I_subjects english bioenergi

27856 - Bio-energy

2021/2022 Credits, ECTS: 6


Bioenergy is a specific subject that is read during the 2nd half of the 2nd year of the Renewable Energies Engineering Degree. In this subject, the different types of energy that can be obtained from biomass as a primary source will be studied, including salid biomass use (thermochemical technologies) and biofuels. 
The Degree in Renewable Energy Engineering is made up of basic training subjects in engineering (physics, calculus, chemistry, algebra, computer science), subjects common to the branch of industrial engineering (fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, electronics, heat transfer) and specific training subjects in renewable energy (introduction to renewable energy, bioenergy, wind, solar energy). lntroduction to renewable energy, first year, is the first of the specific training subjects and the subject defined in this teaching guide, Bioenergy, is the second of the specific subjects and is taught in second course. The rest of specific training subjects are taught in third and faurth years. 
The course is supported by chemistry-related content taught first in the subject of chemistry, since part of the agenda needs a chemical basis far its understanding. Regarding subsequent subjects, bioenergy does not have continuity in other courses and does not influence subsequent subjects. 


The study of the different kinds of energy we can obtain from biomass. 


Knows and can give the definition of these basic concepts: 

  • Photosynthesis
  • Garban cycle
  • Biomass and types of biomass
  • Biorefinery and types of biorefineries

ldentifies the different types of biofuels and knows: 

  • The raw materials to obtain the main biofuels.
  • Their production processes.
  • Production and world market far each biofuel.
  • Fundamental production technologies.
  • Biofuels from the environmental point of view.
  • Thermochemical technologies
  • Salid biomass far energetic use: availability, pretreatments, logistics, installations, designing of heating networks.

Is able to use experimental techniques to characterize and treat biomass. 

Transversal key competences: Oral communication skills, group work management, initiative, self-organization. 



Chapter O. lntroduction 
Chapter 1. Photosynthesis. Description. The Garban cycle. 
Chapter 2. Biomass. Definition, biomass composition, biomass as a carbon dioxyde storage, 
types of biomass . Biorefinery, types of biorefineries. 
Chapter 3. Biofuels. lntroduction. Definition, classification. World markets, production, basic technologies far biofuel production. Relative production efficiency. Energy balance. Biofuels 
from the environmental point of view. 
Chapter 4. Definition and composition of bioethanol, raw materials, production 
technologies, applications. 
Chapter 5. Biodiesel. Definition, the transestherification process. Raw materials. Uses and applications. Ghapter 6. Definition and composition of Biogas. Sources, process of biodegradation, 
production process, applications. 
Chapter 7. Thermochemistry. Energy from salid biomass. 



The course has been designed following the ERAGIN method based on active methodologies, in particular, PROJECT BASED LEARNING. This means that a part of the agenda, specifically, tapies 1, 2 and 7, will be worked within the framework of the project and will no longer be taught through master classes. In addition, 2 of the 4 Laboratory sessions are also included in the project and are evaluated within it. 
The part of the content not related to the project, units 3 to 6, are worked through master classes and supported by active methodologies, such as flipped classroom, recorded sessions, learning supported in games, etc. 
Furthermore, the inclusion of sustainability concerns in the development of the learning objectives of the course, both in environmental, social and economic terms has been fulfilled by the design of an specific activity to be developed by the students in Chapter 1, related to the Garban Cycle concept. The activity will focus on the determination of the carbon faotprint and other parameters related to sustainability of an everyday activity or product, far example, the impact of the production and used of a bottle of water. The activity will include the preparation in groups of an infarmative poster with the relevant infarmation related to the sustainability concerns of the produt and/or activity and the exposition of the posters in a session and contest. This activity will be evaluated as "Seminar 1", with the weight in the final mark indicated in the subject evaluation description. 
On the other hand, the subject is designed in such a way that the student is familiar with the concepts to be dealt with befare starting the practica! sessions in the laboratory (compulsory attendance). Therefare, the 4 sessions of laboratory practices plus a field practice, lasting 3 hours each, will take place in the last 5 weeks of the year. 
lf the health situation avoids the development of any teaching or evaluation activity, a non-presential alternative will be used and the students will be promptly infarmed. 



Types of teaching  M S GA GL GO GCL TA TI GCA
Hours of face-to-face teaching  30 15   12         3
Horas de Actividad No Presencial del Alumno/a  45 22,5   18         4,5
Legend: M: Lecture-based S: Seminar GL: Applied laboratory-based groups GO: Applied computer-based groups TA: Workshop TI: Industrial workshop GA: Applied classroom-based groups GCL: Applied clinical-based groups GCA: Applied fieldwork groups 


Evaluation methods:

  • Continuous evaluation
  • End-of-course evaluation


Evaluation tools and percentages of final mark

  • Multiple choice test 25%
  • Exercises, cases or problem sets 15%
  • Teamwork assignments (problem solving, Project design) 60%



The student work and competence acquirement will be evaluated in a continuous way and the final grade will be calculated using the fallowing percentages: 

a) Weight in the total grade of the subject of the content related to the project: 60%
Within the project qualification, each handout will have the following value (considering the quality of the material prepared and presentation):

Handout 1 + presentation: 10%

Handout 2 + presentation: 15%

Handout 3 + presentation: 15%

Handout 4 + presentation: 20%

Handout 5 + presentation: 25%

In addition, the project includes two of the faur laboratory practice sessions and the land trip, each with the next value: Laboratory practice 3: 5% 
Laboratory practice 4: 5% 
Land trip: 5% 

b) Weight in the total grade of the subject of the content apart from the project: 40%
Within the content apart from the project, the rating is distributed as fallows:

  • Mínimum exam: 65% {This exam includes the material outside the project, that is, part of unit 1 and the units 3 to 6)
  • Marks of seminars associated with this part: 25% (work in the seminars and handouts corres onding to the non- project part, that is, seminars on units 3 to 6. 
  • Marks of practices not related to the project (practices 1 and 2): 10%. They will be evaluated with the fallowing criteria:
  • Work and attitude in the laboratory (attendance, punctuality, collaboration): 35%
  • Oral exam: 65%

Article 8. (Normativa Reguladora de la Evaluación del Alumnado de las Titulaciones de Grado; BOPV Nº 50, 13 de marzo de 2017 / Graduko Titulazio Ofizialetako lkasleen Ebaluaziorako Arautegia onartzeko).The students that cannot take part in the continuous evaluation will have the chance to be evaluated by a final exam (specially prepared far this propase) in which the practica! concepts will be evaluated as well. They will have to send a writen enquire to the professor in the first 9 weeks since the beginning of the lessons period, as it is indicated in the art. 8. 

These students will be evaluated by a final exam specially prepared far this propase, which will entail the 100% of the final mark. 

lf the student does no show in the day of the examination, her/his final mark will be not competed. 

Article 12. Call renounce 
12.2.- In a continuous evaluation, if the final exam entails more than a 40% of the total mark of the subject, the student that does not show up to the examination will automatically renounce to that call. lf the percentage of the final exam calification in the global mark is less than a 40%, the student will have the right to renounce to the call. To do so, it is compulsory to present a written request to the professor at last a month befare the ending of the ending of the learning period of the subject. 
lf necessary, if the health situation requires it, the exam will be carried out on-line. 



Article 9. (Normativa Reguladora de la Evaluación del Alumnado de las Titulaciones de Grado; BOPV Nº 50, 13 de marzo de 2017 / Graduko Titulazio Ofizialetako lkasleen Ebaluaziorako Arautegia onartzeko).The evaluation in the second call will be done exclusively by a final examination especially prepared far this propase. 

Students who have fallowed the Project but have obtained an insuficient mark in the Project or ir the examination, may use the extraordinary call to complete the falied part. 

Students who have not fallowed the Project may be evaluated by a final exam specially prepared far this propase. 

lf necessary, if the health situation requires it, the exam will be carried out on-line. 



Students handbook (it will be handed out through the Moodle platform) 



Basic bibliography

 German Solar Energy Society (DGS) and ECOFYS, Planning and lnstalling Bioenergy Systems, Earthscan (2009) Detailed bibliography 

Detailed bibliography 

  1. Antonio Madrid Vicente. La biomasa y sus aplicaciones energéticas. Ed. A. Madrid Vicente. 2012.
  2. Camps Michelena y F. Marcos. Los biocombustibles. Ed. Reverté. 2008.
  3. EVE Ecomóvil, biocarburantes para el transporte en Euskadi. Estrategia Energética de Euskadi. 2012. EVE. Bilbao, 2012.
  4. Soto Y. Biocombustibles desde la perspectiva energética. Comisión Nacional de Energía. 2006.
  5. Ruiz R. Agricultura y biocombustibles. ODEPA. 2009
  6. Robert Schlogl {Ed.), Chemical Energy Storage,De Gruyter (2013)