Asset Publisher

DNA Surf Kickoff Meeting

First publication date: 17/01/2019

EU partners during the meeting in Brussels

The kickoff meeting of DNA-Surf project took place last Monday and Tuesday in Brussels.

It was a great opportunity to meet all the EU partners and to get in contact by videoconference with the international partners at Singapore and USA.

DNASURF is an EU Horizon2020 project [#778001] funded through the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions RISE programme for international and intersectoral Research and Innovation Staff Exchange. The European partners are Newcastle University (UK), University College Dublin (Ireland), Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel), University of the Basque Country (Spain), and University of Birmingham (UK). The International partners are Hokkaido University (Japan), Western Sydney University (Australia), Brigham Young University (USA), National University of Singapore (Singapore), and University of Melbourne (Australia).

The aim of the international network on DNA for Diagnostics (DNASURF) is to achieve a step change in our understanding and ability to engineer the interface between nucleic acids in diagnostic devices.