completion of a given module are therefore no guarantee that the subsequent modules may be taken. Students must be informed of all these points before they enrol.

2. In general, the ECTS credit system is used in drawing up the relevant syllabuses. Each ECTS credit is taken as representing 25 hours' work required of students for the acquisition of knowledge, capabilities and skills on the subject in question. Those hours include theoretical and practical classroom hours, the hours of study required to keep up to date with the subject, the hours spent on seminars, course work, external academic work experience and projects and the hours required to prepare and sit examinations and assessment tests.

University-specific courses lasting less than the minimum for 1 ECTS credit will be measured in hours of work required of students for the acquisition of knowledge, capabilities and skills on the subject in question. Each ECTS represents 10 classroom hours and 15 non-classroom hours of work by the student.

Article 7.- Forms of Implementation of UPV/EHU-Specific Courses.

UPV/EHU-specific courses may be taught in face-to-face, hybrid or virtual (online) formats, as per the applicable regulations and the general guidelines for syllabus design for university studies. Proposals for the provision of courses must indicate the format in which they are to be taught.

Courses on which teaching staff and students interact in the same physical space are considered as face-to-face, even if some students also follow the course by video-conferencing.

Courses designed principally to be taught and assessed via IT platforms are considered as virtual (online). In the online format, the online learning support platform provided by the UPV/EHU (currently eGela) will in general be the basis of the teaching/learning process. That platform must contain the materials required, the tasks to be performed by students, etc.

All interim and final grades on courses must be shown on the relevant learning support platform.

In the online format the information given to students is particularly important, so the following must be included:

  • The schedule for the course, indicating the expected rate of progress and the weekly workloads envisaged.
  • Dates and times of video-conference sessions, if any. 
  • List of materials required in order to take the course.
  • Self-assessment tests to enable students to gauge their progress.
  • Feedback on tasks, exercises and assessments carried out by students.

In online courses a distinction is drawn between supervised and automated courses.

In supervised online courses teaching staff monitor and tutor students. All messages and notifications must be sent via the relevant learning support platform and tutoring sessions by video-conference must be offered. On supervised online courses the learning support platform must include forums for communication and for the resolving of queries by teaching staff at least once a week during the term of the course.

It is also recommended that this format include specific feedback for individual students on those tasks and assessment considered most important.

In automated online courses all tasks are corrected, feedback is provided and grades are awarded automatically via the learning support platform.

Hybrid courses are those on which 40-60% of the credits obtainable stem from online learning and the rest from face-to-face sessions.

Article 8.- Types of UPV/EHU-Specific Courses.

In line with the goals pursued, UPV/EHU-specific courses and qualifications are targeted at the following groups and levels:

  • Postgraduate Lifelong Learning Courses
  • Micro-credentials for holders and non-holders of university-level qualifications
  • University Extension Diplomas
  • Other UPV/EHU-specific university extension courses

Article 9.- Curricular and Extracurricular External Academic Work Experience.

1. External academic work experience for students on UPV/EHU-specific courses and the covenants signed for such work experience are governed by the UPV/EHU's Regulations on External Academic Work Experience and other basic regulations as applicable. When the course includes external academic work experience, this must be formally arranged via educational cooperation covenants as per the standard forms indicated in the relevant regulations and as provided for herein.

The arrangements for payment of social security contributions and taxes will be as set out in current legislation.

2. The Academic Directors and Academic Heads of UPV/EHU-specific courses are responsible for organising, coordinating and managing these external academic work experience schemes, i.e. they act as heads of the work experience programme unless the Academic Committee specifically designates someone else.

The Academic Committee or each Academic Head, as the case may be, sets the procedure for allocating a member of the teaching staff as a tutor to students on external academic work experience programmes.

3. The proposal for the relevant qualification must clearly specify whether it entails external academic work experience and whether that experience is to be curricular or extracurricular. It must also indicate the duration of such work experience in hours and the number of ECTS credits assigned (in the case of curricular programmes).

4. When a teaching centre takes responsibility for a university-specific course, such external academic work experience and covenants as may be required will be managed as provided for by that centre.



Article 10.- Teaching Staff & Dedication.

1. Postgraduate lifelong learning courses.

At least 30% of the credits on the syllabus must be taught by lecturers from the UPV/EHU, provided that the criteria and principles governing potential incompatibilities are observed.

In exceptional circumstances a soundly argued proposal for reducing the said percentage may be put before the relevant committee if this is deemed to be justified on the grounds that the course involved is an inter-university course or falls under a knowledge area in which the UPV/EHU may benefit particularly from the involvement of external specialists.

UPV/EHU teaching and research staff may devote up to the time equivalent to 10 credits per academic year to specific qualifications as a whole.

Managerial tasks must be assessed in the proposal in terms of credits and the above maximum must be applied to the sum total of classroom and managerial credit hours.

UPV/EHU and outside teaching & research staff who teach on or handle managerial tasks for these courses may not enrol on same.

2. University extension micro-credentials, diplomas & short courses.

UPV/EHU teaching and research staff may devote up to the time equivalent to 10 credits per academic year to specific qualifications as a whole.

UPV/EHU and outside teaching & research staff who teach on or handle managerial tasks for these courses may not enrol on same.

Article 11.- Teaching Activities by Staff.

UPV/EHU-specific courses may involve the following teaching activities:

a) Face-to-face theory or practical classes (in classrooms, laboratories or clinics).

b) Virtual or non-face-to-face classes (synchronous or asynchronous teaching).

c) Tutoring.

d) Lectures or webinars.

e) Correction & assessment of tasks, exercises and exams.

f) Preparation and updating of teaching materials.

g) Supervision of clinical practice.

h) Tutoring on external academic work experience.

i) Management, monitoring and assessment of research period and end-of-course projects.

Article 12.- Remuneration of Teaching Staff.

1.    The remuneration received by UPV/EHU teaching and research staff must be within the limits set in Article 5 of Royal Decree 1930/84, as amended by Real Decree 1450/89.
2.    The teaching staff on these courses may be paid from funding for university-specific courses.
3.    UPV/EHU-specific courses that form part of the syllabus for an official master's or undergraduate degree, as set out in these regulations, count as part of the normal teaching workload, so UPV/EHU teaching staff may not be paid separately for teaching on such courses. 
4.     All remuneration must be paid by 30 September each year if the UPV/EHU-specific course has ended, or by 30 March for courses that last more than one academic year. Any payments made after that date will require the prior authorisation of the relevant committee or body. 




Article 13.- Definition & Access.

These are university-specific courses aimed at people who already hold university qualifications. They are intended to extend knowledge and competencies, to further specialisation and to update the education of university qualification holders.

As a guideline, they can be considered as belonging to qualification level 7 in the European Framework of Qualifications or level 3 of the Spanish Framework of Higher Education Qualifications.

1. These courses are open to the following persons:

  • holders of official undergraduate degrees or equivalent qualifications, on the terms set out in Royal Decree 822/2021 of 28 September establishing the structure of official university courses and holders of any other university qualification that pre-dates the said decree.
  • holders of UPV/EHU-specific undergraduate degrees involving the same number of credits as an official degree.
  • undergraduate degree students who have only to complete their end-of-degree project and a maximum of 9 ECTS credits may enrol on these courses but will not be awarded the relevant UPV/EHU-specific qualification unless they first obtain the undergraduate degree qualification that entitles them to access it. 

Holders of university-specific undergraduate degrees obtained elsewhere may be admitted if it can be demonstrated that they have a level of education equivalent to official undergraduate degrees and if the student in question meets the requirements for access to the University.

Holders of foreign qualifications may access these studies with no need first to obtain official recognition for those qualifications. The authorisation of the Postgraduate Studies Committee will suffice. That authorisation will be granted once qualification and the relevant additional academic documentation have been checked as established.

The Academic Director for the course year may set further preferences for admission provided that they are duly set out in the course proposal approved.

When courses are given under a covenant or are commissioned from the university by a public institution or authority, the requirements set out in the relevant covenant or regulations, as the case may be, will apply.

2. Depending on their duration, their goals and the prior education level of the students at whom they are aimed, these qualifications may be of the following types, and will lead to certificates with the titles indicated:

  • a) Lifelong Learning Master's Degree: These are postgraduate courses and are therefore targeted at holders of university degrees. The courses leading to this certificate entail completing 60, 90 or 120 ECTS credits. 
  • b) University Specialisation Diploma. These are postgraduate courses and are therefore targeted at holders of university degrees. They involve between 30 and 59 ECTS credits and their duration is one or two semesters.
  • c) University Expert Diploma. These courses are for the specialisation, upgrading and/or updating of knowledge possessed by persons who already hold a university qualification. They involve between 15 and 29 ECTS credits and their duration is one semester.


Article 14.- Definition & Characteristics.

The UPV/EHU may provide lifelong learning courses that may or may not require prior university qualifications entailing fewer than 15 ECTS credits as micro-credentials or micro-modules, in order to certify learning outcomes linked to short-duration learning activities. Such courses must never be confused with the qualifications offered by intermediate or higher level vocational training centres.

University-specific micro-credential courses are intended to accredit learning outcomes linked to short-duration learning activities. They seek to meet the needs for new knowledge, capabilities and competencies to foster the full engagement with society of all individuals throughout their lives, and to help improve employability by providing reskilling in highly specialised areas, by redirecting individuals towards new occupations, by providing an educational springboard for taking up university studies and as an instrument for social inclusion.

On completing these courses, students obtain a University Micro-credential qualification with the specific title under which the course was approved as a UPV/EHU-specific course.

These courses are to be developed and organised on the terms set out by the competent body in the relevant specific regulations.


Article 15.- Definition & characteristics of university extension diplomas.

The UPV/EHU may provide lifelong learning courses aimed at persons without university-level qualifications, with the purpose of extending and updating their knowledge, competencies and training or occupational skills and thus helping make them more employable. Such courses may include university extension diplomas linked to official qualifications.

The minimum duration of these courses must be that required to complete 15 ECTS credits. For university extension diplomas linked to official qualifications the minimum duration may be that required to complete 12 ECTS credits.

The proposals for such courses may, as guidelines, include an indication of the level to which they correspond under the European Framework of Qualifications and the Spanish Framework of Higher Education Qualifications.

On completion of these courses, students receive a University Extension Diploma  bearing the title of the course in question, on which the number of credits involved must be indicated.

The requirements for access and admission must be set out in the course proposal.

Article 16.- University extension diplomas linked to official qualifications.

1. University-specific courses leading to a University Extension Diploma linked to one or more official qualifications offered by the UPV/EHU are aimed at students on the official qualification courses with which they are linked. Their duration must be at least that required to obtain 12 ECTS credits.

The proposal for the provision of each course must establish and justify the link to the official qualification(s) at the UPV/EHU, and must be approved by the centre(s) responsible for the official qualifications with which it is linked. The proposal must also set out the conditions for access and admission, which must include taking the official qualification with which the course is linked.

The proposals for such courses may, as guidelines, include an indication of the level to which they correspond under the European Framework of Qualifications and the Spanish Framework of Higher Education Qualifications.

The design and organisation of the diploma course must take into account the calendar for the official course to which it is linked, so that the university extension course is compatible and suited to the timetable and the hours of dedication of students on the official qualification.

Its title must be "University Extension Diploma Linked to the Undergraduate/Master's Degree in ..."

Students who complete the diploma course but not the official course to which it is linked will receive a "University Extension Diploma".

These university extension courses must be recorded in the European Supplement to the official qualification to which they are linked, as set out in the proposal for the provision of the courses approved by the relevant committee.

They may be announced and publicised together with the official qualification(s) to which they are linked, and the term PLUS may be used in reference to the supplementary education that they add to the relevant official undergraduate or master's degree.

2. Students who have already completed the official qualification to which the university extension diploma is linked may access the diploma course and obtain the "University Extension Diploma Linked to the Undergraduate/Master's Degree in..." for the degree course that they have completed. These university extension courses will not be recorded in the European Supplement to the official qualification already completed to which they are linked.

3. These courses may also be offered to students who are not taking the official course(s) to which they are linked if this is specified in the proposal for their provision. On completing the course, such students will be awarded a "University Extension Diploma".

4. The order of priority in admitting students to university extension diplomas will be as follows: first, students who are taking the official courses to which the university extension diploma is linked; second, those who have already completed the official course; and third, those who are not taking it.


Article 17.- Short University Extension Courses.

These are courses aimed at the extension, specialisation, upgrading and/or updating of knowledge. In general they entail fewer than 15 ECTS credits, unless they are governed by a specific regulation that stipulates otherwise. Details of how they are to be organised and the conditions for their provision must be set out in the proposal as per these regulations.

The requirements for access and admission must be set out in the course proposal. When courses are given under a covenant or the university is commissioned by a public administration or institution, the requirements set out in the relevant covenant or regulations, as the case may be, will apply. The proposal may, as a guideline, specify the corresponding level in the European Framework of Qualifications and in the Spanish Framework of Higher Education Qualifications.

On completing these courses students receive a certificate with the title of the specific course, which in general will take the form of "Short University Extension Course in  ..."

Some of the types of university extension course that may be provided by the UPV/EHU are outlined below.

Article 18.- Short university extension courses provided at the request of external entities, or in-company training.

The UPV/EHU may provide university-specific courses at the request or external entities, including courses for the upgrading of specialist skills at the request of businesses or other external bodies for lifelong learning.

These short university extension courses are based on the development of programmes tailored to the specific learning needs of an organisation or entity, so as to train specific groups. The initiative for their provision may stem from an external entity or from the university itself.

Such courses have a duration equivalent to fewer than 15 ECTS credits. Their access requirements must be set out in the relevant proposal for course provision. They are referred to as "University Extension Course in Learning for..." Measures may be taken to facilitate the joint enrolment of students from the entity ion question if possible.

The proposals for such courses may, as guidelines, include an indication of the level to which they correspond under the European Framework of Qualifications and the Spanish Framework of Higher Education Qualifications.

Article 19.- University extension courses integrated into official undergraduate or master's degrees or university-specific qualifications.

The modules or subjects that make up the syllabus for a UPV/EHU-specific qualification or an official master's course may be offered in the form of university extension courses if they involve fewer than 15 ECTS credits. In deciding whether proposals are approved, their academic consistency and management viability are considered, especially when they comprise different types of content or different educational levels.

The proposals for such courses may, as guidelines, include an indication of the level to which they correspond under the European Framework of Qualifications and the Spanish Framework of Higher Education Qualifications.

They are referred to as "University Extension Course in..." and may comprise content of different types and origins:

  • specific content created for university-specific qualifications.
  • content that coincides with subjects or modules on an undergraduate or master's degree, taught as part of the normal teaching workload of the teaching staff involved.
  • optional subjects from undergraduate or master's degrees, taught as part of the normal teaching workload of the departments involved.

Article 20.- Interdisciplinary, international and inter-university extension courses - Definition and conditions.

Interdisciplinary, international and inter-university specific courses such as Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs) on the Erasmus+ programme have their own specific regulations.

Students will receive a course completion certificate and the relevant academic recognition in their official studies, on the terms regulated therein.

Article 21.- Other university extension courses organised by vice rectors, centres, departments or other university structures.

Other university-specific extension courses may be offered, though their content must not give rise to confusion with lifelong learning qualifications. They are to be regulated via specific provisions drawn up by the Vice Rectors or university structures that organise them. They lie outside the scope of these regulations unless specifically otherwise indicated or unless the relevant specific regulations themselves state otherwise. The studies involved must last no longer than required for 2 ECTS credits and may take the form of courses, seminars or workshops leading to a certificate of participation.




Article 22.- Proponents.

The Rector, teaching centres (internal and attached), university departments, specific research centres and institutes (internal and attached) may submit proposals within the period established for the approval of courses leading to university-specific qualifications.

Article 23.- Bodies Responsible & Participants.

1.  These courses must be organised and directed academically by one or more teaching centres, departments, in-house research centres or institutes of the UPV/EHU. If the proposal originates with the Rector, the agreement of centre, a department, a specific research centre or an institute must be obtained.

2. When a teaching centre takes responsibility for organising a course, that course is included in the range of courses offered by the relevant school or faculty alongside all its other qualifications, and it must be provided with a quality assurance system approved by the centre itself or by the office of the relevant Vice Rector for EUPV/EHU-specific courses. When responsibility does not fall to a centre or faculty, the qualification is monitored by the relevant Vice Rector for UPV/EHU-specific courses.

3. These courses will also have an Academic Committee.

Article 24.- Academic Director.

1.  The Academic Director must be a UPV/EHU teaching or research staff member and a member of the body responsible for organising and managing the qualification. Staff members may not act as directors of more than one UPV/EHU-specific qualification at undergraduate or postgraduate level unless the structure is modular, in which case the same person may act as Director for all the modules and the final qualification.

For courses taught at attached centres, the Academic Director may use personnel from the centre in question or enlist a joint director drawn from UPV/EHU teaching and research staff.

For courses taught jointly with other universities or administrations, there may also be a joint director from the other entity. For courses taught in cooperation with external entities, those entities may designate an individual responsible for the course, who will work with the Academic Director in the relevant tasks.

2.  Directors of Lifelong Learning Master's courses must hold a Ph.D.

3.  The functions of the Academic Director are as follows, and he/she reports to the Academic Committee for the relevant qualification:

  • To present the proposal for the provision of the course.
  • To draw up monitoring reports.
  • To draw up the relevant covenants.
  • To monitor the qualification.
  • To request the IQAS report.
  • To bring before the relevant committee any issues concerned with the relevant course.
  • To certify the hours taught by the staff teaching on the course, with the approval of the relevant departmental management.
  • To manage the budget allocation as provided for in these regulations.
  • To take charge of the programme of external academic work experience for students, if any.
  • To handle all other tasks required for the successful development and operation of the course.

Managerial tasks are expected to be allocated at least the equivalent of three credits.

Article 25.- Academic Committee.

The committee is made up of the Academic Director as its chair and two members of the teaching staff for the qualification proposed, one of whom must belong to the UPV/EHU. At least one member of the committee must have permanent links to the UPV/EHU.

For courses taught at attached centres, the committee make-up of the committee will be determined by the centre in question as per the attachment agreement.

The Academic Committee has the following remit:

  • To set the criteria for the selection of students.
  • To select and admit students and rule on any appeals concerning admission. In all cases, admission is conditional on the completion of the relevant enrolment process at the appropriate administrative unit of the UPV/EHU.
  • To allocate grants.
  • To carry out final and overall student assessments.
  • To appoint the person responsible for work experience, if relevant.
  • To draw up monitoring reports, to monitor the course and to report on the indicators required for that purpose, together with the course director.
  • To draw up any covenants that need to be signed and to renew same as necessary, together with the course director.
  • To draw up cost estimates, take responsibility for the relevant organic unit, adjusting the budget endowments approved, and to authorise spending together with the head of the proponent body.
  • To handle all other tasks of an academic nature.

Committee membership is expected to be allocated a minimum dedication of 1 credit.

Article 26.- Assessment of proposals for the provision and monitoring of qualifications. 

1. Proposals for the provision of courses must be drawn up and submitted by the Academic Director for the course, as per the points listed in Annex II to these regulations.

2.  The UPV/EHU must assure the quality and academic/scientific rigour of the lifelong learning and university-specific qualifications considered. This task falls to the internal quality assurance systems of the university.

3. Approval for the provision of university-specific qualifications must be assessed by the Postgraduate Studies Committee as determined by that committee, and a favourable report must be issued before the course can be approved.

Proposals for Lifelong Learning Master's Degrees must be assessed before they are approved by the governing bodies, and must obtain a favourable report from the Internal Quality Assurance System. That report is binding. Once such a favourable report is issued, the university may request that the course be included in the Spanish Registry of Universities, Centres and Qualifications (RUCT), under the title "Lifelong Learning Master's Degree" in the relevant field.

For new proposals for lifelong learning master's degrees, the university may ask Unibasq or another assessment agency to run an external comparative study to reinforce quality assurance. Any such external comparative study is for the stated purpose only. The public information provided on the qualification must not include the fact that it has been assessed according to the same parameters used for official university qualifications.

In any event, quality assurance for these courses will be provided via year-by-year monitoring of qualifications by the Internal Quality Assurance System.

Article 27.- Presentation & Approval of Courses Offered.

1.  The relevant committees must submit proposals to the Governing Council for the approval of the lifelong learning courses offered at the UPV/EHU, and the Social Council must issue a report accordingly. Courses will be announced publicly as they are approved.

2.  The courses offered will be those for the new proposals approved and subsequent editions of qualifications for which proposals for new editions are submitted by the deadline set.

3.  In all cases, proponents must provide cost estimates as appropriate and must indicate any variation on the initial project in view of subsequent provisions. The approval of the body acting as Academic Director must also be obtained.

4.  If the form in which a course is given is changed, if two potential editions pass without the course being given or if substantial changes are made in the course content, a new proposal must be submitted.

5.  Any modification of a proposal after its approval must be authorised expressly by the relevant committee. Modifications in the syllabus must be reported and authorised before enrolment takes place.

Article 28.- Monitoring report, presentation & contents.

1.  At the end of each course, its proponents and/or organisers must draw up a monitoring report with the indicators required for the course to be monitored, plus financial and academic reports. The submittal of a monitoring report is a prerequisite for the provision of any further editions of the relevant course.

2.  The financial report must show how closely costs match the cost estimate and what the final financial situation is, and must indicate the following:

  • Variations on the initial cost estimate.
  • Final settlement of the funding allocation.
  • Inventory of assets.
  • Detailed report on management of financial resources.

3. The academic report must at least cover the indicators deemed necessary by the university's Internal Quality Assurance System and proposals for improving the course.


Article 29.- Proponents.

The Rector, the Vice Rector responsible for the relevant area, teaching centres (both in.-house and attached), departments, in-house research centres and university institutes (in-house and attached) may propose university-specific university extension courses. Such proposals must be submitted to the relevant committee.

Article 30.- Academic Director.

1.  The Academic Director in charge of the academic direction of courses must be a member of the staff of the UPV/EHU. For courses taught jointly with other universities or administrations, there may also be a joint director from the other entity. For courses taught in cooperation with external entities, those entities may designate an individual responsible for the course, who will work with the Academic Director in the relevant tasks.

For courses taught at attached centres, the Academic Director may resort to personnel from the centre in question or enlist a joint director from the UPV/EHU.

2.  The tasks of the Academic Director are those indicated in Article 24.3, with the adaptations required in line with the specific nature of each course.

3.  In university extension courses, an Academic Committee must be set up with the membership and remit set out in Article 25 for postgraduate studies.

4. The limits of the responsibility of the Academic Director are as follows:

  • 10 hours on courses leading to fewer than 10 ECTS credits.
  • 15 hours on courses leading to between 10 and 15 ECTS credits.
  • On university extension courses with 15 ECTS credits or fewer, the dedication of the director is expected to involve the equivalent in hours of 3 credits and that of committee members the equivalent of at least 1 credit.

Article 31.- Management Bodies.

The financial and administrative management of these courses is the job of the teaching centre, department, in-house research centre, institute or office of the Vice Rector to which the Academic Director is linked, or of the university body to which this role is entrusted.

Article 32.- Contents & Approval of Proposals.  

and submit the proposal for its provision, as per the points set out in Annex III to these regulations:

2. University extension course proposals must be approved by the relevant committee. For repeated courses the monitoring reports on previous editions will be taken into account. Course enrolment fees are set by the Social Council of the University, at the proposal of the body responsible for teaching the course.

3. Any modification of a proposal after its approval must be authorised expressly by the relevant committee of body.

Article 33.- Submittal & content of monitoring and financial reports.

1.  As from the end of each course, the Academic Director will have one month in which to submit the relevant monitoring report, including a financial report. The submittal of a monitoring report is a prerequisite for the provision of any further editions of the relevant course.

2.  The financial report must show how closely costs match the cost estimate and what the final financial situation is, and must indicate the following:

  • Variations on the initial cost estimate
  • Final settlement of the funding allocation.
  • Inventory of assets.
  • Detailed report on management of financial resources.

These financial data must match those in the accounting records of the UPV/EHU.

3.  The report must also indicate the following academic data: the calendar of classes for the course, the degree to which the course expectations were met, the number of students (broken down by gender), the results of surveys, the type of assessment applied and, if relevant, the conditions for the issuing of attendance certificates.




Article 34.- Preliminary Registration, Acceptance & Confirmation.

1. Persons wishing to take a postgraduate lifelong learning course must apply for registration as indicated in the articles below and in Annex I to these regulations.

Once the preliminary registration period is over, the Academic Committee for the qualification will select and admit applicants.

Applicants admitted as students must confirm their registration for the qualification.

2.  If the qualification is modular in structure and applicants apply to study one or more modules, the admission document must specify the modules to which they are admitted and, as relevant, the qualifications or diplomas to which those modules lead. That document will indicate that the provision of the rest of the modules will depend on whether the course is actually provided, as set out in the Regulations for UPV/EHU-specific Courses.

Article 35.- Enrolment.

1.  After confirming their applications, students may formally register online within the periods set for each qualification.

Enrolment is for one specific edition of the course and the course must be completed within the time allocated for that edition. In enrolling for a subsequent edition of the same course, students will be subject to the provisions in force concerning the recognition of credits.

2.  The documentation to be provided as per the IDEBE Annex must be submitted to the UPV/EHU-Specific Qualifications Unit for review.

3.  Enrolment will be considered as provisional until it has been checked that the requirements set out in the applicable regulations have been met. If the UPV/EHU-Specific Qualifications Unit does not issue a resolution or a notification to the contrary within three months as from the date of submittal of the enrolment application, the application will be taken as accepted and firm for all intents and purposes.

If it is found that the enrolee has not met all the requirements set, he/she will be given ten days in which to make good the shortcomings detected.

4. Conditional enrolment.

Undergraduate degree students who have only to complete their end-of-degree project and a maximum of 9 ECTS credits to complete their studies may enrol on these courses provided that there are places available. Should such students fail to meet the requirements for admission by the end of the course, their enrolments will be considered null and void for all purposes, the course taken will not be valid for academic record purposes, there will be no entitlement to any refund of fees paid and no certificate attesting to courses taken will be awarded.

Article 36.- Amount & payment of enrolment fees for postgraduate lifelong learning courses.

1.  In general, the enrolment fee applicable is the general fee.

The publicly set fees may only be waived and/or reduced on instruction from the Social Council.

Each individual may benefit from only one exemption in any UPV/EHU-specific qualification.

2. Any pre-registration fees paid will be discounted from the amount payable as the enrolment fee. If enrolment is not completed, preliminary registration fees will only be refunded if they are for a course that does not ultimately take place.

3.  If the course is designed to last more than one academic year, a separate fee applies for each year, and the amount payable corresponds to the credits obtainable in the relevant year.

4.  In modular programmes students may enrol separately on each module if this is envisaged in the proposal.

5.  Enrolment fees may be paid in two instalments of 50% each if the proponent so requests and the relevant committee or body so stipulates.

Article 37.- Cancellation of Enrolment & Non-payment.

1.  Should enrolees who fail to meet all the requirements also fail to make good the shortcomings within the period given for that purpose, their provisional enrolment will be cancelled.

Enrolments may also be cancelled at the request of the interested party. In such cases, the fees paid will be refunded only if the course has not already begun. If the course has begun, all fees will remain payable and any amounts already paid will not be refunded. Amounts paid for preliminary registration are non-refundable in all cases.

2. Failure to pay enrolment fees within the period indicated is grounds for cancellation of enrolment.

Students who fail to pay the full enrolment fee and do not cancel enrolment by the deadline set will be deemed to owe the UPV/EHU the full amounts outstanding. Those amounts must be paid before any certificate can be issued for this or any other official or university-specific course.

Students who owe money to the UPV/EHU under a firm ruling may not enrol on UPV/EHU-specific qualifications.

3. Cancellations of enrolment will be announced via a grounded resolution, against which an appeal may be filed with the Rector of the UPV/EHU or any authority to which he/she may delegate this function.


Article 38.- Preliminary Registration & Enrolment.

Arrangements for preliminary registration and enrolment on university extension courses will be as set out by the proponent of the relevant course.

The publicly set fees may only be waived and/or reduced on instruction from the body authorised to do so.

Article 39.- Admission & Cancellation of Enrolment.

1.  The decision on what applicants to admit to complementary studies courses lies with the proponent and with the Academic Head of the course in question.

2.  In general, enrolment fees must be paid in a single amount. Proponents of university extension courses may ask the relevant committee or body to authorise the payment by instalments of enrolment fees.

3. Failure to pay enrolment fees within the period indicated is grounds for cancellation of enrolment.

Enrolments may also be cancelled at the request of the interested party. In such cases, the fees paid will be refunded only if the course has not already begun. If the course has begun, all fees will remain payable and any amounts already paid will not be refunded.

Students who fail to pay the full enrolment fee and do not cancel enrolment by the deadline set will be deemed to owe the UPV/EHU the full amounts pending payment. Those amounts must be paid before any certificate can be issued for this or any other official or university-specific course.


Article 40.- Student Insurance.

Students who enrol on university-specific courses are not covered by the Student Insurance scheme. However, along with their enrolment fees UPV/EHU-specific course students pay "fixed enrolment costs" which cover their student ID cards and a separate insurance scheme, in line with the amount set by the order of the Department of Education setting the fees for public higher education services at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) for each academic year.

The said amount is paid once only, regardless of whether students are enrolled on more than one UPV/EHU qualification and on whether they are enrolled on official or UPV/EHU-specific courses.


Article 41.- Assessment of Postgraduate Lifelong Learning Courses. 

1.  To obtain a UPV/EHU-specific qualification, students must successfully complete the studies and academic activities for that qualification, as determined via the relevant assessment process. In no case will mere attendance be grounds for the awarding of a qualification.

2.  The assessment criteria applicable must be set out in the proposal for the course. The grades awarded will be PASS, FAIL or DID NOT SIT, and will cover all the credits allocated. Partial passing grades will not be awarded. A single examination session will be held for the obtaining of the minimum number of credits set for each qualification, and dispensations may be granted only with the express authorisation of the relevant committee.

3.  Up to 20% of students may be awarded a "mention for excellence", which will appear on their qualification certificates.

4.  On modular courses credits obtained in interim qualifications will be consolidated for the purpose of obtaining higher qualifications.

5.  On courses that last more than one year there may be a final assessment for each academic year. Students who pass that assessment consolidate their passing grades, and the relevant credits may be recognised for purposes of securing the qualification in subsequent editions.

6.  The procedure for reviewing grades will be as set out in any supplementary regulations approved by the Graduate and Postgraduate Studies Committees.

Article 42.- Recognition of credits for postgraduate lifelong learning courses and university extension diplomas.

1. Decisions on the recognition of subjects or topics on syllabuses leading to UPV/EHU-specific postgraduate qualifications as a result of other prior studies will be made via a ruling of the Academic Committee for the specific qualification in question, in line with the rules set in Annex IV to these regulations.

Students who take the modules for a qualification separately may in due time request their recognition for the purposes of completing the requirements for a qualification or for the obtaining of the relevant qualification.

2. An appeal against the rulings of the Academic Committee may be filed with the Vice Rector delegated as responsible UPV/EHU-specific qualifications by the Rector of the UPV/EHU within one month as from the day following the date on which the notification is received.

3. In any event, students who have credits recognised must pay the fees set by the Social Council of the University at the proposal of the relevant body of the university.

Article 43.- Assessment of Diplomas & University Extension Courses.

1. The form in which university extension diplomas are assessed is set in the course proposal and may be adapted in line with the specifications for postgraduate studies; it may also be envisaged otherwise in the proposal, in line with the nature of the course.

2. On university extension courses, the Academic Director must provide the specific-qualifications unit with a list of students, indicating whether certificates are to be for attendance or successful completion for those who pass any assessment process envisaged. That list must be certified by the Academic Director for the course.



Certificates will be issued as provided for in the articles below and in Annex V to these regulations.

Article 44.- Applications for and Issuance of Postgraduate Final Qualification Certificates and Diplomas.

1. Applications for issuance

The issue of final qualification certificates and diplomas may be requested online or by submitting the relevant form at the UPV/EHU-specific Qualifications Unit or at the offices indicated by the Vice Rector of each campus. The procedure for issuing final qualification certificates will be set by the relevant committee.

If enrolment is by modules, final qualification certificates for all modules must be requested in order for the final qualification certificate to be issued.

If enrolment is for the full qualification, there is no need to apply for and pay for the certificates for each module.

2. Issuance

Lifelong Learning Master's qualifications and diplomas for UPV/EHU-specific qualifications are awarded by the Rector in a standardised format, and entered in the University Register of UPV/EHU-Specific Qualifications. The requirements for identification, safeguarding, certification and public status are similar to those for the University Register of Official Qualifications.

For the issue by the UPV/EHU of final qualification certificates and other certificates, the fees set by the Social Council for each academic year at the proposal of the proponent of the course must have been paid.

When qualifications are obtained thanks to recognition of other qualifications and independent modules, this must be duly indicated on the reverse side of the certificate.

Article 45.- Certificates of Attendance and Academic Certificates for Postgraduate Courses & Diplomas.

1. Students who fail to obtain an overall PASS grade may request a certificate of attendance. Such certificates will be signed by the Academic Committee, which will also set the conditions for their issue.

2. As well as the certificates mentioned above, students who obtain an overall PASS grade in the relevant qualification may request an academic certificate to that effect from the UPV/EHU-specific Qualifications Unit.

Article 46.- Certificates of Attendance & Successful Completion of University Extension Courses.

1. Regular attendance at UPV/EHU-specific university extension courses entitles students to receive an "attendance certificate", or a "successful completion certificate" if they successfully complete courses that include an assessment process.

2. Issuance

Attendance and/or successful completion certificates will be issued by the corresponding Vice Rector. They may also be issued jointly together with other participating institutions and organisations, and will be registered at the UPV/EHU-specific Qualifications Unit.



Article 47.- Funding.

The university-specific courses covered by these regulations must always be self-funded and course proposals must balance revenues and expenditures.

Article 48.- Financial Management.

Financial management is subject to the current general regulations of the UPV/EHU and the provisions of the following articles.

Article 49.- Opening & Closing of Organic Units.

1.  For financial management tasks, each university-specific course must have an organic management unit as provided for by the Administrative Management Department of the University. If two editions of the course are held within the same calendar year, the same organic unit can handle both.

2. Organic units are opened as provided for in the General Regulations on Financial Management in Volume III of the General Budgetary Regulations of the UPV/EHU, and the persons empowered to authorise spending attributable to each organic unit are those indicated in Article 2 of Section I of the said regulations.

3. At the end of each edition of the UPV/EHU-specific qualification, the organic unit will remain open for a year to settle all the expenses from that edition, or for use as provided for in Article 53. After that time the organic unit will be closed down and any remaining funds will be transferred to the general account of the university.

Article 50.- Revenues.

Revenues for university-specific courses will come from:

  • Registration and enrolment fees paid by students. 
  • Public and private subsidies. 
  • Patronage, sponsorship & donations. 
  • Other sources, which must be specified in the relevant financial reports.

Article 51.- Revenues from Enrolment Fees.

1. Revenues from enrolment fees are paid into an account set up for that purpose, and must be used directly to finance the expenditures arising from the relevant activities, as per the cost estimate submitted.

2.  Once the enrolment process is completed, the UPV/EHU-specific Qualifications Unit will handle the relevant settlements via the Accounting Service. Should any refunds need to be made after revenues have been recorded in accounts, they will be handled directly by the persons responsible for the relevant specific qualification and charged to the budget allocation for same.

Article 52.- Revenues from Subsidies.

1.  Postgraduate Lifelong Learning courses and University Extension Diplomas

Revenues from subsidies are recognised in the accounts and endowed as credit to the organic unit for the university-specific qualification when the subsidy resolution is received.

If the subsidy is ultimately not received, the amount credited will be discounted from the credit to which the subsidy is allocated or, by default, from the credit provided from enrolment fees.

2. Other UPV/EHU-specific courses

If any subsidy is received for the course, the task of applying for, managing and justifying use of same will fall to the proponent and the Academic Head of the course.

Article 53.- Surpluses.

Any surpluses may be used to cover potential deficits in the following edition of a qualification due to shortfalls in the expected revenues from enrolment fees envisaged in the cost estimate.

Article 54.- Fees.

The fees for these courses and the fees for the issue of final qualification & other certificates will be set by the Social Council, at the proposal of the Governing Council.

Article 55.- Management of Expenditure.

Expenses arising from the provision of university-specific courses must be covered in full by the revenues from enrolment fees, subsidies and surpluses from previous editions, if any. They must be managed as per the general regulations of the University, taking the following points into account:

The withholding established by the body responsible for financial affairs at the UPV/EHU will apply.

Payments to UPV/EHU staff resulting from their cooperation in teaching and managing courses will be made via their salaries, in line with the specific regulations in force.

Payments to non-UPV/EHU personnel will be made against invoices. As an exception, in cases when it is not possible to issue an invoice payments will be made with the withholdings on account of personal income tax required in law at the relevant time.

All materials subject to inventory acquired with funding allocated to university-specific extension courses will be the property of the UPV/EHU.

On university-specific extension courses which are modules within official master's qualifications, revenues may be used to cover expenses arising from the provision of the master's degree, in line with the regulations on the management of master's degrees.



The provisions of this chapter are considered as specific regulations as per Article 25 f) of the current Operating Regulations of the Governing Council of 24 April 2009 (published in the Official Gazette of the Basque Country on 26 May).

The UPV/EHU may enter into cooperation covenants with other entitles for university-specific courses, so that both parties pursue a common goal in their mutual best interests and undertake obligations with a view to fulfilling their common interests.

To facilitate the signing of cooperation covenants, the Postgraduate Studies Committee may draw up and encourage the use of standard-form covenants, or set minimum content requirements for covenants.

Article 56.- Types of Covenant.

Along with the covenants already mentioned here, the following types of covenant may be entered into:

1. Cooperation between universities or with other entities for the joint or collaborative organising of university-specific courses.

2. The use of premises, funding and other elements considered appropriate in regard to university-specific courses.

3. Cooperation with attached centres and institutes for the organising of university-specific courses, setting the conditions for the provision and management of such courses.

4. Cooperation with other public or private institutions or entities for external academic work experience for students. Such covenants will be governed by the Regulations on External Academic Work Experience for students at the UPV/EHU.

Article 57.- Minimum Required Content of Proposals.

1. Covenants for the joint organising of courses with other universities or public administrations, courses in collaboration with other universities or entities and the provision of on-demand training in cooperation with an external entity:

Covenants entered into by the UPV/EHU and any other party or parties must include at least the following points: the purpose and official title of the university-specific course involved, the conditions for the provision of the course, the requirements for selection and admission of students, the name of the university coordinating the qualification, the name of the university responsible for holding the academic records of the students and for issuing qualification certificates, financial points, the names of the coordinating and management bodies, the syllabus and procedures for amending it, plus any further points stipulated by the relevant committee of the UPV/EHU.

For inter-university courses, covenants must also specify which university is responsible for holding the academic records of students and for issuing and registering qualification certificates. When foreign universities are involved, the UPV/EHU will hold the academic records of the students for whom it issues university-specific qualification certificates.

In covenants with entities other than universities, the UPV/EHU will hold the academic records of students and will issue and register the qualification certificates.

Such covenants must be processed and approved together with the proposal for the provision of the university-specific qualification in question and must be informed by the university areas affected and, in any event, by the administrative management of the UPV/EHU.

2. The use of premises, funding and other elements considered appropriate.

3. Collaboration with attached centres and institutes. Such covenants must contain at least the following information: conditions for the provision of teaching; name of the body responsible for organising courses and the person responsible for financial management; name of the person responsible for the course; financial points including, specifically, financial rights corresponding to the UPV/EHU.

Article 58.- Processing & Subscription.

1. If they adhere to the standard form documents set out for these purposes, covenants may be signed directly by the Academic Head of the qualification in question, who must report back to the relevant committee prior to their entry into force.

2. If they do not adhere to the standard form documents they must be approved by the relevant committee and signed by the Vice Rector responsible or by the Academic Head for the qualification if he/she is authorised to do so by the said committee.

3. When covenants are processed together with the proposals for course provision, they must be submitted along with the relevant report for joint approval by the relevant committee, so that the course report can subsequently be submitted to the Governing Council. In any event, covenants must be signed by the parties before the course commences.

4. The UPV/EHU-specific Qualifications Unit will obtain such reports as may be deemed relevant for the processing of covenants.

All covenants must be accompanied by an explanatory report outlining the benefits of or the need for the covenant, the activities to be carried out, the undertakings of each party, the infrastructure required and the personnel and resources available to attain the goals of the covenant. The need for and appropriateness of the covenant to be signed must be analysed in terms of benefits for the university, financial impact and the non-contractual nature of the activities covered.

5. Collaboration covenants with attached centres and institutes must be processed and approved together by the relevant committee and must be informed by the university areas affected and, in any event, by the administrative management of the UPV/EHU.

Artículo 59.- Información al Consejo de Gobierno y registro de convenios. 

Once per semester, the relevant Vice-Rector must report to the Governing Council concerning covenants subject to the standard-form document drawn up by same. Those that do not contain personal data on students will also be registered.


ADDITIONAL PROVISION ONE: The relevant Vice Rector for postgraduate studies is entrusted with the construal of these regulations and the settlement of any issues that may arise in terms of their application.

ADDITIONAL PROVISION TWO: The relevant committee of the UPV/EHU is empowered to draw up supplementary rules for the implementation of these regulations.

The relevant committee of the UPV/EHU is also empowered to approve standard-form covenants as referred to in these regulations and to amend the annexes to these regulations at the proposal of the Vice Rector for postgraduate studies and lifelong learning.

ADDITIONAL PROVISION THREE: University extension courses provided at Experience Learning Centres

The Experience Learning Centres of the UPV/EHU give university extension courses governed by specific regulations: the qualification in Human Science is governed by a Resolution of 12 September 2001 of the Vice Rector for Academic Structure concerning the regularisation of studies leading to the university degree qualification in human science (experience learning centres) on all three campuses of the university, which resolution was amended by an Agreement of the Provisional Governing Council of the UPV/EHU at its meeting on 15 December 2003, as a result of which the University Degree Qualification in Human Science was modified; adult education courses are currently governed by the regulations for university courses for mature students at the Experience Learning Centres of the UPV/EHU approved by the Governing Council in its meeting on 21 July 2005.

DEROGATION PROVISION: All previous circulars, provisions and resolutions contrary to the provisions of these regulations are hereby repealed.

FINAL PROVISION ONE: On any points not covered by these regulations or such further regulations as may be drawn up, the provisions of current legislation will apply.

FINAL PROVISION TWO: These regulations will apply as from the day following the date of their publication in the Official Gazette of the Basque Country.

Additional information