Titulo - Programa


Movilidad y Estancias - Ingeniería Control, Automatización y Robótica

Mobility and stays

As part of the Doctoral Programme, there are relationships in place with universities from other countries, which have enabled students to be offered co-supervision of their theses, as well as obtaining an international mention. The following are just some of the most noteworthy examples: LARA laboratory in Automatic Control, ENIT, University of Tunis; School of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia; Knowledge, Engineering and Discovery Research Institute (KEDRI), Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand; Institute of Biomedical Technologies (IBTec), Auckland University of Technology (AUT), New Zealand; ESTIA Institute of Technology, University of Bordeaux, France; Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Leuven (Germany), Technical University of Munich, Chair of Automation and Information Systems.