
XSL Content

Research Methods for NLP

General details of the subject

Face-to-face degree course

Description and contextualization of the subject

This course introduces and elaborates a research publication design and production process that is intended to make the business of preparing good quality research publication submissions more explicit, more controllable, more efficient, and thus more effective.

The course is designed to teach what to do (and occasionally what not to do) in all the basic tasks and activities that make up doing research in scientific, engineering, design, and many other fields of research. It aims to teach the foundations of good research practices.

The main goal is to apply the main concepts of the research methodology.

The students will learn about: the design of a dissemination plan, the development of a paper, the design of resources, the design of a poster, the definition of a Thesis, the main ethical issues in research.

The students will develop a complete research project on a topic of interest within the area of PLN.

Teaching staff

NameInstitutionCategoryDoctorTeaching profileAreaE-mail
LOPEZ DE IPIÑA PEÑA, MIREN KARMELEUniversity of the Basque CountryProfesorado PlenoDoctorBilingualSystems and Automatic


Ability to analyze the research area and the mechanisms and publishing organizations of scientific and technical papers.10.0 %
Ability to synthesize and analyze specialized methods of documentation and communication for scientific and technical work.15.0 %
Ability to define the specific contents which are part of an original research article or brief communication.40.0 %
Ability to efficiently produce the technical documentation related to a research project.35.0 %

Study types

TypeFace-to-face hoursNon face-to-face hoursTotal hours
Applied computer-based groups203050

Training activities

NameHoursPercentage of classroom teaching
Computer work practice, laboratory, site visits, field trips, external visits50.040 %
Lectures25.040 %

Assessment systems

NameMinimum weightingMaximum weighting
Attendance and participation10.0 % 10.0 %
Practical tasks40.0 % 70.0 %
Presentations20.0 % 50.0 %

Learning outcomes of the subject

Knowing the applicable research techniques and how to apply the most appropriate ones depending on the research target and phase.

Ability to systematically review issues related to NLP area.

Ability to prepare and design a research dissemination plan.

Ability to distinguish the different types of research publications and to prepare both a research article and a poster.

Ability to design research projects establishing reasonable objectives according to the problem, time and available resources.

Acquirement of a high sense of professional ethics in the research activity, that includes the principles of responsibility, honesty, tolerance and respect.

Ordinary call: orientations and renunciation

The subject will be evaluated base on a practical work. However, you have to attend classes to take into account the work (at least 75% of attendance is required).

Extraordinary call: orientations and renunciation

The subject will be evaluated base on a practical work.


1.- Foundations of Research Practices

1.1 Building a Critical State of the Art for Research

1.2 Preparing a Research Publication Submission

1.3 Preparing a Research Talk

2.- Tools and information resources

2.1 Introduction: searching and using information in science and technology.

2.2 Discovering and obtaining scientific information: documentary database

2.3 Tools for the evaluation of scientific quality

2.4 Handling and using references (Refworks)

3.- Applications

3.1 Disseminating research findings

3.2 Resources and research projects

3.3 Research and Thesis.


Basic bibliography

1. A Review Article: BCI Review

Jonathan R Wolpaw, Niels Birbaumer, Dennis J McFarland, Gert Pfurtscheller, and Theresa M Vaughan: Brain-computer interfaces for communication and control, Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol 113, Issue 6, June 2002, Pages 767–791, ISSN 1388-2457

2. A Journal Article: Bayesian Ants

Rónán Daly and Qiang Shen: Learning Bayesian Network Equivalence Classes with Ant Colony Optimization, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Volume 35, Pages 391–447, 2009

3. A Conference Paper: IUI04

Karl E Steiner and Jay Tomkins: Narrative Event Adaptation in Virtual Environments,

Proceedings of the international conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, IUI04, ACM Press, 2004, Pages 46–53

In-depth bibliography

- Bishop, A.P. Scholarly journals on the net: A reader's assessment. Library Trends, 43, 544-570. 1995.

- Braun, T.; Glanzel, W.; Schubert, A. Some data on the distribution of journal publications types in the science citation index database. Scientometrics, 15, 325-330. 1989.

- Campanario, J.M. El control de la comprensión en el aprendizaje de textos científicos. Tesis Doctoral, Universidad de Alcalá: Alcalá de Henares. 1993.

- Day, R. A. How to write and publish a scientific paper. Oryx Presss 1998.

- Eichorn, D.H.; Van den Boss, G.R. Dissemination of scientific and professional knowledge. American Psychologist, 40, 1309-1316. 1985.

- Fitzgerald, D.; Erianne, G. Managing references the esasy way. The Scientist, January 7, 43-46. 2002.

- Michels, R. Peer review. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 76, 217-221. 1995.

- van Oostendorp, H.; Otero, J.C.; Campanario, J.M. Conditions of updating during reading. En Louwerse, M., van Peer, W. (Eds.) Thematics: Interdisciplinary Studies. Series on Converging Evidence in Language and Communication Research, John Benjamins: Londres. 2002.