


2022 urtea

Argitalpenak aldizkari indexatuetan (JCR edo Scopus)

  1. Aguado-Moralejo, I., Echebarria, C., & Barrutia, J. M. (2022). Efecto barrio en Bilbao: evidencia empírica reciente. Estudios Geográficos, 83(292), e093.

  2. Aguado-Moralejo, I., Echebarria, C., & Barrutia, J. M. (2022). De los anillos verdes a las infraestructuras verdes: tres estudios de caso en América. Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, (92).

  3. Alayo, M., Iturralde, T., and Maseda, A., (2022). Innovation and internationalization in family SMEs: analyzing the role of family involvement. European Journal of Innovation Management, 25 (2), 454-478.

  4. Alayo M., Maseda A., Iturralde T.. and Calabrò A., (2022). We are family! The role of family members’ identification in the internationalization of family firms. European Management Journal.

  5. Apaolaza, V., Paredes, M. R., Hartmann, P., Barrutia, J. M., & Echebarria, C. (2022). How does mindfulness relate to proenvironmental behavior? The mediating influence of cognitive reappraisal and climate change awareness. Journal of Cleaner Production, 357, 131914.

  6. Apaolaza, V., Hartmann, P., Paredes, M. R., Trujillo, A., & D'Souza, C. (2022). What motivates consumers to buy fashion pet clothing? The role of attachment, pet anthropomorphism, and self-expansion. Journal of Business Research, 141, 367-379.

  7. Apaolaza, V., Paredes, M. R., Hartmann, P., García-Merino, J. D., & Marcos, A. (2022). The effect of threat and fear of COVID-19 on booking intentions of full board hotels: The roles of perceived coping efficacy and present-hedonism orientation. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 105, 103255. (JCR2021 Strategy and Management Q1).

  8. Aparicio, G., Maseda A., Iturralde T. and Zorrilla, P. (2022). The family business brand: cross-fertilization between fields. Management Decision.

  9. Arzubiaga, U., De Massis, A., Maseda, A., & Iturralde, T. (2022). The influence of family firm image on access to financial resources in family SMEs: a signaling theory perspective. Review of Managerial Science, 1-26 (JCR2021, Q2 Management).

  10. Arzubiaga, U., De Massis, A., Kammerlander, N., & Hoy, F (2022). Knowledge management in family firms: opening the black box and suggestions for future research. Journal of Knowledge Management, 26(2) 2022, 269-290 (JCR2021, Q1 Management).

  11. Bande, B., Castro‐González, S., Fernández‐Ferrín, P., & Vila‐Vázquez, G. (2022). Fostering creative selling through ethics. An emotion‐based approach. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility (Scopus, Q1, D1, 99th percentile, Philosophy)

  12. Barrutia, J. M., Echebarria, C. (2022). Harnessing social interaction and intellectual capital in intergovernmental networksJournal of Intellectual Capital 23(3), 639-665.

  13. Barrutia, J. M., Echebarria, C. (2022). Public managers’ perception of exploitative and explorative innovation: An empirical study in the context of Spanish municipalities. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 88 (1), 131-151.

  14. Barrutia, J. M., Echebarria, C., Aguado-Moralejo, I., Apaolaza-Ibáñez, V., & Hartmann, P. (2022). Leading smart city projects: Government dynamic capabilities and public value creation. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 179, 121679.

  15. Basterretxea, I., Cornforth, C., & Heras-Saizarbitoria, I. (2022). Corporate governance as a key aspect in the failure of worker cooperatives. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 43(1), 362-387. (JCR21, Industrial Relations & Labour: Q3)

  16. Bauweraerts, J., Arzubiaga, U., & Diaz-Moriana, V. (2022). Unveiling the global focus-performance relationship in family firms: the role of the board of directors. International Business Review, 101977 (JCR2021, Q1 Business).

  17. Bauweraerts, J., Arzubiaga, U., & Diaz-Moriana, V. (2022). Going greener, performing better? The case of private family firms. Research in International Business and Finance, 63, 101784 (JCR2021, Q1 Business, Finance).

  18. Biswas, D., Hartmann, P., Eisend, M., Szocs, C., Jochims, B., Apaolaza, V., ... & Borges, A. (2022). Caffeine’s Effects on Consumer Spending. Journal of Marketing, 00222429221109247.

  19. Calvo, C., Monje-Amor. A., & Villarreal, O. (2022). When your value proposition is to improve others' energy efficiency: Analyzing the internationalization dilemma of eco-innovations in SMEs. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 185, 122069 (JCR2021, Q1 Business. Scopus 2021, Q1, D1, 97th percentile, Business and International Management)

  20. Cano-Rubio, M., Sanchez-Famoso, V., & Fuentes-Lombardo, G. (2022). Justifying International Growth in Spanish Family Wineries and Olive Oil Mills. Journal of Small Business Strategy, 32(2), 39-50 (SJR Q2 – Strategy and Management )

  21. Chirico, F., Ireland, R. D., Pittino, D., & Sanchez-Famoso, V. (2022). Radical innovation in (multi) family owned firms. Journal of Business Venturing, 37(3), 106194 (JCR Q1 - Business)

  22. Etxeandia-Pradera, J. I., Landeta, J., Gonzalez-Such, J., & Aguilar, E. J. (2022). How to Improve Training in Descriptive Psychopathology for Psychiatry Residents: A Delphi Study. Psychopathology, 1-14 (JCR2021, Q3; SRJ2021, Q1, Clinical Psychology).

  23. Eletxigerra, A., Barrutia, J. M., & Echebarria, C. (2022). Expanding the task-dominant value co-creation narrative: the role of consumer expertise and social and mental processes. Journal of Travel Research, 61(5), 1061-1087.

  24. Etxegarai-Legarreta, O., & Sanchez-Famoso, V. (2022). The Role of Beekeeping in the Generation of Goods and Services: The Interrelation between Environmental, Socioeconomic, and Sociocultural Utilities. Agriculture, 12(4), 551 (JCR Q1 - Agronomy)

  25. Fernández, P., Hartmann, P., & Apaolaza, V. (2022). What drives CSR communication effectiveness on social media? A process-based theoretical framework and research agenda. International Journal of Advertising, 41(3), 385-413.

  26. Gisbert-Trejo, N., Albizu, E., Landeta, J., & Fernández-Ferrín, P. (2022). Mentoring programs implementation: differences between group and individual mentoring. Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal, 36(4), 1-4 (SRJ 2021, Q2,  Business, Management and Accounting).

  27. Hartmann, P., Marcos, A., & Apaolaza, V. (2022). Past, present, and future of research on corporate social responsibility advertising. International Journal of Advertising, 1-9.

  28. Hartmann, P., Marcos, A., Castro, J., & Apaolaza, V. (2022). Perspectives: Advertising and climate change–Part of the problem or part of the solution? International Journal of Advertising, 1-28.

  29. Keen, C., Lescop, D., & Sanchez-Famoso, V. (2022). Does coopetition support SMEs in turbulent contexts?. Economics Letters, 218, 110762 (JCR Q3 - Economics)

  30. Keen, C., Sanchez-Famoso, V., & Dana, L. P. (2022). Moderating effect of social capital on the dynamics between entrepreneurial orientation and internationalization of Spanish family owned businesses. Journal of Management & Organization, 1-19 (JCR Q3 - Management)

  31. Luengo-Valderrey, M. J., Emmanuel-Martínez, E., Rivera-Revilla, R., & Vicente-Molina, A. (2022). Ecological behaviour in times of crisis and economic well-being through a comparative longitudinal study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 359, 131965 (JCR Q1, IF: 11,07) Elsevier .

  32. Marcos, A., Barrutia, J. M., & Hartmann, P. (2022). Moral licensing, identity and eco-leadership: Can public managers’ support for a green recovery be undermined?. Public Money & Management, 1-10. 

  33. Marcos, A., Hartmann, P., & Barrutia, J. M. (2022). The Impact of Emissions Reduction Awareness on Moral Self-Concept: Sustaining Climate-Friendly Behaviour in the Aftermath of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Environmental Values

  34. Maseda, A., Iturralde, T., Coopers, S. & Aparicio, G. (2022). Mapping women’s involvement in family firms: a review based on bibliographic coupling analysis. International Journal of Management Review, 24(2) pp. 279-305.

  35. Moreno-Menendez, A. M., Arzubiaga, U., Diaz-Moriana, V., & Casillas, J. C. (2022). The impact of a crisis on entrepreneurial orientation of family firms: The role of organisational decline and generational change. International Small Business Journal, 40(4), 425-452 (JCR2021, Q2 Business y Q2 Management).

  36. Olabarrieta, U., San-Jose, L., Retolaza, J.L. & Araujo, A. (2022). Estimación del valor en liquidación de una empresa insolvente. DYNA, 97(4), 351-351 (JCR22, Q3).

  37. Paillé, P., Sanchez-Famoso, V., Valéau, P., Ren, S., & Mejia-Morelos, J. H. (2022). Green HRM through social exchange revisited: when negotiated exchanges shape cooperation. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 1-31 (JCR Q2 – Management).

  38. Peña-Lang, M.B., Barrutia, J. M. & Echebarria, C. (2022). Service quality and students’ academic achievement. Quality Assurance in Education.

  39. Plana-Farran, M., Arzubiaga, U., & Blanch, A. (2022). Successors’ Future Training in Family Farms: The Impact of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 1-22 (JCR2021, Q3 Economics).

  40. Plaza, B., Aranburu, I., & Esteban, M. (2022). Superstar Museums and global media exposure: mapping the positioning of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao through networks. European Planning Studies, 30(1), 50-65 (JCR2021, Q2).

  41. Retolaza, J. L., & San-Jose, L. (2022). Is It Possible to Monetarily Quantify the Emotional Value Transferred by Companies and Organizations? An Emotional Accounting Proposal. Frontiers in Psychology, 5656.

  42. San-Jose, L., Gonzalo, J.F. & Ruiz-Roqueñi, M. (2022). The management of moral hazard through the implementation of a moral compliance model (MCM). European research on management and business economics, 28(1), 100182. (JCR 20 business: Q1).

  43. San-Jose, L., Urionabarrenetxea, S., & García-Merino, J. D. (2022). Zombie firms and corporate governance: What room for maneuver do companies have to avoid becoming zombies?. Review of Managerial Science, 16(3), 835-862 (JCR 20 management: Q2).

  44. Santos‐Larrazabal, J., & Basterretxea, I. (2022). Intercooperation, flexicurity and their impact on workers: The case of Fagor Electrodomésticos. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 93(3), 607-635 (JCR21 economics: Q3).

  45. Song, Y., Escobar, O., Arzubiaga, U., & De Massis, A. (2022). The digital transformation of a traditional market into an entrepreneurial ecosystem. Review of Managerial Science, 16(1), 65-88 (JCR2021, Q2 Management).

  46. Vasquez, O. & San-Jose, L. (2022). Ethics in Fintech through users’ confidence: determinants that affect trustThe Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics, 13, 99-149 (Scopus).

Bestelako argitalpenak aldizkarietan

  1. Olabarrieta, U.; San Jose, L., & Retolaza, J.L. (2022). El valor liquidativo de los activos de una empresa en un proceso concursal. DYNA management, 10(1), 3.

  2. Olabarrieta, U.; Garcia-Merino, J.D. & San-Jose, L. (2022). Los honorarios de la administración concursal y al cuenta de garantía arancelaria. Anuario de derecho concursal, (57), 137-175.

Liburuen / liburuetako kapituluetako argitalpenak

  1. Hernández-Linares, R., Diaz-Moriana, V., & Sanchez-Famoso, V. (2022). Managing Paradoxes in Family Firms: A Closer Look at Public Politics in Spain. In Family Business Debates (pp. 225-241). Emerald Publishing Limited.

  2. Hoyos, J. (2022). Plan financiero para start-ups. Proceso y métricas en la práctica. ESIC. Madrid.

  3. Magro, E., Uyarra, E., y Valdaliso, J.M. (2022), Agency, institutions and regional resilience: an approach from the Basque region. En Pinheiro, R., Frigotto, M.L., y Young, M. (eds.), Towards Resilient Organizations and Societies (pp. 277-304), Londres, Palgrave-MacMillan,

  4. Marcos, A., Hartmann, P., Barrutia, J. M., & Apaolaza, V. (2022). Carbon Taxes Beyond Emissions’ Reduction: Co-benefits and Behavioural Failures in Emerging Markets. In Environmental Sustainability in Emerging Markets (pp. 243-262). Springer, Singapore.

  5. Mediano, L. (2022). Coyuntura de las Comunidades Autónomas. País Vasco. En Fraiz, J.A. y Araujo, N. (Direc.), La actividad turística en España en 2020 (Edición 2021) (pp. 233-242). Madrid, AECIT (Asociación Española de Expertos Científicos en Turismo). Síntesis.

  6. Mediano, L. (2022). Coyuntura de las Comunidades Autónomas. País Vasco. En Fraiz, J.A. y Araujo, N. (Direc.), La actividad turística española en 2021. Innovación, digitalización, sostenibilidad y competitividad como factores de la nueva gestión turística (pp. 145-152). Madrid, AECIT (Asociación Española de Expertos Científicos en Turismo). Síntesis.

  7. Policarpo, M. C., Aguiar, E. C., Marcos, A., Hartmann, P., & Apaolaza, V. (2022). The Role of Green Product Pricing in Conspicuous Green Consumption Behaviour—A Brazilian Perspective. In Environmental Sustainability in Emerging Markets (pp. 1-21). Springer, Singapore.

  8. Valdaliso, J.M. (dir.), Alvarado, C. y Suárez, P. (2022). NORTEGAS 1845-2021. Historia de la industria del gas en el norte de España, Madrid, Marcial Pons.

  9. Valdaliso, J.M. (2022). Crisis económica e incertidumbre política: el coste de la Transición para la marina mercante y la industria naval españolas. En De la Torre, J., y Rubio-Varas, M. (Eds.), Economía en transición: del tardofranquismo a la democracia (pp. 223-252). Madrid, Marcial Pons.