
PhD Students

PRAXIS Research Group

Patricio Carezzana

Patricio Carezzana

Economist. Master in Government and Public Affairs. Master in Philosophy, Science and Values. PhD (c) Philosophy of Science.

I am currently undergoing my PhD Studies within Philosophy, Science and Values PhD Program (University of the Basque Country, EHU).

My PhD research is about the epistemic networks (EN) analysis and their ontological and epistemological tensions around: the actors that make science, the types of knowledge they generate, the practices they describe, the way these networks are composed and the results and impacts they achieve. I study a specific configuration of EN: formal research networks (FRN).

My philosophical approach is a socioconstructivist perspective of knowledge combined with a representational-interventional approach to the practices that assumes EN are new cognitive units of science, in the Responsible Research and Innovation framework.

My goal is to understand the process of FRN identification-evaluation, as they are doing-sciences. Given the evaluative limitations of correlative analysis of inputs - outputs (i.e. chains of impacts, results mapping, logic frame or additionality criteria), I propose a "comprehensive evaluation" model which recognizes the development-expansion of capacities as a focal criterion-space for the evaluation of activities and network performance.

The "network style" is proposed as a methodological device to identify-compose-describe-evaluate an EN. A theoretical categorization is formulated as an informational basis for the exercise of identification-evaluation. The main research product is a script-questionnaire for the FRN registration, mapping, composition and evaluation.





Skype: patricio.09

