
Contenido de XSL

La adquisición de la pragmática / The acquisition of Pragmatics

Datos generales de la materia



NombreInstituciónCategoríaDoctor/aPerfil docenteÁreaEmail
RUIZ DE ZAROBE, MARIA LEIREUniversidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko UnibertsitateaProfesorado Catedratico De UniversidadDoctoraNo bilingüeFilología

Tipos de docencia

TipoHoras presencialesHoras no presencialesHoras totales
P. de Aula101525

Sistemas de evaluación

DenominaciónPonderación mínimaPonderación máxima
Asistencia y Participación0.0 % 10.0 %
Evaluación mediante presentación de proyectos0.0 % 50.0 %
Exposiciones0.0 % 40.0 %


1. La Pragmática

2. Los actos de habla

3. La cortesía

4. La cultura y la intercultura

5. La enseñanza de la pragmática en L2

6. Cuestiones sobre la adquisición de la pragmática en L2

3. Methodology

a) Lectures, where the teacher will explain the main contents.

b) Exercises and activities, where we will apply and put into practice the theoretical concepts.

c) Oral presentations about pragmatic topics to measure the student's understanding of pragmatic issues.

d) Student's individual assignment: elaboration of a research project.

4. Evaluation

1) Presentation about an author's pragmatic work. The teacher will evaluate the correct interpretation and critical value of the information, the relevance of the information, the analysis and synthesis capacity, the conceptual and expositive clearness, the ordered structure and the use of visual resources (40%).

2) A research design. The teacher will evaluate the research relevance, the correct approach, the rigour, the methodology followed and the assignment's structure (50%)

3) Class attendance, participation and interaction with the teacher and the group (10%)


Bibliografía básica

BARDOVI-HARLIG, K. & MAHAN-TAYLOR; R. (eds) (2003) Teaching pragmatics. Washington, DC, United states Department of State

BARRON, A. (2003) Acquisition in interlanguage pragmatics: learning how to do things with words in a study abroad context, Amsterdam and Philadelphia, Benjamins Publishing Company.

BLUM-KULKA, S. & alt. (1989) Cross-cultural pragmatics : Requests and Apologies. Norwood, N.J. Ablex

BROWN, P. & LEVINSON, S. (1987) Politeness. Some Universals in Language Use. Cambridge University Press.

CUTTING, J. (2015) Pragmatics : a resource book for students, Routledge, 3rd. ed.

GESUATO, S. et alt. (2015)Teaching, learning and investigating pragmatics : principles, methods and practices, Cambridge Scholars

HUANG, Y. (2007) Pragmatics. Oxford University Press

KASPER, G. & alt. (2002) Pragmatics development in a second language. Malden, M.A, Oxford, Blackwell Publishers

LOCASTRO, V. (2012) Pragmatics for Language Educators. A Sociolinguistic Perspective. Routledge

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment, (2011)

OKEEFFE, A. & ALT. (2011) Introducing Pragmatics in Use. Routledge

REMILLARD,V. & WILLIAMS,K.(2016) Human communication across cultures : cross-cultural introduction to pragmatics and sociolinguistics, Equinox

ROSE, K. R. & alt. (2001) Pragmatics in language teaching. Cambridge University Press

RUIZ DE ZAROBE, L. (2005) "La cortesía en la pragmática francesa", en Rz. Somolinos, A. (coord.), Lingüística Francesa,

RUIZ DE ZAROBE, L. (2005) "Los actos de habla en la pragmática francesa", en Rz. Somolinos, A. (coord.), Lingüística Francesa,

RUIZ DE ZAROBE, L. & RUIZ DE ZAROBE, Y. (2012) Speech Acts and Politeness across Languages and Cultures. Bern, Peter Lang

RUIZ DE ZAROBE, L. & RUIZ DE ZAROBE, Y. (2013) "Enseñar la competencia pragmática", in Enseñar hoy una lengua extranjera. Berkeley, Portal Education, 140-183

SENFT,G. (2014) Understanding pragmatics. Routledge

ZUFFEREY, S. (2015) Acquiring pragmatics : social and cognitive perspectives ,Routledge, Taylor & Francis


Journal of Pragmatics

Intercultural Pragmatics

Pragmatics and Society

Contenido de XSL

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