
XSLaren edukia

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Irakasgaiaren azalpena eta testuingurua

Language acquisition in multilingual settings is often also connected with translation. However, translation is usually ignored in discussions on multilingualism and language teaching. This course provides a basic overview on (audiovisual) translation studies. We will see the major developments in the last 20 years with a critical view. We will try to further develop our ideas on translation in language teaching (TILT).

This course aims to introduce students to the field of (Audiovisual) Translation Studies, and specifically to the use of subtitling in the language classroom in platforms such as ClipFlair. The main objectives are:

a. Evaluate, compare and contrast perspectives on Translation Language Teaching.

b. Analyse critically bibliography on the use of Translation (Subtitling) in the Language Classroom.

c. Develop and improve oral presentation techniques based on individual research in front of an audience. Present the result of bibliographical search, of critical reading of publications chosen by students.

d. Enhance autonomous learning & identification of research topics. Re-search tools (UPV/EHU library). IT tools in classroom practice (ClipFlair)

e. Identify new areas of research (based on informed reading on the use of Translation in Language Teaching).


IzenaErakundeaKategoriaDoktoreaIrakaskuntza-profilaArloaHelbide elektronikoa
CABANILLAS GONZALEZ, MARIA CANDELASEuskal Herriko UnibertsitateaUnibertsitateko Irakaslego LankideaDoktoreaElebakarraItzulpengintza eta
TAMAYO MASERO, ANAEuskal Herriko UnibertsitateaIrakaslego AgregatuaDoktoreaElebidunaItzulpengintza eta

Irakaskuntza motak

MotaIkasgelako orduakIkasgelaz kanpoko orduakOrduak guztira

Ohiko deialdia: orientazioak eta uko egitea

Students will be asked to submit a final report on the issue of Translation in Language Teaching (TILT).


Language acquisition in multilingual settings is often also connected with translation. However, translation is usually ignored in discussions on multilingualism. This course on provides a basic overview on translation studies and translation theory. We will see the major developments in translation studies in the last 30 years with a critical view. We will try to further develop our ideas on translation. Since many research studies on language acquisition use (multilingual) corpora, the course focuses on corpus based translation studies and provides basic skills on building and analysing multilingual corpora.

This course aims to introduce students to the field of Translation Studies, and specifically to the use of subtitling in the language classroom. The main objectives are:

a. Evaluate, compare and contrast perspectives on Translation in the Language Classroom.

b. Analyse critically bibliography on the use of Translation (Subtitling) in the Language Classroom.

c. Develop and improve oral presentation techniques of research in front of an audience. Present the result of bibliographical search, of critical reading of publications chosen by students.

d. Enhance autonomous learning & identification of research topics. Re-search tools (UPV/EHU library). IT tools in classroom practice (ClipFlair)

e. Identify new areas of research (based on informed reading on the use of Translation in the language classroom).

Topic 1. Translation Studies: lines of research.

Topic 2. IT tools in Translation Studies. Corpus based translation studies,

Topic 3. Translation & Language Teaching. Translation in the language classroom.

Topic 4. Subtitling in the language classroom: new trends. The ClipFlair project: traits & applications


Nahitaez erabili beharreko materiala



Biblioteka UPV/EHU (online and offline resources)

Oinarrizko bibliografia

Bassnett, Susan & André Lefevere. 1998. Constructing Cultures. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Gentzler, Edwin. 1993. Contemporary Translation Theories. London & New York: Routledge.

Hermans, Theo. 1985. The Manipulation of Literature. Studies in Literary Translation. London& Sidney: Croom Helm.

Hermans, Theo. 1999. Translation in Systems. Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing.

Hatim, B. e I. Mason. 1990. Discourse and the Translator. Londres: Longman.

Laviosa, S. (2002). Corpus-based translation studies : theory, findings, applications. Amsterdam ; New York, Rodopi.

Newmark, P. 1988. A Textbook of Translation. Londres: Prentice Hall International.

Newmark, P. 1992. Manual de traducción. Traducción de Virgilio Moya. Madrid: Cátedra

Nida, E.A. 1975. Language Structure and Translation: Essays. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

Nida, E.A. y C.R. Taber. 1986. La Traducción: teoría y práctica. Madrid: Cristiandad.

Nord, C. 1991. Text Analysis in Translation: Theory, Methodology, and Didactic Application of a Model for Translation-Oriented Analysis. Amsterdam: Rodopi.

Ortega y Gasset, J. 1937. ¿Miseria y esplendor de la traducción¿, en: Obras completas. Tomo 5. Madrid: Alianza.

Reiss, K. y H.J. Vermeer. (1984/1996). Grundlegung einer allgemeinen Translations-theorie. Tubinga: Niemeyer. (Fundamentos para una teoría funcional de la traducción. Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid: Akal. 1996).

Zanettin, F. (2000). ¿Parallel Corpora in Translation Studies: Issues of Corpus Design and Analysis¿. Intercultural Faultlines. Research Models in Translation Studies I. Textual and Cognitive Aspects. M. Olohan. Manchester, St. Jerome, 105-118.


Journals (TS)

Babel (J. Benjamins)



Perspectives. Studies in Translatology

The Translator


XSLaren edukia

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