Research Projects

Strengthening the Minority Language Network's Researchers' Network

Josu Amezaga Albizu, Edorta Arana Arrieta, Iskandar Hamawy Lopategi, Patxi Azpillaga Goenaga, Beatriz Narbaiza Amillategui
from 2005 to 2006
Financing entity:
Eusko Jaurlaritza / Gobierno Vasco
Total amount:
€ 4073

Abstract: As shown in the report, the aim of this project is to carry out a series of meetings and encounters with the members of the Minority Language Media Network. As a first step, we suggest that we carry out work meetings with the following Network members:

The team directed by Professor Mike Cormack. Mike Cormack is the coordinator of the MLMN and, currently, he teaches Gaelic and Media Studies at the Sabhal Mór Ostaig Gaelic College of Scotland. During the last decade, he has published several works on the relationship between minority languages and the media, both at a general level and focusing on Scottish Gaelic.

The team directed by Elin Haf Gruffydd and Jones George Jones, both colleagues at the Aberystwyth University in Wales. The former is the chairman of the Mercator organization and the latter a researcher in it. Both have published several works on the media in minority languages.

Máiréad Moriarty's team. Máiréad Moriarty is a professor at the University of Limerick in Ireland.

Reference: 3/00016.323-HM2005-1-6 AMEZAGA