Students enrolled from the year 1994-95 to the year 2007-2008

To request the certificate for the Academic Certification, you must provide the following documentation:

  Ordinary Large family.
General category
Large family.
Special category
Victims of terrorist acts
33% Disabled
CERTIFICATE €27,96 €13,98  € 0 

Fees applicable until September 30, 2018.

Documentation must be delivered to the following address:

  • Vicerrectorado de Estudios de Grado y Posgrado
    Unidad de Enseñanzas Propias
    -Negociado de Títulos Propios-
    Edificio Aulario II
    48940 Leioa 
  • or, scanned, by e-mail to  titulospropios@ehu.eus