
Diploma Supplement (DS)

The Diploma Supplement (DS) is a document designed by the European Commission, the Council of Europe and UNESCO, to facilitate international transparency and academic and professional recognition of official qualifications. In Spain it is known as the Suplemento Europeo al Título. It provides additional information to that stated on the University Degree Certificate and is issued in three languages: Spanish, Basque and English.

Undergraduate and Master's Degree Qualifications

Anyone requesting a University Undergraduate or Master's Degree Certificate on or after 26 April 2017 will automatically be issued a DS also.

Undergraduate and Master's degree graduates who already have their University Degree Certificate and wish to receive a DS also, may request one from 26 April 2017 onwards, by completing this form.

Degrees dating from before the Bologna reform

Graduates who earned their degrees prior to the Bologna reform may request a DS from the Secretary of the University at which they studied. They should receive their DS within a period of approximately one week from the date of application.

Doctoral programmes

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport has not yet approved the Guidelines corresponding to the issuing of DSs for Doctoral studies.


University of the Basque Country regulations

  • Resolution of 16 October 2014, issued by the Pro Vice-Chancellor for Undergraduate Studies and Innovation and the Pro Vice-Chancellor for Postgraduate Studies and International Relations, which governs the publication of UPV/EHU Governing Board Agreement of 30 January 2014, which modifies the procedure for issuing Diploma Supplements (DSs) at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).
  • Resolution of 21 December 2011, issued by the Pro Vice-Chancellor for Academic Planning, which establishes the procedure for issuing Diploma Supplements (DSs) at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).
  • Circular of 13 June 2011 (pdf, 34,48 KB), sent by the Pro Vice-Chancellor for Academic Planning, which standardises the issuing of DSs for degree qualifications earned prior to the Bologna reform and for those adapted to this reform.
  • Resolution of 24 October 2006, issued by the Pro Vice-Chancellor for Academic Planning and Coordination, which establishes the procedure for issuing Diploma Supplements (DSs) at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).

General regulations regarding DSs

  • Royal Decree 195/2016, of 13 May, which establishes the requirements for issuing Diploma Supplements for PhD degrees.
  • Royal Decree 22/2015, of 23 January, which establishes the requirements for issuing Diploma Supplements for degrees governed by Royal Decree 1393/2007.
  • Royal Decree 1002/2010, of 5 August, on the issuing of official university degree certificates.
  • Royal Decree 1044/2003, of 1 August, which establishes the procedure for the issuing of Diploma Supplements (DSs) by universities.

General Regulations