Asset Publisher


Courses which SGIker will teach in October 2018

When and where

03/08/2018, 00:00 - 00:00


Basic Principles and Applications of X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)
X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)
Date Place
01-04/10/2018 F3P0,Faculty of Science and
Technology,University of the Basque Country

To know all details and contents of the course look the following file.

I want to register

Contact person

Dr. Mª Belén Sánchez Martínez de Ilárduya


Tel.: 94 601 8332


Basic principles and applications of Raman spectroscopy
Laspea Laboratory
Date Place

Faculty of Medicine, University of the Basque Country

To know all details and contents of the course look the following file.

Course program (.pdf, 242 KB)

I want to register

Contact person

Dr. Alfredo Sarmiento


Tel.: 94 601 3533


Analysis of gene expression using real-time PCR or RT-qPCR
Genomics Service: Gene Expression Unit
Date Place

María Goiry” Animal Biotechnology Center, University of the Basque Country

To know all details and contents of the course look the following file.

I want to register

Contact person

Dr. Irantzu Bernales


Tel.: 94 601 3497/2934