Research focuses


The Research Group for Social Determinants of Health and Demographic Change is presently engaged in three lines of research:

1. Social determinants of health and health inequalities

The starting point for this line of research is the analysis and monitoring of the health of the population, with the aim of identifying the most relevant social and political determinants that generate significant social inequalities in health in our societies. Our research also examines the influence of policies on the improvement of health and the modification of social inequalities in health. In the context of the present economic and social crisis, of particular relevance are: the analysis of the impact that this recession is having on the health and social inequalities in health in our population, as well as the influence of different policies implemented by the governments.

2. Health in All Policies and health policies

This research thread centres on the analysis of the role that public policies play in improving healthcare and reducing social inequality regarding health. In addition, it seeks to push  adoption of, and training in tools which help to incorporate this focus on healthcare and health equity into public policies in order to advance a strategy of Health via Policies in both Basque and State-wide contexts.

3. Demographic change and ageing
This research line focuses, on the one hand, on analysing the main demographic dynamics and, on the other hand, on some of the processes and determinants related with these dynamics.  In the first case, the  field of study is concerned with demographic evolution and its determinants (principally birth and death rates) in the population of the Basque Country. In the second case, the focus is on studying the change in age structure towards societies with a greater proportion of older people, and the social and economic implications of this, as well as the relevance of life support care.