Projects (from 2004 on)
- "Hydrogen as a clean energetic vector: new production and use concepts" Ministry of Science and Innovation 2004 - 2007
- "Polimerization of refinery streams by thermal treatment" REPSOL YPF 2004 - 2005
- "Heterogeneous catalysts for biofuels production" Science and Technology Ministry. National Plan of Materials 2003 - 2006
- "New gas to liquid (GTL) based on low temperature catalytic partial oxidation" European Union - 5th Framework Programme 2003 - 2005
- "Development and validation of coated pipes against corrosion that can occur in waste incineration boilers." Tubacoat - Group Tubacex 2020 - 2020
- "Sustainable and cost-efficient catalyst for hydrogen and energy storage applications based on liquid organic hydrogen carriers: economic viability for market uptake"
- "Estudio del proceso de pirólisis de una fracción plástica" Waste Plastic Iberia S.L. (WPI) 2022 - 2023
- "Servicio de análisis de muestras de gases, líquidos y sólidos resultantes de un proceso de pirólisis" Nantek HUB S.L. 2022 - 2023
- "Discovery of efficient Enzyme-like Metal Organic frameworks to activate biomethane at low temperature" Horizon Europe - MSCA Doctoral Networks 2022 2023 - 2027
- "International cooperation for sustainable aviation biofuels" Horizon Europe - Climate, Energy and Mobility 2023 - 2026
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