Thematic lines

1. Education and development of the person.
In this line, the proposals related to all factors that affect the development and education of people are framed. Taking into account that these are two continuous processes that occur throughout life, the proposals can be placed in the different stages of the life cycle. People from the immediate environment (teachers, educational professionals, etc.) also have a great influence on development and education, therefore, work in relation to the training and preparation of these people will also have a place in this line.
1.1. Early childhood: [0 - 6] years.
1.2. Second childhood and adolescence: [6 - 18] years.
1.3. Youth and Adulthood [18 Years and Older].
1.4. Training of educational professionals.
2. Active methodologies in Education.
In the teaching-learning processes, intrinsic motivation, interest in what is learned, being the protagonist of the learning process itself and the promotion of the autonomy of the learner are considered key factors for educational success. Over the last few decades, numerous active methodologies have emerged and been developed, especially in areas of formal education, which try to promote all these factors, both at university and compulsory education levels. The UPV/EHU itself has as a differential characteristic its own IKD-named model, based on cooperative and dynamic learning. Therefore, in this congress a space is reserved for works related to the design, implementation and research related to these methodologies.
2.1. PBL, PrBL, case analysis,...
2.2. Flipped classroom.
2.3. Design thinking and creativity.
2.4. Other active/innovative methodologies.
3. Resources and materials in Education.
Together with the methodology used, the materials used have a strong impact on the way of educating, teaching and learning. In today's information and communication society, the enormous advance of technology has brought great advantages to the educational field, but also important challenges and risks, both for those who practice the teaching profession and for those who learn. It is therefore essential to reflect on and research educational resources and materials in order to advance in their better use and exploitation.
3.1. ICTs.
3.2. Textbooks.
3.3. Emerging technologies.
3.4. Other materials and resources or their innovative uses.
4. Education and Society.
Education is undoubtedly the best tool to face the multiple challenges, situations of discrimination, unequal distribution of power, and, in general, the different realities and injustice that we live today. These situations are very diverse in nature and scope (many of them at a local level, others at a more global level, often intimately linked). It is therefore essential to know the efforts that are being made from the educational sphere to tackle many of these problems, both to know their progress and to have models and good practices that can, through small contributions, promote greater changes and improvements.
4.1. Coeducation and equality.
4.2. Inclusion.
4.3. Sustainability.
4.4. Social challenges.