
Contenido de XSL

Perturbaciones y protecciones en Smargrids

Datos generales de la materia


Descripción y contextualización de la asignatura

The main objective of this course is to provide the student with the theoretical and practical knowledge about the protection of power systems and its application to the protection of smartgrids. Thus, the course introduces the basic principles of power system protection, the components of a protection system and its principles of operation and the basic protection functions performed by a protection system. Next, the main characteristics of distribution networks with distributed generation are analyzed, the current protection practice for these networks is also reviewed and the impacts that distributed generators cause on the protection of distribution networks is discussed using practical examples. The results of the previous analysis will lead us to raise the need for new concepts and strategies for protection of smartgrids. Finally, the state of the art of the research areas and new technologies for the protection of smartgrids will be reviewed, based on the integration of the protection system with the communication systems.

In the event that the sanitary conditions prevent the realization of a teaching activity and / or face-to-face evaluation, a non-face-to-face modality will be activated of which the students will be informed promptly.


NombreInstituciónCategoríaDoctor/aPerfil docenteÁreaEmail
EGUIA LOPEZ, PABLOUniversidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko UnibertsitateaProfesorado AgregadoDoctorNo bilingüeIngeniería Elé


Que los estudiantes tengan conocimiento actualizado sobre las técnicas y metodologías de trabajo avanzadas relacionadas con el ámbito de las Smartgrids y la Generación Distribuida, en particular desde el punto de vista de su control.10.0 %
Conocer y aplicar los conceptos y especificaciones de las Smartgrids, sus topologías, sus componentes constitutivos, así como su dimensionamiento básico.25.0 %
Establecer modelos dinámicos de los distintos componentes de las Smartgrids, en particular diferentes unidades de Generación Distribuida.20.0 %
Evaluar y validar modelos y controladores de distintos componentes de las Smartgrids, mediante simulaciones y ensayos experimentales, empleando distintas herramientas informáticas y prototipos.15.0 %
Aplicar herramientas informáticas y de telecomunicaciones como soporte para el control en Smartgrids y Generación Distribuida.10.0 %
Analizar proyectos de I+D+i de Universidades, Centros Tecnológicos y Empresas en el ámbito de las Smartgrids y la Generación Distribuida.10.0 %
Que los estudiantes estén capacitados para comunicarse sobre trabajos realizados en colaboración en equipos multidisciplinares y multilingües nacionales e internacionales formados por profesionales e investigadores que trabajen en el ámbito de las Smartgrids.5.0 %
Que los estudiantes estén capacitados para comprender y analizar documentos técnicos, normas y artículos científicos en la temática del Máster, así como para aplicarlos en el desarrollo de trabajos e investigaciones relacionados con el ámbito de las Smartgrids.5.0 %

Tipos de docencia

TipoHoras presencialesHoras no presencialesHoras totales
P. de Aula61218
P. Ordenador8816

Actividades formativas

DenominaciónHorasPorcentaje de presencialidad
Clases expositivas15.0100 %
Ejercicios15.025 %
Elaboración de informes y exposiciones6.00 %
Estudio sistematizado23.00 %
Exposición de proyectos1.0100 %
Resolución de casos prácticos15.050 %

Sistemas de evaluación

DenominaciónPonderación mínimaPonderación máxima
Examen escrito30.0 % 50.0 %
Exposiciones10.0 % 30.0 %
Trabajos Prácticos30.0 % 40.0 %

Convocatoria ordinaria: orientaciones y renuncia


The final grade in the case of the continuous assessment system will be composed of:

- Written examination: 40%

- Group work: 30%

- Computer lab: 30%

To pass the subject it will be necessary to obtain 5 points out of 10 in the final exam. If this requirement is not met, the final grade will be the weighted average of each part, unless it exceeds 5, in which case the final grade will be 4.5.

To renounce to the continuous evaluation, students must request it in writing to the subject's teaching staff, before week 10 after the beginning of the teaching of said subject. The rejection of the continuous evaluation implies the application of the final evaluation system.

Convocatoria extraordinaria: orientaciones y renuncia

In the final evaluation system, the final grade will be composed of:

- Individual work: 35%

- Final exam: 65%

To pass the subject it will be necessary to obtain 4 points out of 10 in the final exam. If this requirement is not met, the final grade will be the weighted average of each part, unless it exceeds 5, in which case the final grade will be 4.5.

To renounce the call, students must request in writing to the academic committee of the master, at least one week before the official date of the final exam established for the call.


Power system protection. Basic concepts

Protection systems. Equipment and technologies adapted to Smartgrids

Protection functions

Characteristics od distribution networks with distributed generation

Distributed generation impact on the protection of distribution systems

Protections for Smartgrids. New concepts and intelligent protection strategies


Materiales de uso obligatorio

Documentation for the course in eGela platform:

Bibliografía básica

P.M. Anderson. Power system protection. Ed. McGraw Hill IEEE Press, Piscataway, New Jersey: 1999.

Alstom, Network protection and automation guide. Ed. Alstom Grid, Paris: 2011.

H.J. Altuve, E.O. Schweitzer, Modern solutions for protection, control and monitoring of electric power systems. Ed. Schweitzed Engineering Laboratories, Pullman, Washington: 2010.

M.H.J. Bollen, F. Hassan, Integration of distributed generation in the power system. Ed. IEEE Press Series on Power Engineering. Wiley. Hoboken: 2011.

Bibliografía de profundización

A.T. Johns & S. K. Salman, Digital protection for power systems, Ed. IEE Power Series 15, London 1995

G. Ziegler, Numerical distance protection, Ed. Siemens, Berlin: 1999

A.G. Phadke, J.S. Thorp, Synchronized phasor measurements and their applications. Ed. Springer, New York: 2008

CIGRE WG B5.34, Brochure 421: The impact of renewable energy sources and distributed generation on substation protection and automation. August 2010.

IEEE Power System Relay Comittee WG D3, Impact of distributed resources on distribution relay protection. August 2004.

R. Uluski, Creating Smart DISTRIBUTION through AUTOMATION, PAC World Magazine, March 2012.

CIGRE WG C6.11, Brochure 457: Development and operation of active distribution networks. April 2011.


PAC World Magazine

IEEE Power & Energy Magazine

IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid

IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

Electric Power Systems Research

International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems


Contenido de XSL

Sugerencias y solicitudes