Assistance in covering special needs in the university environment to refugee students

The University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) offers refugees and asylum seekers the following services:

Accommodation, transport and maintenance

In exceptional cases of students in a situation of special vulnerability, the UPV/EHU offers basic service assistance (aid for accommodation, intra- and inter-campus transport and maintenance) to its refugee or asylum-seeking students.

More information:

Study material

The Development Cooperation Office is the recipient of requests for books, manuals, photocopies and other material necessary for the optimal performance of the academic activity of refugee students or students in a situation of asylum application at the UPV/EHU. This organizational unit is responsible for purchasing the required material and its delivery to students.

Language courses

One of the main difficulties encountered by refugee students and asylum seeker students who choose to continue their higher education studies is the low level of knowledge of the official languages ​​of the Basque Country (Spanish and Basque). The UPV/EHU tries to alleviate this deficiency by offering these people these two intensive language courses:

  • Face-to-face Language Courses. The Office of the Vice President for Coordination and International Relations offers this group of students the possibility of enrolling free of charge in language courses to visiting students from exchange programs (ERASMUS, SICUE, Latin America and Other Destinations)at the Araba, Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia Campuses.
  • Online Spanish courses for university or non-university refugees within the initiative called “OLS for refugees” of the European Commission.

Other services the University of the Basque Country already have for special needs coverage: