Juan Etxeberria

Juan Etxeberria

(Department of Education Sciences)

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Juan Etxeberria, is Professor of Statistics in the University of the Basque Country, Doctor in Educational Sciences and graduate in Exact Sciences (Statistics). He is a specialist in Applied Statistics and Multivariate Analyses with special interest in the general linear model and the analysis of textual data. He is main editor of the collection Monografías de Estadística, and belongs to the advisory committee of the magazine RELIEVE. He has published a great deal of articles in international magazines. His most recent books are Regresión múltiple (2007, La Muralla), Estatistika aplikatua: teoria eta praktika (2011, Elhuyar), and Análisis de datos con R (2011). He is a member of the Basque council of Statistics. Eustat. ustat.