Conferences and Congresses - 2014

  • Main odor active compounds in sheep's raw milk cheeses with flavour defect
    Zabaleta L; Albisu M; Gourrat K; Barron LJR; Guichard E
    Vitagora Congress: 9th International Taste, Nutrition and Health Congress
  • Heritability estimates of conjugated linoleic acid isomers in brisket adipose tissue of Canadian crossbred beef steers
    Oral presentation
    Li C; Ekine-Dzivenu C; Chen L; Vinsky M; Aldai N; Dugan MER; McAllister TA
    10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production
  • Panel training and qualification for sensory characterization of lamb meat
    Etaio I; Bravo-Lamas L; Zudaire G; Unzueta, E; Belaunzaran X; Pérez-Elortondo FJ; Aldai N
    6th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research. EuroSense 2014
  • Development of references for sensory evaluation of lamb meat
    Etaio I; Bravo-Lamas L; Zudaire G; Unzueta E; Belaunzaran X; Pérez-Elortondo FJ; Aldai N
    6th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research. EuroSense 2014
  • Organization and activities of the Working Group Protected Designation of Origin of the European Sensory Science Society
    Zannoni M; Pérez-Elortondo FJ
    6th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research. EuroSense 2014
  • Is the check-all-that-apply (CATA) appropriate to differentiate among meat products by consumers and to explain the linking?
    Ojeda M; Etaio I; Gil MPF; Albisu M, Salmerón J; Pérez-Elortondo FJ
    6th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research. EuroSense 2014
  • Advanced separations techniques for resolving complex lipid matrices
    Delmonte P; Fardin-Kia AR; Kramer JKG; Hayward DG; Mossoba MM; Aldai N
    Oral presentation
    12th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Oils, Fats and Lipids: From Lipidomics to Industrial Innovation, Montpellier
  • Products of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) metabolism by mixed ruminal microorganisms from sheep
    Aldai N; Delmonte P; Alves SP; Fardin-Kia AR; Kramer JKG; Mantecón AR; Bessa RBJ
    Oral presentation
    12th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Oils, Fats and Lipids: From Lipidomics to Industrial Innovation, Montpellier
  • Terpenoids as potential markers of raw milk from sheep reared on the mountains
    Valdivielso I; Aldai N; Barron LJR
    12th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Oils, Fats and Lipids: From Lipidomics to Industrial Innovation, Montpellier
  • Impurities from silver-ion solid phase extraction (Ag+-SPE) interfere with the analysis of animal fats
    Bravo-Lamas L; Belaunzaran X; Kramer JKG; Aldai N
    12th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Oils, Fats and Lipids: From Lipidomics to Industrial Innovation, Montpellier
  • Potential lipid markers of plant species from grasslands to authenticate mountain dairy foods
    Barron LJR; Aldezabal A; Valdivielso I; Bustamante M; Amores G; Virto M; Ruiz de Gordoa  JC; de Renobales M
    25th European Grassland Federation
    EGF at 50: The Future of European Grasslands, Grasslands and Science in Europe 19, 671-673, Gogerddan, ISBN: 978-0-9926940-1-2
  • Identification and quantification of the odour active compounds in sheep's raw milk cheeses with flavour defect
    Zabaleta L; Albisu M; Gourrat K; Barron LJR; Guichard E
    The 14th Weurman Flavour Research Symposium
  • Feeding rapeseed oilcake to sheep improves nutritional quality of Idiazabal cheese
    Nájera AI; Bustamante MA; Albisu M; Valdivielso I; Amores G; Zabaleta L; Ruiz de Gordoa G; Pérez-Elortondo FJ; Virto M, Arranz J; Barron LJR; de Renobales M; Mandaluniz N
    14 Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental