Reviews of my books

Reviews of books edited/authored by Aida Vallejo:


Documentary Film Festivals Vol.1 and Vol.2 ( co-edited with Ezra Winton)

Transnational Screens, 2020 (in English):

Zer. Revista de Estudios de Comunicación, 2021 (en castellano):

Visual Studies, 2021 (in English): Estrella Sendra (2021) Documentary film festivals vol. 1: Methods, history politics; Documentary film festivals vol. 2: Changes, challenges, professional perspectives, Visual Studies, 36:1, 70-72, DOI: 10.1080/1472586X.2020.1869066

Cine Documental:

Studies in Documentary Film (in English): Mina Radović (2022) Documentary film festivals Vol. 1: methods, history, politics/Vol. 2: changes, challenges, professional perspectives, Studies in Documentary Film, DOI: 10.1080/17503280.2022.2054938

Rebeca – Revista Brasileira de Estudos de Cinema e Audiovisual: “Festivais de documentário em perspectiva sociohistórica”. Bianca Salles Pires, Juliana Muylaert Mager.10.22475/rebeca.v10n2.788

The Velvet Light Trap. Jing Wang. “Documentary Film Festivals Vol. 1: Methods, History, Politics ed. by Aida Vallejo and Ezra Winton (review).”

Seguí, I. (2022). Documentary Film Festivals. Vol.1 Methods, History, Politics. Vol. 2 Changes, Challenges, Professional Perspectives. Imagofagia, (25), 301–305. Recuperado a partir de


Film Festivals and Anthropology (co-edited with María Paz Peirano)

Social Anthropology, 26:1 (2018):

Frames Cinema Journal:

Zer, n42, 2017, pp. 249-250.



See book reviews written by Aida Vallejo in the publications section.