Nazioarteko aldizkariak
- Voice Conversion based on Weighted Frequency Warping IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 2010; 19, N.5, 922 - 931 - 1558-7916
- INCA Algorithm for Training Voice Conversion Systems from Nonparallel Corpora IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 2010; 19, N.5, 944 - 953 - 1558-7916
- Automatic Speaker Recognition as a Measurement of Voice Imitation and Conversion International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law, 2010; 17(1), 119 - 142 - 1748-8885
- BiosecurID: a multimodal biometric database Pattern Analysis and Applications, 2010; 13(2), 235 - 246 - 1433-7541
- Simple representation of signal phase for harmonic speech models Electronic Letters, 2009; 45, Issue 7, 381 - 383 - 0013-5194
- Evaluation of automatic break insertion for an agglutinative and inflected language Speech Communication, 2008; 50, Issues 11-12, 888 - 899 - 0167-6393
- Meaningful Parameters in Emotion Characterisation LNAI 4775, 2007; 74 - 84 - 0302-9743
- An Objective and Subjective Study of the Role of Semantics and Prosodic Features in Building Corpora for Emotional TTS IEEE Transactions on audio, speech and language processing, 2006; 14, n. 4, 1117 - 1127 - 1558-7916
- Analysis of the Suitability of Common Corpora for Emotional Speech Modeling in Standard Basque LNAI 3658, 2005; 265 - 272 - 0302-9743
- Acoustical Analysis of Emotional Speech in Standard Basque for Emotions Recognition LNCS 3287, 2004; 386 - 393 - 0302-9743
- Obtaining and Evaluating an Emotional Database for Prosody Modelling in Standard Basque LNAI 3206, 2004; 393 - 400 - 0302-9743
- Parametric Voice Conversion Based on Bilinear Frequency Warping Plus Amplitude Scaling IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 2013; 21(3), 556 - 566 - 1558-7916
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