
PhD Students

PRAXIS Research Group

Sandra Malagón

Sandra Malagón

My college degree is in Environmental Sciences from National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). I have a master degree Philosophy of Science from UNAM and a master in Philosophy, Science and Values from UPV/EHU (University of the Basque Country/ Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea).

Now a days I am pursuing my PhD in the Area of Social Studies of Science and Technology in the combined program from Philosophy, Science and Values PhD Program from UPV/EHU and Philosophy of Science PhD program from UNAM.

My research topics aim the appropriation of new procedures and measurement frameworks of eco-technologies for development, taking as case of study the technologies used in rural zones of Mexico. My doctoral thesis is focused on the interactions socio-techno-environmental features that have an impact on the traditional cooking systems, to create a new assessment model that measures the embracement of new technologies.

My topics of interest are Social Studies of Science and Technology, Transdisciplinary Networks, Inclusive Innovation, Technologies in Multicultural Environments and Development and Wellbeing.





