

Azkarate, M. (1993) "Basque compound nouns and Generative Morphology: some data" in J.I. Hualde & J. Ortiz de Urbina (eds) Generative Studies in Basque Lingusitics Benjamins, Amsterdam & Philadelphia, pp. 221-242.[Basque derivational morphology. Compounding.]

Altube, S. (1929) Erderismos, Euskaltzaindia, Bilbao.[Reprinted in 1975 in the collection Orain Sorta, Indauchu Editorial, Bilbao] [Description of the notion galdegaia. Various aspects of Basque grammar, from a normativist point of view.]

Burzio, L. (1986) Italian Syntax: A Government and Binding Approach, Reidel, Dordretch. [Syntactic Theory. Italian Grammar. Ergative and unergative predicates, an account in terms of Government and Binding Theory.]

Douglas W., R. Etulain & W. Jacobsen (eds.) (1977) Anglo-American Contributions to Basque Studies: Essays in Honor of Jon Bilbao, Desert Research Institute Publications on the Social Sciences, 13, Reno, Nevada, USA. [Compilation of papers on Basque grammar: ergativity, partitive, phonology etc.]

Eguzkitza, A. (1986) Topics in the Syntax of Basque and Romance UCLA PhD Dissertation, Los Angeles, California, USA. [Syntactic Theory. Generative grammar. Basque grammar. Galdegaia and question formation.]

Euskaltzaindia (Royal Academy of the Basque Language) (1979) Euskal Aditz Batua (Txillardegi Taulen prestatzailea), Gráficas Valverde, San Sebastián. [This book is an exhaustive compilation of verbal paradigms and the forms the paradigms yield. Arranged in color-coded fashion.]

Euskaltzaindia (Royal Academy of the Basque Language) (1990) Euskal Gramatika. Lehen Urratsak.(EGLU)., Euskaltzaindia, Bilbo, Bizkaia. [The most extensive description of Basque grammar, in several volumes.]

Euskaltzaindia (1993) Euskal Gramatika Laburra: Perpaus bakuna, (P. Salaburu moldatzailea) Euskaltzaindia, Bilbo, Bizkaia.[An abreviated version of some of the volumes of EGLU.]

Hualde, J.I. (1991) Basque Phonology, Routledge, London & New York.[Generative phonology]

Hualde, J.I & Elordieta G. & Elordieta A. (1994) The Basque Dialect of Lequeitio, Supplements of Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca "Julio de Urquijo", XXXIV. Published by Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Bilbo, and Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia, Donostia.[An exhaustive description of the dialect of Bermeo. Sociolingusitics. Phonology. Morphology. Syntax.]

Hualde, J.I. & J. Ortiz de Urbina (1993)Generative Studies in Basque Lingusitics Benjamins, Amsterdam & Philadelphia. [Compilation of papers on Basque grammar. Generative grammar.]

Intxausti, J. (1990) Euskara, la lengua de los vascos, Servicio central de publicaciones del Gobierno Vasco, Vitoria-Gasteiz. [A general history of Euskara. Culture. Literature. Sociolinguistics.Available in Euskara and French. Also available in CD-Rom.]

Ladusaw, W. (1979) Polarity Sensitivity as Inherent Scope Relations PhD. Dissertation, University of Texas, Austin, USA.[Natural Language semantics. Downward entailment. Negative Polarity licensing.]

Lafitte, P. (1979) Grammaire Basque. Navarro-Labourdin Littéraire, édition revue et corrigée, Elkar, Donostia-San Sebastian, Gipuzkoa. [A descriptive grammar of eastern dialects. Phonology. Morphology. Syntax.]

Lafon, R. (1944) Le système du verbe Basque au XVIème siècle, Delmas, Bordeaux. [Reprinted in 1988 by Elkar, Donostia][Historical Linguistics. Exhaustive study of the verbal system.]

Laka, I. (1993) "The Structure of Inflection: A Case Study in X0 Syntax", in J.I. Hualde & J. Ortiz de Urbina (eds.) Generative Studies in Basque Linguistics, John Benjamins Publishing Co. Amsterdam/Philadelphia, pp. 21-70.[morphology of inflected auxiliary. Morpheme order changing phenomena]

Laka, I. (1993) "The Syntax of Negation: a view from Basque" in Rivista di Linguistica, Vol. 5, numero 2, pp. 245-274

Laka, I. (1993) "Unergatives that assign ergative, unaccusatives that assign accusative" in Papers on Case and Agreement, Vol I., J. Bobaljik & C. Phillips (eds), MITWPL 18, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, pp.149-172.

Laka, I. (1994) On the Syntax of Negation, Garland, New York & London.

Lakarra, J. ed. (1991) Memoriae L. Mitxelena Magistri Sacrum, Diputación Foral de Guipúzcoa, Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain.

Lakarra, J. & J. Ortiz de Urbina eds. (1992), Syntactic Theory and Basque Syntax, Diputación Foral de Guipúzcoa, Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain.

Levin, B. (1983) On the Nature of Ergativity, PhD Dissertation, MIT, Cambridge, Masschusetts, USA.[Syntactic Theory. Government and Binding Theory. Ergativity and Ergative Languages. Basque Grammar.Unaccusative and unergative predicates.]

Mitxelena, K. (1977) La lengua vasca, Leopoldo Zugaza, editor, Durango, Vizcaya.[A general description of Euskara. Names of the language. History. Early written testimonies. Grammatical structure. Ergativity. Agreement.]

Michelena, L. (1985) Fonética histórica vasca 3rd. ed., Diputación de Guipúzcoa, San Sebastián. {Historical Linguistics. Historical Phonology. History of Euskara. Ethimology. Phonological structure. Dialects.]

Oñederra, M.L. & B. Hurch (1991) "Borrowing in Basque" in Proceedings of the Fourtheenth Internations Congress of Linguists, Bahner W., J. Schildt & D. Viehweger (eds.), Akademie Verlag Berlin, Berlin, pp. 1732-1735.

Ortiz de Urbina, J. (1989) Parameters in the Grammar of Basque, Studies in Generative Grammar 33, Foris Publications, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.[Syntactic Theory. Government and Bingind Theory. Basque grammar. Question formation. Galdegaia. Ergativity.]

Oyharçabal, B. (1987) Étude descriptive des constructions complexes en Basque: Propositions relatives, temporelles, conditionelles et concessives, PhD Dissertation, Univ. de Paris 7.

Oyharçabal, B. (1993) "Verb agreement with non-arguments: On allocutive agreement' in J. Hualde & J. Ortiz de Urbina eds. generative Studies in Basque Lingusitics Benjamins, Amsterdam & Philadephia, pp. 89-114.

Perlmutter, D. (1978) "Impersonal Passives and the Unaccusative Hypothesis" in Berkeley Linguistic Society 4, pp. 157-189 [Unaccusative predicates]

Rebuschi, G. (1993) "Basque pronouns and relativized locality" in J.I. Hualde & J. Ortiz de Urbina (eds), Generative Studies in Basque Lingusitics Benjamins, Amsterdam & Philadelphia, pp. 115-144.

de Rijk, R. (1969) "Is Basque an SOV language?" in Fontes Linguau Vasconum 1, pp. 319-351 [Free word order and underlying word order.]

de Rijk, R. (1972) Studies in Basque Syntax: Relative clauses PhD Dissertation, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.

Rollo, W. (1925) The Basque dialect of Marquina, H.J. Paris, Amsterdam.

Rotaetxe, K. (1978) Estudio Estructural del euskera de Ondárroa, L. Zugaza, Durango. [Structural linguistics. Basque grammar. Biscayan dialect.]

Saltarelli, M. et alii (1988) Basque, Croom Helm, New York.[Description of Euskara. Phonology, Morphology. Syntax. In English.]

Safir, K. & Stowell, T. (1988) "Binominal Each" in Proceedings of the 1987 Meeting of the North Eastern Linguistic Society, UMass Amherst.

Tovar, A. (1980) Mitología e ideología sobre la lengua vasca, Alizanza Editorial, Madrid.[History of conceptions of the Basque language. From Middle Ages on.]

Trask, R.L. (199) "The -n class of verbs in Basque"in Transactions of the Philological Society 88.1, 111-128.

Uribe-Etxebarria, M. (1994) Interface Licensing Conditions on Negative Polarity Items: A Theory of Polarity and Tense Interactions, PhD Dissertation, University of Connecticut, USA.


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