
XSLaren edukia

Proiektu konkretuekiko aplikazioak

Gaiari buruzko datu orokorrak


Irakasgaiaren azalpena eta testuingurua

The subject/course that is taught at the end of the Master. The aim of the subject is to provide the students with the required background to implement in real systems the control of grid connected power inverters and control electric machinery basically as electric generator.

The students require a previous knowledge of vector control, Matlab and Simulink programming skills, skills of Power Electronics, Controllers Regulation and Electric Grid Characteristics.

In the event that the sanitary conditions prevent the realization of a teaching activity and / or face-to-face evaluation, a non-face-to-face modality will be activated of which the students will be informed promptly


IzenaErakundeaKategoriaDoktoreaIrakaskuntza-profilaArloaHelbide elektronikoa
ALKORTA EGIGUREN, PATXIEuskal Herriko UnibertsitateaUnibertsitateko Irakaslego TitularraDoktoreaElebidunaSistemen Ingeniaritza eta
CORTAJARENA ECHEVERRIA, JOSE ANTONIOEuskal Herriko UnibertsitateaUnibertsitateko Irakaslego TitularraDoktoreaElebakarraTeknologia
SAN MARTIN DIAZ, JOSE IGNACIOEuskal Herriko UnibertsitateaUnibertsitateko Irakaslego TitularraDoktoreaElebakarraIngeniaritza


Ikasleek Smartgrid eta Sorkuntza Banaturari sorkuntzari loturiko teknika eta lan metodologien inguruko ezagutza eguneratua edukitzea,batez ere horiek kontrolatzearen ikuspegitik. 10.0 %
Smartgrid-en kontzeptuak eta zehaztapenak ezagutu eta aplikatzea, baita haien tipologiak, osatzen dituzten osagaiak eta oinarrizko dimentsionatzea ere. 10.0 %
Smartgrid-en osagai ezberdinen eredu dinamikoak ezartzea, batez ere, Sorkuntza Banatuko unitateak. 5.0 %
Smartgrid-en osagai desberdinentzako tokiko kontroleko legeak diseinatzea, batez ere banatutako sorkuntza unitateak. 10.0 %
Jarduteko eta kudeaketarako estrategiak diseinatzea, Smartgrid sareak erregulatzeko teknika aurreratuak barne. 5.0 %
Smartgrid-en osagai ezberdinen eredu eta kontrolatzaileak ebaluatzea eta balidatzea, simulazio eta saiakuntza esperimentalen bidez. Horretarako, tresna informatiko eta prototipo ezberdinak erabiliko dira. 15.0 %
Tresna informatikoak eta telekomunikazio tresnak aplikatzea Smartgrid eta Sorkuntza Banatua kontrolatzeko. 10.0 %
Smartgrid-en alorrean lan egiten duten profesionalez eta aztertzaileez osatutako diziplina anitzeko talde eleanitzek, nazionalek zein nazioartekoek, egindako lanen gainean ikasleek komunikatzeko gaitasuna izatea. 15.0 %
Ikasleek heldutasun tekniko eta zientifiko nahiko izatea beste eragile batzuekin elkarlanean egindako proiektuetan parte hartzeko, baita era autonomoan Smartgrid-en alorreko ezagutza eta metodologiaren garapen etengabera moldatzeko ere. 10.0 %
Ikasleak masterraren gaiari buruzko dokumentu teknikoak, arauak eta artikulu zientifikoak ulertzeko eta aztertzeko gaituta egotea, baita Smartgrid-en alorreko garapen lanetan horiek aplikatzeko gai izatea ere. 10.0 %

Irakaskuntza motak

MotaIkasgelako orduakIkasgelaz kanpoko orduakOrduak guztira
Gelako p.505
Laborategiko p.4575120

Irakaskuntza motak

IzenaOrduakIkasgelako orduen ehunekoa
Azalpenezko eskolak10.0100 %
Ikasketa sistematizatua10.00 %
Kasu praktikoen ebazpena120.040 %
Proiektuen azalpena2.0100 %
Txostenak eta azalpenak lantzea8.00 %


IzenaGutxieneko ponderazioaGehieneko ponderazioa
Azalpenak10.0 % 10.0 %
Garatu beharreko galderak10.0 % 10.0 %
Lan praktikoak75.0 % 80.0 %

Ohiko deialdia: orientazioak eta uko egitea


The professor will assign a project to the student that will be developed in the laboratory. The elaboration process and the results will be used to evaluate the subject.


According to article 8 of the Regulations, regulating the assessment of students in the official degrees, the students shall have the right to be evaluated by means of the FINAL EVALUATION SYSTEM, independently of the fact that has or has not participated in the CONTINUOUS EVALUATION SYSTEM. In order to do so, students must present the following information

written to the teacher in charge of the subject the renunciation of the CONTINUOUS EVALUATION within a period of 9 weeks from the beginning of the term. In this case, the student will be assessed with a single final exam, which will will include a practical part, which will comprise 100% of the grade. Final grade= 0.85*EX+0.15*PL. In order to pass you must obtain at least 5 points out of 10 in both the written test (EX) and the practical test(PL).


According to article 12 of the Regulations, regulating the assessment of students in the official degrees, in the case of CONTINUOUS EVALUATION, the student may renounce the call for proposals within a period which, as a minimum,will be up to one month before the end of the teaching period of the corresponding subject. This waiver must be submitted in writing to the teacher responsible for the subject. In the case of FINAL EVALUATION, a no presentation to the official examination will result in the automatic waiver of the corresponding call. Renunciation of the call will result in the qualification of not presented.

Ezohiko deialdia: orientazioak eta uko egitea

The criteria to pass each activity as the weighting of the grade will be the same as in the ordinary call.


A no presentation to the official examination will result in the automatic waiver of the corresponding call. Renunciation of the call will result in the qualification of not presented.


Design and assembly of a 7 kW wind system. Design and assembly of a photovoltaic solar system. Design and implementation of a microgrid.

Modelling, linearization, discretization of systems and controllers applied to the specified projects.

Programming of controllers in C language and graphic language, Real-Time programming and DSP microprocessor programming applied to the specified projects.

Control of DC/DC and DC/AC converters applied to the specified projects. Power-control interface, measurement circuits (voltage and current).

Measurement of electrical variables in single and three phase grids. Electrical power quality indices. Grid quality. Actions to prevent and correct electrical disturbances. Protections and regulations for electrical grid.


Nahitaez erabili beharreko materiala

Documentation of the subject's web page. Accessible at:

Oinarrizko bibliografia

B. C. Kuo, F. Golnaraghi. Automatic control systems (8th Edition). Ed. John willey & sons.

B. C. Kuo, F. Golnaraghi. Discrete time systems (2nd Edition). Ed. Prentice-Hall

MathWorks. An Introduction to Writing S-Functions for the MPC 5553.

National Instriments. Getting started with LabVIEW, Texas: 2012.

National Instriments. Getting started with the LabVIEW Real-Time module, Texas: 2005.

National Instruments. LabVIEW 2012 Help.

F28M35H52C Concerto Microcontrollers (Texas Instruments).

C2000 F28M3x Microcontrollers (Texas Instruments).

TMS28335/235 Data Manual (Texas Instruments).

Daniel W. Hart. Power Electronics. Prentice Hall.

Muhammad H. Rashid. Power Electronics. Prentice Hall

James Momoh.Smart Grid: Fundamentals of Design and Analysis (IEEE Press Series on Power Engineering).

Honda Power Equipment: Owner¿s Manual GX120-GX160, Honda Motor CO. LTD.

Reglamento Electrotécnico de Baja Tensión y sus Instrucciones Técnicas Complementarias. Ibergarceta Publicaciones, S.L 2011.

Meier, Alexandra von. Electric Power Systems: A Conceptual Introduction. John Wiley & Sons, 2006.

IEEE Standard 519 Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems.

Gehiago sakontzeko bibliografia

H.-P. Halvorsern. OPC and Real-Time systems in LabVIEW. Faculty of Technology, Porsgrunn (Norway): 2012.

Microcontrollers in solar applications, Texas Instruments, Dallas 2013.

Developing a smart HEV/EV infrastructure-based charger, Texas Instruments, Dalas 2012.

Ion Boldea & Lucian Tutela. Electric Machines. CRC Press. Taylor and Francis Group.

Bimal K. Bose. Power Electronics and Variable Frequency Drives. IEEE Press.

Department of Energy of USA: The smart Grid - an introduction, 2008

Bollen, M.H.J., Hger, M., Power quality: interaction between distributed energy resources, the grid and other customers. Electric Power Quality and Utilisation Magazine 1(1), 2005.


Renewable Energy (Elsevier)

Applied Energy (Elsevier)

Electric Power Systems Research (Elsevier)

Energy (Elsevier)

Journal of Power Sources (Elsevier)


XSLaren edukia

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