General Information

General Information

About the conference

Project Management is recognized as one of the best tools to create successful developments. The objective of this Conference is to bring together practitioners and academics who wish to discuss and agree on the best practices in both research and education in the field of ProjectManagement. Supported by the consortium around the European Master Program in Project Management - EUROMPM, it will contribute to bridge the gap between the two environments.

We expect contributions from PM professionals, professors and doctorate and master
program students.


Participation is expected from Project Management practitioners and academia. Doctorate and Master programme students are most welcome both as attendants and as speakers/presenters.

Keynote speakers will include members from Industry, from the international ProjectManager Associations and from Universities members of the EUROMPM Master Program.


Three thematic areas have been selected for this first Conference: Research in PM, Sustainability and PM, and Education in PM.

Research in PM: Continuous effort into research is the only guarantee to develop advanced techniques and tools. The PM community is being increasingly recognized through their Scientific Journals. Some of the topics to be discussed are: Methodologies for research of application in Project Management. Trends in PM and PM research. Networking as a tool for research.

Sustainability and PM: The World needs PMs to be aware of the importance of their role into sustainable development projects. . Proposed topics to be discussed are: Influence of sustainability concern on Project Management practice and standards. Importance of PM for efficient Sustainable development.

Education in PM: Project Management professionals feel the need of deepening in their knowledge when they face daily problems. On the other hand, University is the main instrument to educate professionals. Cooperation between academy and industry is a must. Proposed topics to be discussed are: Life long PM education. Higher Education. Doctorate studies and PhD thesis in PM.

For each of the thematic areas, a Keynote speaker will be invited. Besides three selected papers will be presented by their authors and discussed in the corresponding session. Room for display of Posters and other materials will be available in the Venue.

The EUROMPM Manifesto

The conference will end up with the signature of the EUROMPM Manifesto.

The European Master Program in Project Management – EUROMPM - has been running since
2007. Below the EUROMPM label, several European universities have been training students to become knowledgeable PM professionals. Now, the community wishes to extend its network by signing the EUROMPM manifesto as an agreement between universities to cooperate in the design and development of study programs. EUROMPM welcomes participation from universities and companies.

Homage to EUROMPM founders

EUROMPM Master program was created by a group of academics from several European Universities. It was finally implemented in ESC Lille, NTU Trondheim, EHU Bilbao and UAS Dortmund. This conference will play homage to the professors who started the motion.