Sesion jovenes CEB

Special Session of Young Researchers

With the aim of promoting young researchers statistical activities, the XVth Spanish Biometric Conference and the Vth Ibero-American Biometric Meeting will have a special session invited so that the young researchers can present their work. This session will be called "Young statisticians session" and will consist of 4 oral presentations, one for each of the regions participating in the Conference (Region Argentina, Chilean Region, Region Centroamerica-caribe and Spanish Region).

The conditions to participate in this session are as follows:

  • Have less than or equal to 35 years old
  • Be enrolled in a program of undergraduate, master's or PhD in some of these regions. You may not participate if he studied in countries that do not belong to the four regions.
  • Not completing doctoral studies more than one year ago, if this is the case.
  • Become a member of the International Biometric Society through the corresponding region.

To choose to represent their region at this special session, youth must submit a summary of the work presented as oral communication (may only submit a single job to this session). The abstract should be sent in format LONG SUMMARY, 4 pages in length, in English or Spanish, according to the instructions given in the template prepared for that purpose (MS Word or LaTeX). This summary shall contain a short abstract in English according to the standards of the rest of the communications. The four-page summary that includes the abstract in English should be sent according to the normal procedure of abstract submission and indicating that you opt to participate in the special session of young researchers. The applicants must also include a letter in which value the importance of attending the Conference and need to meet it.

The selection of an young region will take place depending on the scientific quality and originality of the work, together with the economic needs of the participant. The members of the Scientific Committee and Local exercise of selection Committee in collaboration with regional societies. In case of tie, will take into account the seniority as a member of the IBS. Once the assessment is completed and the selection of the papers, will be notified the resolution who are selected to participate in the special session.

For the financing of the costs of participation in this session four scholarships have been made to cover the travel costs of participants The Spanish society of biometrics will sponsor travel costs of the Spanish representative at this meeting. With the International Biometric Society funds and own funds, three Latin American regions will sponsor the travel expenses of representatives of the regions of Argentina, Chile and Centroamerica-caribe.Students selected for this session will be contacted by the regional representatives to manage aid of displacement.

Note: The participation in this special session and the financing of the trip is not incompatible with obtaining the grant of registration and accommodation, whose description is detailed in the scholarships section. We encourage all young researchers who meet the conditions of application of the grants that request.