Invited Speakers

Invited Speakers


Italian professor of Semiotica dell'Arte in the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy of the University of Bologna. For more than two decades he has directed the center created by Umberto Eco, Discipline dell'Arte della Musica and dello Spettacolo di Bologna (DAMS). He founded the Semiotics Center of Urbino, one of the main European references in the field of semiotics, and he has taught in the most recognized universities in the world. He is the co-director of Mezzavoce magazine and the Semiotic Crossroad, Teoria della Cultura and Segnature book collections. Among his works translated into Spanish, include Táctica de los signos and El giro semiótico.



He is a professor and researcher at the University of Siena, where he teaches the subjects Semiotics of Image and Textual Semiotics. In addition, he directs the Center for Semiotics and Theory of Image Omar Calabrese of the same university. Lancioni is also editor of the magazine Carte Semiotiche-Rivista di Semiotica e Teoria dell'Immagine and is part of the scientific committee of the journal Actes Sémiotiques and of the I libri di Omar editorial series. His main lines of research are focused on the analysis of the image and the theory of representation. The book Immagini narrate. Semiotica figurativa e testo letterario is among his most significant works.



French semiologist and sociologist, research director of the Center d'Études de la Vie Politique Française (CNRS). He was editor in chief of Revue internationale de sémiotique juridique and director of the Sociosemiótica Research Center of Sao Paulo (Brazil). Currently, he directs the magazine Actes Sémiotiques. Taking as a basis the generative semiotics of Algirdas J. Greimas, he was one of the pioneers of sociosemiotics. His books and essays, which have been translated into several languages, deal fundamentally with the semiotic analysis of sociopolitical discourses and practices, the theory of interaction and the processes of identity construction. Two of his books, La sociedad figurada and Presencias del otro, were translated into Spanish and published by the University of the Basque Country UPV / EHU.



Spanish semiologist and professor of General Theory of Information at the Complutense University of Madrid. He founded and directs the research group Studies of Semiotics of Culture of the Ortega y Gasset Institute. He has been director of the Academy of Rome and editorial secretary of Revista de Occidente. His main lines of research are information theory, discourse analysis, the semiotics of culture and the semiotics of fashion. He has published numerous academic and journalistic articles. Among the most significant works of the author are El discurso histórico -book prologued by Umberto Eco- and Persuasión. Estrategias del creer.



He has a PhD in Audiovisual Communication from the University of the Basque Country and a master's degree in film script writing from the Autonomous University of Madrid. Professor of the UPV/EHU, he teaches the subjects of Film History and Audiovisual Narrative. His academic work delves into topics such as the relationship between fiction film and documentary, ethics in film and education and film. Among his books, there are Wim Wenders, an analysis of the filmic work of the German director, and Deliberaciones poéticas. Cine y ética narrativa. He also edited the volume Películas para la educación. Aprender viendo cine, aprender a ver cine with Carmen Arocena.



He is a professor and researcher at the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising of the University of the Basque Country and was president of the Basque Association of Semiotics. He has taught the subjects Audiovisual Narrative, Semiotics and Advertising Persuasion at the UPV / EHU. The main line of his research work revolves around semiotics. His articles and papers, as well as questions related to semiotics, also affect the analysis of discourse, narratology and comparative literature.



He holds a PhD in Romance Philology and is a professor of Spanish Literature at the universities of Córdoba and the National University of Distance Education (UNED). Academic number of the Academy of Performing Arts of Spain was founder and president of the Spanish Association of Semiotics. He directs the Literary, Theatrical and New Technologies Semiotics Research Center and Signa, the magazine of the Spanish Association of Semiotics. In addition to being a Romanist and semiologist, he is a literary and theatrical critic. His main lines of research are theory and practice of theater, Spanish literature, autobiographical writing and semiotics.



He is Professor of Audiovisual Communication at the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, where he teaches subjects related to the analysis of the image and history of cinema, subjects on which he has published, among others, Los placeres de la vista. Mirar, escuchar, pensar (Valencia, Ediciones de la Filmoteca, 2002), La materialidad de la forma fílmica. Crítica de la (sin)razón posestructuralista (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco, 2006), La experiencia fílmica. Cine, emoción y pensamiento (Cátedra, 2011), and Formas de mirar(se). Diálogos sin palabras entre Chaplin y Tati, Lewis mediante (Biblioteca Nueva, 2013). His latest book, written with Santos Zunzunegui, is titled Ver para creer. Avatares de la verdad cinematográfica (Cátedra, 2019).