
Department of Chemical Engineering


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Blogs (Department of Chemical Engineering)

Aitor Arandiaren Doktorego Tesia

Aitor Arandia ikasleak Ana G. Gayubo eta Javier Bilbao Katedradunen zuzendaritzapean landutako "Catalysts and conditions in the oxidative steam reforming of bio-oil for stable H2 production" Doktorego Tesia ekainak 28an ZTF-FCTko Gradu Aretoan defendatuko du.

El próximo 28 de junio en el Salón de Grados de la ZTF-FCT, Aitor Arandia defenderá la Tesis Doctoral titulada "Catalysts and conditions in the oxidative steam reforming of bio-oil for stable H2 production", realizada bajo la dirección de los Catedráticos Ana G. Gayubo y Javier Bilbao.

Blogs (Department of Chemical Engineering)