Fajardo Portillo Jose Oscar

Fajardo Portillo, Jose Oscar

Personal information

Fajardo Portillo, Jose Oscar

Address: Alda. de Urquijo s/n. C.P.: 48013. Bilbao
Email: joseoscar.fajardo@ehu.es
Telephone: +34 94 601 7361


Academic degrees

University Degree

Career: Engineering in Telecommunications
Intensificación: Telematics
Center: University of The Basque Country
Date of achievement: 2003


Program title: Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones en Redes Móviles
DEA date of achievement: 2005
Thesis title: Adaptación de los mecanismos de provisión de calidad de servicio a las preferencias de los usuarios (Adaptation of QoS provisioning mechanisms to user requirements)
Date of achievement: (In progress)


Dealing with Energy–QoE tradeoffs in mobile video

Fidel Liberal, Ianire Taboada, Jose Oscar Fajardo
Journal of Computer Networks and Communications

<span lang="en">Scalable video coding allows an efficient provision of video services at different quality levels with different energy demands. In order to deal with the resulting trade-off we analyze the number of video layers that are worth to be received taking into account the energy constraints. On one hand, a single-objective optimization is proposed based on dynamically selecting the number of layers, which is able to minimize the energy consumption with the constraint of a minimal quality threshold to be reached. However, this approach cannot reflect the fact that the same increment of energy consumption may result on different increments of visual quality. Thus, a multi-objective optimization is proposed and a utility function defined in order to weight the energy consumption and the visual quality criteria. Finally, since the optimization solving mechanism is computationally expensive to be implemented in mobile devices, a heuristic algorithm is proposed. This way mobile operators and end users could significally reduce their energy consumption while keeping reasonable quality levels.</span>

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